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[BBC News] Waste officials face opponents


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This government never learns.


They don't realise that-


People don't understand capital expenditure within departments cannot be moved to other departments eg to DHSS


People don;t understand the planning process.


People should be properly consulted when something like this amenity site is planned. It involves 5 local authorities and 2 people who work on the site.



Why on earth didn't they all sit down and discuss how the site could be improved?


Building a flash new facility for the local authorities to run is like building somebody a posh new house and handing it over saying, " We'd like you to have this. You will have to manage it and pay all the bills.'


It would be much beter to involve people early in the planning process and avoid these stand-offs with DLGE.


The site does need to be improved but local people should be involved in the process from the beginning.

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This government never learns.


They don't realise that-


People don't understand capital expenditure within departments cannot be moved to other departments eg to DHSS


People don;t understand the planning process.


People should be properly consulted when something like this amenity site is planned. It involves 5 local authorities and 2 people who work on the site.



Why on earth didn't they all sit down and discuss how the site could be improved?


Building a flash new facility for the local authorities to run is like building somebody a posh new house and handing it over saying, " We'd like you to have this. You will have to manage it and pay all the bills.'


It would be much beter to involve people early in the planning process and avoid these stand-offs with DLGE.


The site does need to be improved but local people should be involved in the process from the beginning.

Well put Moghrey Mie.

IMO, explaining to the people at the beginning as to the necessity and cost effectiveness of the site over the long run, might prevent the feeling of various departments appearing to run rough shod and haphazardly trying to bulldoze things through.

Maybe they're concerned over the NIMBY's as like the initial intended site of the prison in Braddan or other information we're not privy to, but as mentioned earlier, just discuss this with people first.

Maybe they do?

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It would be much beter to involve people early in the planning process and avoid these stand-offs with DLGE.


The site does need to be improved but local people should be involved in the process from the beginning.



From gov website:


How to get involved?

The next stage in the process is the preparation of the Draft Area Plan for the South. It is expected that this will be published for public consultation in September/October 2009. Full publicity of the publication of the Plan will be given at that time.


Why get involved?

This is your local area and you can help decide how it might look in the future. Your views and experience are vital to the planning team to enable them to devise policies which can assist in creating the places you want to live, work and spend time in.


Seems fair to me.

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The point is that although they knew what was planned the local commissioners don't appear to have explained anything to the local people.


Only Peel commissioners held a meeting.


John Kennaugh talks to his cronies and thinks that consultation is not necessary.


I wonder how many of those 5 local authorities have newsletters or websites to communicate with the local people.

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But the draft plan has not being published for the public yet. Its available in September/October this year and is a draft plan. So surely that's when the public get round the table and start saying "That's looks like a pile of shit" and so the public consultation process begins.


I think people are jumping the gun if they haven't even seen the proposal yet.

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But the draft plan has not being published for the public yet. Its available in September/October this year and is a draft plan. So surely that's when the public get round the table and start saying "That's looks like a pile of shit" and so the public consultation process begins.


I think people are jumping the gun if they haven't even seen the proposal yet.



I am not talking about the Southern Plan but about the plans for the Western Amenity site-which is what this thread is about.

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But the draft plan has not being published for the public yet. Its available in September/October this year and is a draft plan. So surely that's when the public get round the table and start saying "That's looks like a pile of shit" and so the public consultation process begins.


I think people are jumping the gun if they haven't even seen the proposal yet.



I am not talking about the Southern Plan but about the plans for the Western Amenity site-which is what this thread is about.


Moghrey Mie,


Peel has a website www.peelonline.net


Peel also has newsletters and provides items for West News.


The Peel town Commissioners have as you have posted consulted over the expansion, this has been under discussion since 2004, the amount has been in the pink book for 3 years and has gone through the planning process and tender process for the work. The expansion will go ahead unless Tynwald refuse the expenditure.


There are two seperate points:-

1/ Capital Expenditure, this is for projects and can't be diverted to operational items, if there is no expansion the money stays in the pot for the next project. Paid by Central Government!

2/ The operational expanditure is the costs to run the site, with the cost being covered by the ratepayers.


The site expansion will allow for more recycling and reuse and will be best practice as well as Health and Safety compliant. The operational costs of the expansion are not known at this time though there has been projections of possible costs. Peel pays around 40% of the operational cost, the worst case scenario puts a £10 charge on each property per year.


Those at the meeting were passionate about re-use which they felt would suffer by this improved site, there is a great benefit to re-use as it has a nil cost, no skips and no disposal costs. It will be down to the committee to ensure that this as well as the friendliness of the site continues and improves.


That's the plan anyway.......hope it helps!

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Yes, the Peel website is great.


What about Patrick and German? Did they tell their residents what was being planned for the site?


I still say the government needs to educate people about how budgets and planning and local government work.

There needs to be much more real communication and debate at a local level.

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This government never learns.


They don't realise that-


People don't understand capital expenditure within departments cannot be moved to other departments eg to DHSS


Well why on earth not? If money is available and earmarked for something that people don't want why not spend it on something they do. It shouldn't be rocket science. Joined up government?

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Yes, the Peel website is great.


What about Patrick and German? Did they tell their residents what was being planned for the site?


I still say the government needs to educate people about how budgets and planning and local government work.

There needs to be much more real communication and debate at a local level.


Moghrey Mie, German Commissioner John Kennaugh was asked the question on the night and he advised that the Commissioners are well known and the people will contact them if there is an issue.


Peel Town Commissioners are looking to improve communication and are having an open day on the 27th June in the Phillip Christian Center on Derby road, behind the town hall. This was agreed as the date at the last public meeting. A newsletter will also be done to advise the ratepayers of important issues before the board.


It is down to each authority as to how to best communicate with the ratepayer.


Patrick had a representative at the Peel day to help answer any queries, where the plans were on show.


There are a lot of things that are not communicated very well and is why the Government made a consultation policy, which needs to be done for change of policy etc, the issue with the WCAS expansion was that it was improving an existing facility and fell out of the remit.


Planning has recently been changed to add the notice on the boundary, prior to that you had to spot it in the press!


Budgets whether local or central Government have different funding for example:-

Peel has Commissioners housing, which they manage, any works that are needed that take them into defficit in that area is covered by central Government.

The Rates are used to cover items such as the beach shower, public toilets etc etc.

The Roads are cleaned by the Commissioners and this is covered by a recharge to the DOT.


Therefore there are 3 cost bases that are included, where time and materials are allocated.


Capital projects for the Commissioners are funded by bank loans via the IOM bank which has been set at a good rate, the costs are then covered by the money from housing rent or if it is a ratepayers facility like a new park it is put on the rates for the life of the equipment.


Anyone can contact their commissioners for an informal chat on how budgets are made up and allocated, the Peel website has the facility to contact the Commissioners directly or submit a comments form to the town clerk/warden to inform of any problems.

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