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Just A Quick Rant

Keith brief

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Have to say I am the type that does not take Crets advice..lol thankfully though have never been beaten up yet.


I don't always follow my own advice. Depends on the circumstances and you can't say what you would have done without being there at that time.


Was mentioning that really as a case of why some people might not rush to get involved. Some will, some won't - that's just the way she rolls.


Shame that wankers like this think it's acceptable in the first place. Even if the poor old bugger did a blunder on his bike, getting that sort of abuse from a group of young thugs is probably pretty frightening to the poor fella. :(

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Have to say I am the type that does not take Crets advice..lol thankfully though have never been beaten up yet.


I don't always follow my own advice. Depends on the circumstances and you can't say what you would have done without being there at that time.


Was mentioning that really as a case of why some people might not rush to get involved. Some will, some won't - that's just the way she rolls.


Shame that wankers like this think it's acceptable in the first place. Even if the poor old bugger did a blunder on his bike, getting that sort of abuse from a group of young thugs is probably pretty frightening to the poor fella. :(

But what goes around comes around,i'm a firm believer in karma,you do bad stuff and it comes back to you & bites you on your arse (hopefully in these lads case,worse).

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I'd like to be a firm believer in karma as I think it would be a good thing.


Sadly, I don't really believe for a second that karma actually works even if I wish it did.

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Even if the poor old bugger did a blunder on his bike, getting that sort of abuse from a group of young thugs is probably pretty frightening to the poor fella. :(


To be fair if he's still cycling in his eighties, he's probably not that easily spooked.

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You could well be right.


My gran is 99 in a week or so, and she only stopped driving a year or so ago. I think was certainly time she did though even though it pisses her off not being able to any more. Not a lot seems to phase her though.

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Good on her Cret, the elderly are the greatest, we have a lot to learn from them. Which reminds me (slightly off topic, sorry) what do help the aged and age concern do? I have several elderly friends and theres noone running round to help them with their shopping, gardening, housework.

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Good on her Cret, the elderly are the greatest, we have a lot to learn from them. Which reminds me (slightly off topic, sorry) what do help the aged and age concern do? I have several elderly friends and theres noone running round to help them with their shopping, gardening, housework.


ts volunteer work thebees.


good job your elderly friends have you too help them.. .. wait a min tho you said no-one helps them..

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Here's another rant - can the 8 nob heads I spotted on their phones whilst driving this morning please take a trip to Tesco and buy one of their £10 bluetooth headsets.


Oh and can the police start actually enforcing this law please?


That is all.



I watched that will smith film "7 pounds"....about a man who in the end commited suicide to donate his organs to seven people who would have their lives improved by having them, because he felt enormous guilt from ending seven lives when he crashed his car whilst reading a text message.....makes you think how easy it is to end lives through something so simple, and that it could be someone you love you crash into and end the life of.

Excellent,thats one film i dont have to watch now!!! :rolleyes:


Trust me he's done you a favour. Snore city that movie.

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Good on her Cret, the elderly are the greatest, we have a lot to learn from them. Which reminds me (slightly off topic, sorry) what do help the aged and age concern do? I have several elderly friends and theres noone running round to help them with their shopping, gardening, housework.


She's an amazing character and I have a lot of respect for her.

If nothing else, her determination & fierce independance is impressive. She hates asking for help even though all her family are keen to whenever we can.


There's always a story I haven't heard before when I see her, and usually some nugget of wisdom too.

Clearly I don't pick up on all of that necessarily. :)


If I get to 3/4 of her age and can still do 3/4 of what she can at that point I'd be pleased.

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Good on her Cret, the elderly are the greatest, we have a lot to learn from them. Which reminds me (slightly off topic, sorry) what do help the aged and age concern do? I have several elderly friends and theres noone running round to help them with their shopping, gardening, housework.

I dont think we have a "help the aged" here on the Island but there is "Age Concern".(centre's in douglas,onchan,peel and ramsey. Basically its a day centre for the elderly,more of a social club with limited activities,they do knitting,bingo,quizes and of course lunch,once a month they go out to lunch possibly to another town so they get a bit of a proper day out,but they dont seem to help with shopping,gardening or housework,(maybe thats why they're NOT called "help the aged").You may need to try social services for a government homehelp,but good luck with them because i'm sure they charge as much as a private homehelp maybe even more.

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So does anyone know if the police can prosecute those who are reported for driving whilst using a mobile phone or in those cases, do they just get a visit from them which may make people think twice? If I knew something was actually done about it I'd have no problem reporting people. Perhaps they could set up a 'dobbing in' phone number :D . In the meantime, we could start a thread with daily postings of how many are spotted, model of the car & where – be interesting to see how many we get.


Saw a cyclist in Braddan today using his phone whilst trying to negotiate manoeuvring around a parked car…….


Perhaps Derek Flint can enlighten us about the above.

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Good on her Cret, the elderly are the greatest, we have a lot to learn from them. Which reminds me (slightly off topic, sorry) what do help the aged and age concern do? I have several elderly friends and theres noone running round to help them with their shopping, gardening, housework.

I used Age Concern in S E England to find a weekly cleaner for a friend who had a major stroke and had little mobility - they charge a quarterly rate to cover insurance etc then you pay the cleaner themselves whatever rate they charge (tho most seem to use the Age concern recommended rates - quite high in this part of the world) - the attraction is that you get someone who has had some form of check, if they cannot come then the office will try to find an alternative and of course there is someone to complain to if things go wrong. However it has worked out extremely well in this case. They do offer other helping hands services (eg gardening ), not sure re shopping tho. The local council run a home handyman help service - they do some jobs (eg installing grab rails) but have a list of approved electricians etc

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