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Police Brutality Or He Got What He Deserved?


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I say there needs to be direct strict punishments for anybody breaking the law in any capacity.


Which is really the attitude of those who have absolutely no consideration for the problems in society and how to deal with them, but would rather just harshly punish simply because a law is broken.



The light approach doesn't work, I do consider problems in society and they should be dealt with swiftly and harshly then maybe this country wouldn't be in such a mess.


Like wise everybody has a different view and that's what it's all about

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did anyone see the piers morgan doco on dubai .. crime rate in 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 per thousand of population .. thats the effect chopping a thiefs hand of has.. .. a place where you can drop your mobile phone in the street and go back and pick it up 20 mins later etc..


i hate petty thievery fuckers need a good kicking..

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Threads like these bring out the worst in some forum contributors.


I suspect those most in favour of excessive punishments know deep in their black little hearts that they would do the same or worse if they were in the same position.


The threat of punishment is not necessary to stop most people breaking the law, and not sufficient to dissuade those whose economic circumstances or moral compass leads them to do so.


What unpleasant people some of you are.



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no .. all to do with one man making simple laws then having the balls to make sure they are carried out ..


also no alcahol and no drugs .. 90% of societies ills dispatched with str8 away..


Then what sort of society does that create? Do you admire the society of the UAE?


Besides, I didn't think they did lop off people's body parts in that country, though I know they have severe laws. I may be wrong.

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no ..


i quoted an example of a virtually crime free nation .. how they achieve it is a different thing .. but it patently works no matter what the socio economic status of its populace or parts of .. however fear of consequence will be no deterent to an individual who is ill and murders/sick things will still happen..

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It's really easy to sit and pontificate on the actions of the police from the safety of an armchair, I always try and bear in mind these are ordinary blokes who are employed as the dustbin-men of society and sometimes it is 'hardly surprising they smell of fisheads'. Yes there are excesses but lets not lose sight of the fact that their presence is why we sleep safe in our beds.

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no ..


i quoted an example of a virtually crime free nation .. how they achieve it is a different thing .. but it patently works no matter what the socio economic status of its populace or parts of .. however fear of consequence will be no deterent to an individual who is ill and murders/sick things will still happen..


How can you say it works? What is working specifically and how can it be proved? Simply having a very low crime rate doesn't indicate very much at all in terms of the effectiveness of the method of punishment.


Yes there are excesses but lets not lose sight of the fact that their presence is why we sleep safe in our beds.


(I accidentally deleted my original post) I have to ask how you think this is this case?

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no ..


i quoted an example of a virtually crime free nation .. how they achieve it is a different thing .. but it patently works no matter what the socio economic status of its populace or parts of .. however fear of consequence will be no deterent to an individual who is ill and murders/sick things will still happen..


How can you say it works? What is working specifically and how can it be proved? Simply having a very low crime rate doesn't indicate very much at all in terms of the effectiveness of the method of punishment.


Yes there are excesses but lets not lose sight of the fact that their presence is why we sleep safe in our beds.


(I accidentally deleted my original post) I have to ask how you think this is this case?



i cannot say it works i am taking a massive leap and just assuming they have a low crime rate because they will publically whip them to an inch of their life or chop their wanking hands off..

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