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Dog Ban


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So you are in a position to change (or at least start a process that could) the situation, but do nothing because you support the law, but it is nothing to do with you. At least stand by your actions.


You have lost me there Declan...



Yes if i wanted too I could probably badger enough MHKs etc to try and have the byelaw changed, but as 95% of them are in support of the bye law, this would be pointless. But anyone could try and do this and some have... and has the law been changed??? nope.


But as i have said I support the byelaw and so would not want to have it changed.


But i also agree with the view that their should be more dog walking areas, this does not mean the law is changed, but that there are more places such as the nobles sight that are designated dog walking areas, not alllowing dogs back in the parks.


Sorry if I was confusing.

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Because it was nothing to do with me, the law was brought in before i became a councillor, that was not an excuse but a plain fact that i had nothing to do with its coming into place. The fact I agree with it is my personal opinion. I have lost count off the numbert of times i have taken my daughter to a park in the past and had dog muck on my shoe or her shoe, the days off having to check a 4 meter sq area before putting a picnic blanket down, having to move 4 times until you found an area that was free of dog muck.


Yet dogs aren't banned in Onchans parks, and my kids play in them all the time, and we've never experienced a problem. I do wonder where this perceived dog muck problem comes from.

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Because it was nothing to do with me, the law was brought in before i became a councillor, that was not an excuse but a plain fact that i had nothing to do with its coming into place. The fact I agree with it is my personal opinion. I have lost count off the numbert of times i have taken my daughter to a park in the past and had dog muck on my shoe or her shoe, the days off having to check a 4 meter sq area before putting a picnic blanket down, having to move 4 times until you found an area that was free of dog muck.


Yet dogs aren't banned in Onchans parks, and my kids play in them all the time, and we've never experienced a problem. I do wonder where this perceived dog muck problem comes from.



In my experience its far from just percieved, I am sick off cleaning dog muck off trainers/shoes, carpet etc..

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In my experience its far from just percieved, I am sick off cleaning dog muck off trainers/shoes, carpet etc..


Presuming you mean pre-ban? You genuinely spent a lot of time in Douglas parks and wiping off dogshit?

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In my experience its far from just percieved, I am sick off cleaning dog muck off trainers/shoes, carpet etc..


Presuming you mean pre-ban? You genuinely spent a lot of time in Douglas parks and wiping off dogshit?



Yep pre ban.. just seemed the times i did spend in there I would end up with muck on either my or daughters shoes, or would put a blanket down and end up muck on that..


Maybe its remembering the times it happened more than the times it didn't.. old selective memory !!!


But since the ban has come into place, it is soooo much better and its nice on a sunny day to sit in Woodbourne square and read or just chill.


I used to also live in Derby Sq, and that used to be disgracefull, with dogs at large, muck all over the place etc.


The problem has moved to back lane's now.


Though Woodbourne Rd Lane has always been bad.

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So you are in a position to change (or at least start a process that could) the situation, but do nothing because you support the law, but it is nothing to do with you. At least stand by your actions.


You have lost me there Declan...



Yes if i wanted too I could probably badger enough MHKs etc to try and have the byelaw changed, but as 95% of them are in support of the bye law, this would be pointless. But anyone could try and do this and some have... and has the law been changed??? nope.



Joey says - Mmmph . hjdfhferjtwrek grektrl;gty;l rew;grtyg;ty;re r4ltrtltyt4ryl54w;;gl;dik ewkrejrkrktrjtrkj rejfregfjrejrfkrekf rekfrkghrjfhjrekj fejfrehfrhjrgrgh preqhfenjmvcuifdsgnewfkifdhjremnhdvkj reklgfrjkrekjrfjmrfkjre fekjrgfhbrkjfrhj hjrfhjrfhjrhjfhjrfhjrfhjrf,mrefkjrfgkjrfgj

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Again my apologies for my rant yesterday, very overtired, my little boy is going through his second phase of teething, (and we have got loads of Ashton and Parsons powders, which do help).


Back to the licensing thing though, both my dogs have been micro chipped, so if anything did happen to them they are instantly identifiable, so no real need for a license.


Again I re-iterate that dogs should be kept out of childrens play areas, not just because of dogs poo but more importantly the potential to bite or attack kids, I have both and keep the dogs segregated from my boy at all times, no matter how friendly they may well be they do possess the unpredictability to attck at within a nano second, they are genetically wolves at heart no matter how well domesticated....for instance I have actually had my lip bitten off by my biggest dog, (alsation-rottweiller cross) due to having developed an underactive thyroid, he changed personality overnight, he is now ok due to a measured presicption of appropriate medication...it was a serious bite, I needed two operations and 46 stitches.

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Who would ever have though that a rottweiller / alsation cross would ever attack someone?



he's actually a very placid dog, but as I said he developed an underactive thyroid, which changes an animals personality very quickly, he became very intoverted, scared, nervous and he didn't recognise me as his owner......the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up and what it's experiences it has had in it's life and how it has been treated by people...a chihuahua can and have attacked and to an infant would be like an an adult being attacked by a rottweiler/alsation...you obviously know very little about dogs.

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Who would ever have though that a rottweiller / alsation cross would ever attack someone?



he's actually a very placid dog, but as I said he developed an underactive thyroid, which changes an animals personality very quickly, he became very intoverted, scared, nervous and he didn't recognise me as his owner......the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up and what it's experiences it has had in it's life and how it has been treated by people...a chihuahua can and have attacked and to an infant would be like an an adult being attacked by a rottweiler/alsation...you obviously know very little about dogs.


have to say the way thay are brought up does make a lot of diffrences, but the breed can be just as bad,

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Who would ever have though that a rottweiller / alsation cross would ever attack someone?



he's actually a very placid dog, but as I said he developed an underactive thyroid, which changes an animals personality very quickly, he became very intoverted, scared, nervous and he didn't recognise me as his owner......the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up and what it's experiences it has had in it's life and how it has been treated by people...a chihuahua can and have attacked and to an infant would be like an an adult being attacked by a rottweiler/alsation...you obviously know very little about dogs.


have to say the way thay are brought up does make a lot of diffrences, but the breed can be just as bad,



Not really, my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour, she found that the breed does not determine aggression and that a lot of myths have been apparent in our "knowledge" of dogs. labradors for example are portrayed as lovely family dogs, when this is not the case at all and westies are little dogs therefore can't be aggressive when in reality they are one of the nastiest dogs going, not due to breed but wetses are usually owned by people who spoil them and they see themselves as equal to or higher than a human, case in point with labs, because they are regarded as the family dog, they do get confused with the hierachy of the family and where their place is within that, ie they are treated with great love and affection and yet have to sleep in a utilty room or other and vecome very teritorial...obviously this is not with all dogs but has been the case....other than abusive treatment, the conflicting and contradicory behaviours we display with our dogs can confuse the hell out of them and when dogs get confused they revert to type, the wolf...but again this isn't the case dor every dog.

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you obviously know very little about dogs.


I know enough to not get my face chewed by one.


You're right you do, I obviously know very little.....I also owned horses and had been kicked by a horse, so therefore you know enough about them and I know very lttle....but you have missed out on the eduction and joy these animals bring....they have all taught me a lot, some things I learnt the hard way.

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