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Anyone just seen the BNP PPB for the Euro elections?

Scary that they're making ground because the main partys are such nobs.

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Anyone just seen the BNP PPB for the Euro elections?

Scary that they're making ground because the main partys are such nobs.


Yes, I think you are right. It is rather worrying. People want to take part in politics but recognise the ineffectuality of the main political parties and how they cannot satisfy their wishes and needs, nor deal with supposed issues that the working class blame for their problems. They will never get in power but they propaganda and lies need to be challenged nonetheless.

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Was it just me or did they compare the EU to the Nazi party, or at least to the European super state they were trying to create?


Im not sure how they get away with alot of what they say, especially as a lot of it is utter bollocks.

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That was the impression I got as well.

Also they used images of WW2 which made me puke, claiming they were fighting for freedom as well.

Ironic given that they seem to have their own version of racial intollerance.


Dog turds wrapped in a pretty package.

But dangerous because unless Broon, Cramon etc get their act together, they will only gain ground.

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I doubt they will ever have a shot at number 10, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in a similar position to the Lib Dems in a few years time.


The amount of disillusioned young people, with very little understanding of what the BNP actually is, who will be starting to get their votes may well bolster their position in the next general election. The ironic thing is the majority of BNP supporters I have meet that complain about these foreigners taking their jobs have been on the dole their whole working lives.


I would like to see what the veterans of WWII have to say about their image being used in support of the BNP. I’m pretty sure that they have already been reprimanded for using images of casualties from Iraq in their propaganda with out consent.

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I doubt they will ever have a shot at number 10, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in a similar position to the Lib Dems in a few years time.


The amount of disillusioned young people, with very little understanding of what the BNP actually is, who will be starting to get their votes may well bolster their position in the next general election. The ironic thing is the majority of BNP supporters I have meet that complain about these foreigners taking their jobs have been on the dole their whole working lives.


What do you mean by their being disillusioned young people? Disillusioned with society or party politics? If the former, I don't quite see how this would lead to many votes for the BNP and if the latter, fortunately, most young people have little knowledge and little interest in party politics but I think that many waste their votes by actually voting, i.e. they hear how one party has a few good or attractive policies in a manifesto and think they are doing the right thing in voting for them. It all boils down to the BNP making use of what is misunderstood to be political apathy.

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Brits buy only British Bananas, jawohl!




From watching that, apparently, in the good 'ole days:


1) British politicians were honest - erm...a little more honest but that was because the politicians of old didn't need to use spin, the public were even less politicised than they are now


2) the English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh built a fair society - don't fucking think so.


3) WW2 - British war heroes - I don't think they were, they were conscripts forced to fight and die because Poland was invaded. Not for any noble reasons.

Preservation of Christian values - after the war it was American culture that swept across Britain.


Political correctness - actually doesn't have that much of an effect on anybody's life, if we are actually speaking about what it really is. Unfortunately this term is bandied about by ideas who think that any challenge to their backward ideas and oppressive behaviours is an affront to their freedom.


I was going to carry on and criticise the video but there are too many things that are just either nuts and/or completely wrong about it.

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I doubt they will ever have a shot at number 10, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in a similar position to the Lib Dems in a few years time.


I doubt it. The National Front were doing well in Britain in 1977-78. 'Labour Isn't Working' and 1979 election saw them more or less wiped out (and Mrs Thatcher making noises about immigration etc). Like the NF before them, the BNP will ultimately self destruct. The softer liberal wing will vote for UKIP. The hardcore nationalist wing will not want to give up the Hitler salutes and tattoos. UKIP offers a 'respectable' face for these sort of views.

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they were conscripts


No they weren't.


Ok, a great deal were also volunteers in World War II. In any case, it makes little difference.


I do find the BNP useful for one thing. They have helped me lose any nationalistic sentiments that I have grown up with. Watching that video just makes you squirm when you hear that Griffin going on about "British people", "British Pride", "Great country", blaa blaa blaa.

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In any case, it makes little difference.

Yes it does. We won.


I am only referring to the understanding of these men being considered heroes in consideration of the reasons they were led into war and the fact that so many were conscripted. And this has nothing to do with whether they won or not unless you define heroes in a different way and (probably) see WW2 (and other wars) in a different light to I do.


UKIP offers a 'respectable' face for these sort of views.


UKIP are the Thatcherites of today.

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