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French Plane 'missing Off Brazil'


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I sincerely hope that the cause is found to be a tragic accident and not a terrorist attack


Have there been any reports that it could be terrorists, ie. have any declared it was their doing?


Not that I know of I am of course speculating. I guess they may never know if they can't locate the wreckage

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They have located the wreckage. Well floating wreckage anyway.


They are saying the most probable cause is severe turbulence (combined with heavy lightning strikes) as it passed through 3 nasty weather systems with the last being a hugee one. Would like to know the reasons the pilots chose to head into those systems though.


ps. Bluenose The most important thing now is for the reasons to be found out as quickly as possible so it never happens again. But if you want to pray be my guest.

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They are saying the most probable cause is severe turbulence (combined with heavy lightning strikes) as it passed through 3 nasty weather systems with the last being a hugee one. Would like to know the reasons the pilots chose to head into those systems though.


I thought the policy was to fly round these weather systems for safety and comfort reasons?

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I sincerely hope that the cause is found to be a tragic accident and not a terrorist attack


Have there been any reports that it could be terrorists, ie. have any declared it was their doing?


Apparently there have been no credible claims made by terrorist organisations.


The aircraft in question, tail number F-GZCP, came into service in February 2005

Aircraft equipped with engines General Electric CF6-80E.

Airframe had 18,870 flight hours since commencing service on 18 April 2005.

Last visit maintenance hangar dated 16 April 2009.

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They are saying the most probable cause is severe turbulence (combined with heavy lightning strikes) as it passed through 3 nasty weather systems with the last being a hugee one. Would like to know the reasons the pilots chose to head into those systems though.


I thought the policy was to fly round these weather systems for safety and comfort reasons?


Fuel is probably a big consideration nowadays

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They are saying the most probable cause is severe turbulence (combined with heavy lightning strikes) as it passed through 3 nasty weather systems with the last being a hugee one. Would like to know the reasons the pilots chose to head into those systems though.


I thought the policy was to fly round these weather systems for safety and comfort reasons?


Fuel is probably a big consideration nowadays


Fuel problems are unlikely to have given rise to this tragedy given the prevailing circumstances and the very little information AF and Airbus are releasing. I am sat next door to an Airbus rep and he is doing an impression of the 3 wise monkeys all rolled into one.


If we put to one side the ‘terrorist’ option for now, since no credible group has so for claimed responsibility then we are left with a 4 minute ‘maintenance (ACARS) transmission’, heavy CB activity (Cumulonimbus, massive storm clouds that can contain hail, windshear, rain, all in the space of seconds. They are not to be encountered lightly by aircraft but flight crews are all too aware of their dangers).


Air France reported electrical failure (or multiple failures) and reported turbulence, and the Atlantic weather systems are known.


The above is not speculation, but known weather fronts and information supplied by AF. It is what else they might know that is of interest.


The aircraft may well not have had the ability or opportunity to bypass the weather systems due to flight planning, aircraft performance limitations or aircraft systems malfunctions (we don’t know how long the aircraft had been in ‘turbulence’ or what kind of turbulence it was).


Until such time Airbus or AF release more information then anything else is speculation – including the fuel, but given the information we have, I think it can be parked with terrorism until further information arises.

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Why can't we all just give a thought and a prayer for those poor souls lost and their families. :(


Because we do not know their names?

Your reply is both inane and puerile.

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Not fuel problems. I was thinking more about the financial cost/benefit consideration when deciding whether to circumnavigate a storm or not

Yup, commerical pressure is a major problem nowadays.. you just have to look at ryanair.


sorry r1. I dont buy terrorism. The first acars message was ap disconnect.. then a few minutes later another system disconnect then another few minutes passed and then cabin vertical speed warning. Now unless your thinking hijack. Theres no way its a bomb.


This a/c was grounded 4 days earlier in bangalore with a major electrical fault. Ill put my 50p on severe turbulence combined with heavy lightning strikes causing major electrical malfunction and therefore loss of control.

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Why can't we all just give a thought and a prayer for those poor souls lost and their families. :(


Is it because our thoughts for the victims often go hand in hand with curiosity and speculation about the circumstances (plus an investigation into the circumstances is at least a moral necessity, if not a legal one), and most of 'us' don't think praying serves a purpose? Is that why?

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Why can't we all just give a thought and a prayer for those poor souls lost and their families. :(


Is it because our thoughts for the victims often go hand in hand with curiosity and speculation about the circumstances (plus an investigation into the circumstances is at least a moral necessity, if not a legal one), and most of 'us' don't think praying serves a purpose? Is that why?


What does an investigation have to do with anything? They are pretty much dead. We don't need to know why. Which is not to say that it is something of a requirement to pass thought over these people and/or pray, that's up to you.

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Why can't we all just give a thought and a prayer for those poor souls lost and their families. :(


Is it because our thoughts for the victims often go hand in hand with curiosity and speculation about the circumstances (plus an investigation into the circumstances is at least a moral necessity, if not a legal one), and most of 'us' don't think praying serves a purpose? Is that why?

I do see your point and its a fair one, but at the time of my reply people were already starting to point fingers and others were starting to make light of this dreadful accident.

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What does an investigation have to do with anything? They are pretty much dead. We don't need to know why.


What a ridiculously stupid thing to say. Of course we need to know why, and the way of finding out why is to investigate it.


But what does the need for an investigation have to do with passing thought to those who died? That's all I meant

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But what the need for an investigation have to do with passing thought to those who died? That's all I mean.


Tragic accidents happen. What do you do?


A - Pray, feel sorry, and think "They are pretty much dead. We don't need to know why."




B - Feel sorry for those involved (praying is optional), realise it could happen to anybody at any time, therefore investigate the circumstances (which includes speculation, guesswork and hypothesising as well as an examination of the facts present) because we very much DO need to know why it happened so that we can attempt to prevent it happening again.


The answer is B.

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