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Police Brutality Or He Got What He Deserved?


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Watch the video - he nearly takes out one of the cops and obviously doesn't give a shit about the welfare of anyone else.


We've seen plenty of OTT incidents from cops recently but I don't think this is one of them. Personally I think he got what he deserved.

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Kinda hard to say...on the one hand he is quite clearly an absolute waste of space, endangering the lives of people around him and very nearly killing a police officer...also I can imagine after something like that the coppers are running on pure adrenaline, even the most highly trained professional sometimes loses it in situations like that. I think getting sacked is a bit OTT really considering.


On the other hand...he had just been flung out of a car that was flipping over and was quite clearly unconcious when they layed into him :lol:

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On the other hand...he had just been flung out of a car that was flipping over and was quite clearly unconcious when they layed into him :lol:


i agree, they should have waited till he came round before kicking the crap out of him.

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We've seen plenty of OTT incidents from cops recently but I don't think this is one of them. Personally I think he got what he deserved.


I am interested to know what these incidents are where the police HAVE been OTT, did the police rampage and mass murder someone or something?


Of course this is OTT, it is absolutely disgusting behaviour. Deservedness shouldn't enter into your judgement on this. The police are not there to mete out justice, but are supposed to BRING people TO some form of justice. If you do believe that police should use violence, which is a conventional view, then you have to recognise that this guy was unconscious and not resisting arrest.


I think getting sacked is a bit OTT really considering.


Again, I don't understand how you think a sacking is too much. I think they should be prosecuted for assault, certainly not sacked and allowed to appeal.


As to what justice (in the courts) society receives...well that is a different matter entirely.



From what I can tell from reading that article and what pisses me off even more was that this 'criminal' was to be questioned about DRUGS. Nothing terrible or threatening to society. He did the understandable and tried to maintain his freedom, as he must have been surely guilty of having them or dealing them. He just did wrong in my mind by putting other drivers at risk on the road in escaping from the police.


But Mr Falls said he did not believe race was a motivation in the attack on Warren, who is black, saying both black and white officers were involved.


WTF? So if there is a black police officer there it must mean that the beating is not racially motivated? What a load of shit. It MAY not be racially motivated at all, but by having a black officer in the group it doesn't make a bit of difference.

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what pisses me off even more was that this 'criminal' was to be questioned about DRUGS. Nothing terrible or threatening to society.

You were doing well up until then.

But that is bullshit.

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If someone breaks the law then they should face the consequences of their actions, no use crying about it when the police catch up with you. In some parts of the world a thief would have their hand cut off. At least that acts as a deterrent for others who may think about doing the same and therefore significantly lowers the crime rate.

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If someone breaks the law then they should face the consequences of their actions, no use crying about it when the police catch up with you. In some parts of the world a thief would have their hand cut off. At least that acts as a deterrent for others who may think about doing the same and therefore significantly lowers the crime rate.



Well said – I say there needs to be direct strict punishments for anybody breaking the law in any capacity. Never mind giving people suspended jail sentences with a cheeky monkey scrub on the head,


Murderers, Rapists and child abusers should be stood up against a wall and shot.


Heard today the mother of Baby P has been given 5 years! What type of justice is this? She should be given the electric chair along with the other evil bastards.

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If someone breaks the law then they should face the consequences of their actions, no use crying about it when the police catch up with you. In some parts of the world a thief would have their hand cut off. At least that acts as a deterrent for others who may think about doing the same and therefore significantly lowers the crime rate.


Well that is the purpose of the law, to punish those who break it, but I don't know what you mean about crying about it.


In some parts of the world the establishments punishments are terribly brutal and unjust. But these punishments are the result of some form of sentencing and are not carried out by the police force. (Although it is unfortunate that in many countries police brutality is condoned by the civilian populace, such as in Pakistan where a good beating by the police against 'wrongdoers' is accepted).


In any case, we can at least be fortunate that our cultural ideas surrounding law are less barbaric and somewhat more enlightened (but not very - see quote below) than the backward and inhumane systems adopted by those countries who allow maiming and capital punishment. Such punishments only exist to maintain the authority need to keep the populace in fear. It allows them to ignore the problems that lie at the heart of that society.


If maiming is a deterrent (and by deterrent, I assume you mean one that is effective) then why does this practise take place as often as it does, it is hardly a rarity? Why do people undertake acts upon recognition of the penalty of having one's hand lopped off?


Anyway, like I said, the police force's role is not punish...(apparently).


I say there needs to be direct strict punishments for anybody breaking the law in any capacity.


Which is really the attitude of those who have absolutely no consideration for the problems in society and how to deal with them, but would rather just harshly punish simply because a law is broken.

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