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Would You Give It Back?


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I hope that these guys are caught and severely punished for this

If your charging £60 per head per night for homestay so should you.


My guests have always been very happy about their stay at my house

Joking aside i am wondering why you are charging an excessive £60 per night per person,it does seem rather a lot to pay for "homestay",i understood that there were guidelines on what one could infact charge for this kind of holiday accomodation!You talk of a "rip off steam packet" etc but it does seem the "rip off" is a little nearer to home Toadie!If you have 2 people to stay with you for 1 week thats £840,just for bed & breakfast, i assume you dont charge extra for breakfast!No wonder the tourism industry is going down the loo.

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Depends, I have always maintained a high threshold level for dishonesty, at the moment I reckon I would 'disappear' for £4million. Anything less 'just isn't worth it', my life as it is, is great, however I could do a lot (for others) with £4million so might be tempted to trade in my cushty life & go be Robin Hood. I don't think in reality I would but it's fun to muse the possibility.


If I was them, I'd be running like billy-o.

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Hahaha, oops. I'd assume that it would be the bank that would take the hit and not the customer's of the bank?


Dont you belive it look at the Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander IOM fiasco.


yes-Bellyup I have to agree with you


I don't know too much about this Singer and Friedlander fiasco. But in this instance it was an error that lay with the bank which created this situation. The bank could not easily and would not want to foist its problem onto the customer.

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