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North Korea


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Is that really true? I think all the Nuclear weapon states have made significant reductions in recent years - the US and Russia are discussing more at the moment.


I agree with you though it is very unlikely that such reductions will ever be sufficient to threaten their deterent policies, but then again I think the nuclear umbrellas do provide a genuine deterence which has helped maintain peace.


The issue for me is command and control of those weapons - there is no way whatsoever you want unstable nations without comprehensive command and control to own nukes.


The current near universal treaty stopping proliferation is a good thing and in my view you'd be mad to scrap it cos its unfair!

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Is that really true? I think all the Nuclear weapon states have made significant reductions in recent years - the US and Russia are discussing more at the moment.


I agree with you though it is very unlikely that such reductions will ever be sufficient to threaten their deterent policies, but then again I think the nuclear umbrellas do provide a genuine deterence which has helped maintain peace.


The issue for me is command and control of those weapons - there is no way whatsoever you want unstable nations without comprehensive command and control to own nukes.


The current near universal treaty stopping proliferation is a good thing and in my view you'd be mad to scrap it cos its unfair!


Both the US and Russia are scrapping their weapons because they are largely redundant for the purposes of deterrence in the current international climate. However, these countries are not making efforts to disarm, they are simply reducing stocks. And Britain is currently updating its deterrent.


No, you don't want unstable nations getting hold of these. Unfortunately, because of the hypocrisy of the nuclear weapons states it has to be asked why these countries have the right to determine who has them and who does not. In my view, Iran has every right to go ahead and develop them and intervention from the United States is just preventing Iran from effecting the balance (or imbalance) of power in that region. The same is true of North Korea.

And then look at Israel, it is known that it possesses nuclear weapons but the United States must support this given its lack of intervention.


The current treaty needs changing or the nuclear weapon states need to disarm.

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Is that really true? I think all the Nuclear weapon states have made significant reductions in recent years - the US and Russia are discussing more at the moment.


I agree with you though it is very unlikely that such reductions will ever be sufficient to threaten their deterent policies, but then again I think the nuclear umbrellas do provide a genuine deterence which has helped maintain peace.


The issue for me is command and control of those weapons - there is no way whatsoever you want unstable nations without comprehensive command and control to own nukes.


The current near universal treaty stopping proliferation is a good thing and in my view you'd be mad to scrap it cos its unfair!


Both the US and Russia are scrapping their weapons because they are largely redundant for the purposes of deterrence in the current international climate. However, these countries are not making efforts to disarm, they are simply reducing stocks. And Britain is currently updating its deterrent.


No, you don't want unstable nations getting hold of these. Unfortunately, because of the hypocrisy of the nuclear weapons states it has to be asked why these countries have the right to determine who has them and who does not. In my view, Iran has every right to go ahead and develop them and intervention from the United States is just preventing Iran from effecting the balance (or imbalance) of power in that region. The same is true of North Korea.

And then look at Israel, it is known that it possesses nuclear weapons but the United States must support this given its lack of intervention.


The current treaty needs changing or the nuclear weapon states need to disarm.


Morally, you are correct. But might is right.



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Is that really true? I think all the Nuclear weapon states have made significant reductions in recent years - the US and Russia are discussing more at the moment.


I agree with you though it is very unlikely that such reductions will ever be sufficient to threaten their deterent policies, but then again I think the nuclear umbrellas do provide a genuine deterence which has helped maintain peace.


The issue for me is command and control of those weapons - there is no way whatsoever you want unstable nations without comprehensive command and control to own nukes.


The current near universal treaty stopping proliferation is a good thing and in my view you'd be mad to scrap it cos its unfair!


maintained peace you say china ..


well if peace has been maintained then it should be easy for you too pick a month between 1939 and june 2009 that there has not been atleast one war in progress on this planet..


go ahead and try.

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maintained peace you say china ..


well if peace has been maintained then it should be easy for you too pick a month between 1939 and june 2009 that there has not been atleast one war in progress on this planet..


go ahead and try.


I do not know for certain but I'd assume that Chinahand was referring to total war.

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ldv i remember one christmas years ago .. there was this amazing facts thingy i either read or watched .. i may not be sure when it was but the figure is crystal clear as i played alot of snooker at the time .. and that particular christmas there were 147 wars in progress at that time .. ireland was one of them.

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i dont ldv .. they are certified nutters .. however i doubt the reporter that cannot spell neighbours.


Seoul's Yonhap news agency reported today that South Korea had doubled the number of naval ships around the disputed sea border with the North amid concern the communist neighbor could provoke an armed clash there —

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no offense meant ldv but your thinking is a bit outta the box most of the time son...


Look at how well this socialist state has done for itself in terms of staving off what it considers malign influences. And look also at how it uses nuclear weapons and hostages as convenient bargaining chips to extract food and supplies from the international community. The Korean leaders would not jeopardise their control over the country - why do something stupid like launch a nuke?

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Here are some real nut cases. People from 'the West' who go to North Korea because the praise the regime. It seems they are too in love with the idea of a system that demonstratably doesn't work and is causing people to suffer more than in capitalist countries. They don't know enough about it. That spanish guy is a complete mental.


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Here are some real nut cases. People from 'the West' who go to North Korea because the praise the regime. It does demonstrate people who have understandable criticisms of capitalists. But it seems you are too in love with the idea of a system that demonstratably doesn't work and is causing people to suffer more than in capitalist countries. That spanish guy is a complete mental.


nukes?nukes? arent they old?hmmm them bloody flip flop's are abit slow in the mellon?"helium-4"! is the way ahead!where 2 blow up first. the sun if your going to do it do it right. (Yat-sen RIP)

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