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Wanted - Bmx

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Looking for a BMX - saw one on manx.net which sounded ideal, but the person keeps on ignoring me after saying it was still for sale and me telling him I really wanted it and I will end up on the end of a restraining order if I text him anymore.......


Not looking to spend too much as it will get battered no doubt by my son (aka Bam Margera).


He wants a mongoose (although my husband is trying to make him go retro and get a Raleigh burner) - but they are too expensive to buy new - he can have a new one for christmas but needs something for the summer - so if anyone has got one lying unloved in the shed or garage - I will give it a home, where it will not be unloved and left in the shed but ridden several hours a day.......


Any sort of decentish bmx bike that isn't in a state and absolutely battered will be considered (but the final decision will be by little WLTM - he knows what he wants!!)


looking to pay no more than about £80.00 but if a really decent one comes up then I might stretch to a bit more!!!



cheers dudes



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They show up on manx.net classifieds pretty regularly, keep watching! You also see em down the tip occasionally, amazing what people throw.


I'm amazed there's not a better 2nd hand market for bikes over here. Been looking for a 20' for my boy for a while, but no joy, bought new in the end. They must just get dumped :(

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My son is really into his BMX, and I spent £300 just on a frame for him, so be prepared - it can get an expensive hobby!


A few of his friends have used this website




And got someone to stick it on the seacat for them. Even if you don't choose to order from there, it will give you a very good idea of what you should be paying.


A couple of things I would look out for is


1 - How many pegs can go on the frame (if your son is starting out, I would go for 4 until he finds his natural side for grinding).


2 - Has is got brake lugs? A lot of BMXers don't use any kind of brakes at all on their bikes and the frames have no lugs on them for the cables, but for a starter I would make sure that you can fit at least one brake (usually the front).


3 - What width are the handlebars? The wider ones make the BMX much easier to control.


If you have any questions I can help you with, drop me a PM and I can hopefully save you some money and grief! Failing that, I might be able to get the son to part with one of his old frames so you can get your son to build his own.

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Have a look on the noticeboards in shoprite too as they seem to appear there from time to time.


Must be a thing about bicycle sellers on Manxnet - I tried buying a mountain bike recently from someone selling a few and first time round got completely ignored, then finally got some info, arranged to come and see/buy it, then got sent more information about the bike approx 2 minutes before I rang up and was told it had been sold to someone else. What a bad mannered tit the seller was!

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