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Just A Quick Rant

Keith brief

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Here's another rant - can the 8 nob heads I spotted on their phones whilst driving this morning please take a trip to Tesco and buy one of their £10 bluetooth headsets.


Oh and can the police start actually enforcing this law please?


That is all.


Presumably you've reported them?


Yeah I quickly jotted down the reg numbers on a pad while at a closing speed of 100mph. That would have been dangerous but I steered with my knees so it was ok.


Seriously though, it's so common that I can't understand how the police haven't fined more people. I was in PE a few weeks ago and there was a squad car in front of me heading towards the police station. Car turns out of Cherry Orchard hotel driven by middle aged woman, fag in one hand phone in the other. Cop just drove on.


A good place to observe is by the Railway pub in Douglas around 5pm. People who have left the car parks near Tesco telling their loved ones they're on the way, and those coming to Tesco asking their loved ones "what was I supposed to get?"

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It is a £1000 fine, yet this does not seem to put these people off. Guess these guys must have more money than sense. Yes thank you Roo I have a very enjoyable and relaxing time.


The police can't be catching many people I'd suppose. You can have a £10,000 fine, but if nobody is caught it doesn't matter.

When was the last time anyone saw a driver fined for using a mobile whilst driving,yet it seems we all see it while we are out n about!!!

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To those brave occupants of the the blue Honda CRV hurling abuse to an old boy on his bicycle at Four Crosses yesterday afternoon; you must be very proud of yourselves for both the variety of foul language you are able to use and the sheer courage that it takes for four of you to take on a man in his early eighties from the security of your vehicle.


Rats in Burberry and tracksuits - the beacon of society.


I think if I was driving or being carried in a blue CRV, I'd have an inclination to display road rage!

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I think in this day and age a lot of people are (probably rightly too) concerned about piping up directly to the culprits when something like this happens.


Easy to take the piss if you're prone to scrapping successfully but if you try to chastise a car full of obvious yobs that have no problem giving out a lot of abuse openly in public, the odds are that they'd be quite happy giving you a hiding openly in public too.


Unless you're jackie chan, or built like a brick shithouse and carrying a bat, it's probably not the best thing to do, knowing just how many fisticuff happy, chav tossers there are around the place.


"Great - I got the point across that I didn't appreciate those thugs being rude to someone but ended up in hospital and had to take a few days off work/wear a cast for six weeks etc".

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Road rage/shouting from cars is usually the habit of cowards who could not muster the courage to confront someone face to face.


As we are ranting, can I just say how angry it makes me when I open a packet of Revels and the bag splits all the way down one side. In this day and age....etc etc

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I think in this day and age a lot of people are (probably rightly too) concerned about piping up directly to the culprits when something like this happens.


Easy to take the piss if you're prone to scrapping successfully but if you try to chastise a car full of obvious yobs that have no problem giving out a lot of abuse openly in public, the odds are that they'd be quite happy giving you a hiding openly in public too.


Unless you're jackie chan, or built like a brick shithouse and carrying a bat, it's probably not the best thing to do, knowing just how many fisticuff happy, chav tossers there are around the place.


"Great - I got the point across that I didn't appreciate those thugs being rude to someone but ended up in hospital and had to take a few days off work/wear a cast for six weeks etc".


To be honest, when I first submitted this, I didn't think that the first comments would be along the lines of why didn't I have a go.


I've already explained that I witnessed it from a distance but, despite not being a triple-hard, witty and erudite internet warrior, I would have had a word. Generally, these rodent types tend to be 8 stone when dripping wet, invariably half cut and you'd have to be a good shot to find any teeth to knock-out.


Unfortunately though, Cret's correct - it's not the wisest thing to do.


Oh and yes; one of the contributor's comments that perhaps the owner of the car might read this and reflect was my intention.

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Fair doo's to you keith we all moan on here.


Have to say I am the type that does not take Crets advice..lol thankfully though have never been beaten up yet.


I have to say though I had a taste of my own medicine today, went to the docs to get some ventolin and i squeezed into a parking space an old chap politely told me that i had left very little room for the driver of the car next to me to get back in, I explained i was only gonna be 30 seconds.


but still nice to see there are other nosey gits in the world apart from me..



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Hey now. I'm not very nice but, even I think shouting sweary abuse at the elderly is horrid behaviour (unless they are queuing outside of Woolies for the next Harry Potter book at stupid o'clock in the morning). Sometimes people read these forums, you know? & sometimes people want the people who read them to know what irks them. I do not have a CRV but I bet the mum who lent her kid hers yesterday feels 'The shame" if she reads this thread.



oh yes bees, I remember your night of "corporate whores"!! ;)

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I think in this day and age a lot of people are (probably rightly too) concerned about piping up directly to the culprits when something like this happens.


Easy to take the piss if you're prone to scrapping successfully but if you try to chastise a car full of obvious yobs that have no problem giving out a lot of abuse openly in public, the odds are that they'd be quite happy giving you a hiding openly in public too.


Unless you're jackie chan, or built like a brick shithouse and carrying a bat, it's probably not the best thing to do, knowing just how many fisticuff happy, chav tossers there are around the place.


"Great - I got the point across that I didn't appreciate those thugs being rude to someone but ended up in hospital and had to take a few days off work/wear a cast for six weeks etc".


Could`nt agree more

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This kind of thing doesn't happen in sunny Barcelona.


Anyway, no problem posting this kind of incident on here, as someone may quite rightly know the dick heads involved. Would have been better to get the number plate and report to the police. With two witness statements (assuming the old boy still had some hearing), they could have been prosecuted.

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Here's another rant - can the 8 nob heads I spotted on their phones whilst driving this morning please take a trip to Tesco and buy one of their £10 bluetooth headsets.


Oh and can the police start actually enforcing this law please?


That is all.



I watched that will smith film "7 pounds"....about a man who in the end commited suicide to donate his organs to seven people who would have their lives improved by having them, because he felt enormous guilt from ending seven lives when he crashed his car whilst reading a text message.....makes you think how easy it is to end lives through something so simple, and that it could be someone you love you crash into and end the life of.

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Here's another rant - can the 8 nob heads I spotted on their phones whilst driving this morning please take a trip to Tesco and buy one of their £10 bluetooth headsets.


Oh and can the police start actually enforcing this law please?


That is all.



I watched that will smith film "7 pounds"....about a man who in the end commited suicide to donate his organs to seven people who would have their lives improved by having them, because he felt enormous guilt from ending seven lives when he crashed his car whilst reading a text message.....makes you think how easy it is to end lives through something so simple, and that it could be someone you love you crash into and end the life of.

Excellent,thats one film i dont have to watch now!!! :rolleyes:

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Here's another rant - can the 8 nob heads I spotted on their phones whilst driving this morning please take a trip to Tesco and buy one of their £10 bluetooth headsets.


Oh and can the police start actually enforcing this law please?


That is all.



I watched that will smith film "7 pounds"....about a man who in the end commited suicide to donate his organs to seven people who would have their lives improved by having them, because he felt enormous guilt from ending seven lives when he crashed his car whilst reading a text message.....makes you think how easy it is to end lives through something so simple, and that it could be someone you love you crash into and end the life of.

Excellent,thats one film i dont have to watch now!!! :rolleyes:



Just trying to keep hollywood from making too much money :D


Seriuosly though, sorry, I didn't really think about my post being a spoiler....thing is, it starts with him commiting suicide so it's all pretty predictable...well worth watching still.

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