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Dog Ban


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you obviously know very little about dogs.


I know enough to not get my face chewed by one.

.but you have missed out on the eduction and joy these animals bring....they have all taught me a lot,


that there shit stinks!!!!

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he needed to apologise for that vulgar anglo saxon outburst imo..


all the bawdens are the same .. just like his dad



Do you know my dad?...what's his name?


christ i thought you were never going to bite on that one. anyway the moments passed now your normal again..


only bawdens i know well originated in castletown..


good luck with the teething.


p.s. that was one mean bite that dog gave you .. i would have shot it in all honesty after that and with kids in the house.

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So you are in a position to change (or at least start a process that could) the situation, but do nothing because you support the law, but it is nothing to do with you. At least stand by your actions.


You have lost me there Declan...



Yes if i wanted too I could probably badger enough MHKs etc to try and have the byelaw changed, but as 95% of them are in support of the bye law, this would be pointless. But anyone could try and do this and some have... and has the law been changed??? nope.



Joey says - Mmmph . hjdfhferjtwrek grektrl;gty;l rew;grtyg;ty;re r4ltrtltyt4ryl54w;;gl;dik ewkrejrkrktrjtrkj rejfregfjrejrfkrekf rekfrkghrjfhjrekj fejfrehfrhjrgrgh preqhfenjmvcuifdsgnewfkifdhjremnhdvkj reklgfrjkrekjrfjmrfkjre fekjrgfhbrkjfrhj hjrfhjrfhjrhjfhjrfhjrfhjrf,mrefkjrfgkjrfgj



Good to see they have finally let my brother go on line at work !! lol


He was the only guy to get less GCSEs than theman....




Again my apologies for my rant yesterday, very overtired, my little boy is going through his second phase of teething, (and we have got loads of Ashton and Parsons powders, which do help).


Back to the licensing thing though, both my dogs have been micro chipped, so if anything did happen to them they are instantly identifiable, so no real need for a license.


Again I re-iterate that dogs should be kept out of childrens play areas, not just because of dogs poo but more importantly the potential to bite or attack kids, I have both and keep the dogs segregated from my boy at all times, no matter how friendly they may well be they do possess the unpredictability to attck at within a nano second, they are genetically wolves at heart no matter how well domesticated....for instance I have actually had my lip bitten off by my biggest dog, (alsation-rottweiller cross) due to having developed an underactive thyroid, he changed personality overnight, he is now ok due to a measured presicption of appropriate medication...it was a serious bite, I needed two operations and 46 stitches.


I agree with manxman


In all honesty Matt i would have had the dog put down, if that had been your child, what if the medication does not work or is no longer enough..? What is the dog attacks a child in the street???

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he needed to apologise for that vulgar anglo saxon outburst imo..


all the bawdens are the same .. just like his dad



Do you know my dad?...what's his name?


christ i thought you were never going to bite on that one. anyway the moments passed now your normal again..


only bawdens i know well originated in castletown..


good luck with the teething.


p.s. that was one mean bite that dog gave you .. i would have shot it in all honesty after that and with kids in the house.

While we're on the subject,my sister is married to a Bawden!They live in Stevenage,any relation?

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...and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed....


No one of them just happened to bite your lip off!. Never mind if it was having it's period or whatever If it was my lip I would want the dog to be identifiable. Licensing / disc may help in that regard.

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...and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed....


No one of them just happened to bite your lip off!. Never mind if it was having it's period or whatever If it was my lip I would want the dog to be identifiable. Licensing / disc may help in that regard.


id want to shot

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.the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up


I'll go along with that to a certain point.


he developed an underactive thyroid,


Most large breeds can be prone to this. Akita's, Malamutes, German Shephards( Alsation is a english term due to WW2 when it got changed) Rottwielers and such. However the American Kennel Association do ask for tests on this, the english kennel club don't.


my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour


I've had , bred, worked, trained and buried dogs for about 40 yrs and i'm still learning.


Sorry, but we all have met the Doctors Receptionist type, Vets nusres can be, and sometimes are, full off shit ( they're not Vets, no way near in fact). Whilst i'm not by any means saying your wife is like that, but stating it, doesn't instill me with a great deal off confidence that what you post is actually what she might say or know about.


You also state, Dogs should'nt mix with kids? Does this not go totally against the pack scenario which you try to explain but which most, if not all, dogs should be raised in?


Dogs should'nt mix with kids?


Uttter and complete bollox. Some no, most yes.


It depends on how the dog was introduced to the pack.


Strangley enough, dogs and man stated to co-habit and work together thousands of years ago.


Supprisingly though, man is still about after having all his kids mauled :o


So going by that, dogs were around before Douglas Town Councilors were invented ?


To John Faragher and the rest of the Douglas Councilors, why don't you do what you stood and get paid for, and this is at least to see the enforcement off the by-laws or rules you pass?


The by-law to prosercute dog fouling is years old, yet with no prosecution, why?


Yet you seem fit to bring in another by-law to blanket ban all dogs, yet it is a minority who offend, why?


Your Council recieves Rates and other income to support ALL of Douglas and it's amienities and that includes someone to catch and prosicute people who let the dogs shit all over the place.


In not doing so, not, you John, as you wern't there, but your predicesers have failed the Rate Payers of Douglas in not applying by-laws and should therefore resign.


Qoute from the late Abba, opinionated, Oates, former Mayor of Douglas, said to me personally.


" All Dogs should be shot"


why i asked?


" One shit in my front garden " he replied.


The Corpy at it's best.

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he's actually a very placid dog, but as I said he developed an underactive thyroid, which changes an animals personality very quickly, he became very intoverted, scared, nervous and he didn't recognise me as his owner


Are you sure that he just does not like you and is trying to snub you gently by pretending he's ill?

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Not really, my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour, she found that the breed does not determine aggression and that a lot of myths have been apparent in our "knowledge" of dogs.


All dogs are potentially dangerous, but some breeds are more likely to be aggressive than others. The two breeds that your dogs a mix of are both on the potentially aggressive list. Obviously larger breeds are more likely to cause serious damage if they attack than smaller breeds too.


John, if dog shit is only a problem in Douglas parks, and not the other parks on the island, doesn't it make sense that there's nearby residents who are creating the problem, and could be dealt with individually? These aren't huge population areas, how hard would it be to identify who's shitting up the parks and follow it up with some fines?


I invite you and your other Councillors to walk around the parks in Onchan where dogs aren't banned, and see if it's as bad as you make out.

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Not really, my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour, she found that the breed does not determine aggression and that a lot of myths have been apparent in our "knowledge" of dogs.


All dogs are potentially dangerous, but some breeds are more likely to be aggressive than others. The two breeds that your dogs a mix of are both on the potentially aggressive list. Obviously larger breeds are more likely to cause serious damage if they attack than smaller breeds too.


John, if dog shit is only a problem in Douglas parks, and not the other parks on the island, doesn't it make sense that there's nearby residents who are creating the problem, and could be dealt with individually? These aren't huge population areas, how hard would it be to identify who's shitting up the parks and follow it up with some fines?


I invite you and your other Councillors to walk around the parks in Onchan where dogs aren't banned, and see if it's as bad as you make out.



I can't really comment on Onchan, Steve Babb is a better choice there, but irrespective off what Onchan is like, before the ban came in, there was a problem with muck in for example Derby sq and Woodbourne rd sq.


Its very easy to say, arrr just prosecute these people, but you have to have the event witnessed and then have that same person willingly make a police statement. The Byelaws officers of Douglas will follow up places that regular offenders are seen and this has led to fines. But again, Douglas is only re-acting to a problem caused by no body else BUT irresponsible dog owners, they effect everybody's lifes, yours by having your dog banned form certain areas mine , by leaving muck about. Yes its a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but at the end of the day the nut needed cracking.


The problem is now that these same irresponsible dog owners have moved onto back lanes... so what do you see as the solution Slim?

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I can't really comment on Onchan, Steve Babb is a better choice there, but irrespective off what Onchan is like, before the ban came in, there was a problem with muck in for example Derby sq and Woodbourne rd sq.

Its very easy to say, arrr just prosecute these people, but you have to have the event witnessed and then have that same person willingly make a police statement. The Byelaws officers of Douglas will follow up places that regular offenders are seen and this has led to fines. But again, Douglas is only re-acting to a problem caused by no body else BUT irresponsible dog owners, they effect everybody's lifes, yours by having your dog banned form certain areas mine , by leaving muck about. Yes its a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but at the end of the day the nut needed cracking.


I think the points been made to death, but it looks to me like the corp introduced fowling rules that they couldn't enforce, and have followed it up with a blanket ban. If this problem is isolated to douglas, then it seems to me that there's a number of residents in douglas who need to be targetted. If the problem is as widespread as you claim, a bit of surveillance and supervision should clear it up pretty quickly and then you wouldn't have a blanket ban to (not) enforce.


Another example, summer hill glen. It's in Douglas, dogs aren't banned. Walked through it twice last night, not a single bit of shit spotted.


Anyway, doesn't bother me a great deal, I walk my dog in onchan, and don't often have to deal with the 'EVERYTHING BANNED' attitude in Douglas.

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.the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up


I'll go along with that to a certain point.


he developed an underactive thyroid,


Most large breeds can be prone to this. Akita's, Malamutes, German Shephards( Alsation is a english term due to WW2 when it got changed) Rottwielers and such. However the American Kennel Association do ask for tests on this, the english kennel club don't.


my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour


I've had , bred, worked, trained and buried dogs for about 40 yrs and i'm still learning.


Sorry, but we all have met the Doctors Receptionist type, Vets nusres can be, and sometimes are, full off shit ( they're not Vets, no way near in fact). Whilst i'm not by any means saying your wife is like that, but stating it, doesn't instill me with a great deal off confidence that what you post is actually what she might say or know about.


You also state, Dogs should'nt mix with kids? Does this not go totally against the pack scenario which you try to explain but which most, if not all, dogs should be raised in?


Dogs should'nt mix with kids?


Uttter and complete bollox. Some no, most yes.


It depends on how the dog was introduced to the pack.


Strangley enough, dogs and man stated to co-habit and work together thousands of years ago.


Supprisingly though, man is still about after having all his kids mauled :o


So going by that, dogs were around before Douglas Town Councilors were invented ?


To John Faragher and the rest of the Douglas Councilors, why don't you do what you stood and get paid for, and this is at least to see the enforcement off the by-laws or rules you pass?


The by-law to prosercute dog fouling is years old, yet with no prosecution, why?


Yet you seem fit to bring in another by-law to blanket ban all dogs, yet it is a minority who offend, why?

Your Council recieves Rates and other income to support ALL of Douglas and it's amienities and that includes someone to catch and prosicute people who let the dogs shit all over the place.


In not doing so, not, you John, as you wern't there, but your predicesers have failed the Rate Payers of Douglas in not applying by-laws and should therefore resign.


Qoute from the late Abba, opinionated, Oates, former Mayor of Douglas, said to me personally.


" All Dogs should be shot"


why i asked?


" One shit in my front garden " he replied.


The Corpy at it's best.



Lets get some facts straight,


1 I do not get paid as a Councillor, i recieve an allowance of 30 pounds per meeting i attend, as I have to take unpaid time off work, this does come anywhere near to what I loose.


2 I did not stand to just have people prosecuted.


3, I am not Mr Oates and I do not believe all dogs should be shot. I have been a dog owner in the past and acually like most dogs.


As i said earlier, its so very easy to pass the blame onto the Corpy, its the Irresponsibel dogs owners that are to blame, the Corpy have only tried to deal with the issues rightly or wrongly in your eyes. The bye-law officers have prosecuted people and given out fines.

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Just to be clear John, I'm not digging at you personally, or hold you responsible. I'm glad your here to answer these questions!



Cheers Slim,


I know its a difficult subject and it does effect a lot off people.

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