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Dog Ban


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What really baffles me is the number of dog owners who pick up their dog's mess in a little pink bag but then leave it at the side of the road, or somewhere, instead of disposing of it properly! What is with that? They go to the expense of buying the little bags and picking the mess up, how diffcult is it to find a bin?



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What really baffles me is the number of dog owners who pick up their dog's mess in a little pink bag but then leave it at the side of the road, or somewhere, instead of disposing of it properly! What is with that? They go to the expense of buying the little bags and picking the mess up, how diffcult is it to find a bin?





I agree does kinda defeat the purpose.

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What really baffles me is the number of dog owners who pick up their dog's mess in a little pink bag but then leave it at the side of the road, or somewhere, instead of disposing of it properly! What is with that? They go to the expense of buying the little bags and picking the mess up, how diffcult is it to find a bin?




It's because the bins are so sparce, so to save carrying the mess around, you put it down, walk your dog, pick it up and pop it in the bin which is inevitably behind you.

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.the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up


I'll go along with that to a certain point.


he developed an underactive thyroid,


Most large breeds can be prone to this. Akita's, Malamutes, German Shephards( Alsation is a english term due to WW2 when it got changed) Rottwielers and such. However the American Kennel Association do ask for tests on this, the english kennel club don't.


my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour


I've had , bred, worked, trained and buried dogs for about 40 yrs and i'm still learning.


Sorry, but we all have met the Doctors Receptionist type, Vets nusres can be, and sometimes are, full off shit ( they're not Vets, no way near in fact). Whilst i'm not by any means saying your wife is like that, but stating it, doesn't instill me with a great deal off confidence that what you post is actually what she might say or know about.


You also state, Dogs should'nt mix with kids? Does this not go totally against the pack scenario which you try to explain but which most, if not all, dogs should be raised in?


Dogs should'nt mix with kids?


Uttter and complete bollox. Some no, most yes.


It depends on how the dog was introduced to the pack.


Strangley enough, dogs and man stated to co-habit and work together thousands of years ago.


Supprisingly though, man is still about after having all his kids mauled :o


So going by that, dogs were around before Douglas Town Councilors were invented ?


To John Faragher and the rest of the Douglas Councilors, why don't you do what you stood and get paid for, and this is at least to see the enforcement off the by-laws or rules you pass?


The by-law to prosercute dog fouling is years old, yet with no prosecution, why?


Yet you seem fit to bring in another by-law to blanket ban all dogs, yet it is a minority who offend, why?


Your Council recieves Rates and other income to support ALL of Douglas and it's amienities and that includes someone to catch and prosicute people who let the dogs shit all over the place.


In not doing so, not, you John, as you wern't there, but your predicesers have failed the Rate Payers of Douglas in not applying by-laws and should therefore resign.


Qoute from the late Abba, opinionated, Oates, former Mayor of Douglas, said to me personally.


" All Dogs should be shot"


why i asked?


" One shit in my front garden " he replied.


The Corpy at it's best.

what you forgot to mention was abba was joking .. that was typical abba who by the way i knew literally all my life.


he was part of my parents set of great friends and they partied a great deal when we were growing up .. a very very nice warm guy.

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What a pathetic uneducated response :rolleyes: do u bring spray when your little terrors pee in the hedge??? a dog is part of a family you idiot !!! am manx and have paid my taxes all my life am furious about this situation and feel all dogs owners should retain there rates.

I, too, am furious about the situation and believe that all dog owners should be housed in kennels.

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I got bored after the "I'm a responsible dog owner" bit - on sunny days do you bring a spray to clean up it's pee too? I like dogs but they have a place and it isn't in a family park.


What a pathetic uneducated response :rolleyes: do u bring spray when your little terrors pee in the hedge??? a dog is part of a family you idiot !!! am manx and have paid my taxes all my life am furious about this situation and feel all dogs owners should retain there rates.

Yes i agree totally....Please withhold your payments of your rates,get a fine,dont pay that either,get a summons for court and go to prison for your principles so i dont have to read your bleatings on here.

Get a grip your pets are being banned from the parks where the children (toddlers/babies too) play,not ALL public places.

We all pay rates and taxes but my family and i dont go pissing on peoples houses,plants,walls etc so why should your dogs!!! BECAUSE YOU PAY RATES and TAXES!!!

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.the breed is irrelevant, more to do with how the dog has been brought up


I'll go along with that to a certain point.


he developed an underactive thyroid,


Most large breeds can be prone to this. Akita's, Malamutes, German Shephards( Alsation is a english term due to WW2 when it got changed) Rottwielers and such. However the American Kennel Association do ask for tests on this, the english kennel club don't.


my wife who is a registered vet nurse and has been for 11 years has read and done extensive research into breeds of dogs and their behaviour


I've had , bred, worked, trained and buried dogs for about 40 yrs and i'm still learning.


Sorry, but we all have met the Doctors Receptionist type, Vets nusres can be, and sometimes are, full off shit ( they're not Vets, no way near in fact). Whilst i'm not by any means saying your wife is like that, but stating it, doesn't instill me with a great deal off confidence that what you post is actually what she might say or know about.


She is actually better and more knowledgeable than most vets she's worked with and very highly trained.....I have taken the liberty of ad libbing a bit with what she has told me, maybe I shouldn't have.


You also state, Dogs should'nt mix with kids? Does this not go totally against the pack scenario which you try to explain but which most, if not all, dogs should be raised in?



Dogs should'nt mix with kids?


Uttter and complete bollox. Some no, most yes.


It depends on how the dog was introduced to the pack.


Strangley enough, dogs and man stated to co-habit and work together thousands of years ago.


Supprisingly though, man is still about after having all his kids mauled :o


You say man and dog...not kids and dogs....it really all depends on how the kids treat/approach the dog and how the dog was brought up or treated....you can't say that some breeds are ok around kids and some aren't, a lot of people say their dog is ok when it isn't...a bit like " oh no, my little johnny would never touch drugs...when in fact little johnny is a hardened smackhead"


I'm not implying that I am 100% right or that I have a solution, just merely putting my thoughts on the table...all I know is that we would never take our dogs to a park where children would play wether they are present at the time, because dogs can be unpredictable in their behaviour and children coming home with dog shit on them is not going to impress their parents...we walk them around douglas during the week then out in the countryside at the weekend.


We didn't have either of our dogs from puppies, we took them because their previous owners didn't want them anymore.


So going by that, dogs were around before Douglas Town Councilors were invented ?


To John Faragher and the rest of the Douglas Councilors, why don't you do what you stood and get paid for, and this is at least to see the enforcement off the by-laws or rules you pass?


The by-law to prosercute dog fouling is years old, yet with no prosecution, why?


Yet you seem fit to bring in another by-law to blanket ban all dogs, yet it is a minority who offend, why?


Your Council recieves Rates and other income to support ALL of Douglas and it's amienities and that includes someone to catch and prosicute people who let the dogs shit all over the place.


In not doing so, not, you John, as you wern't there, but your predicesers have failed the Rate Payers of Douglas in not applying by-laws and should therefore resign.


Qoute from the late Abba, opinionated, Oates, former Mayor of Douglas, said to me personally.


" All Dogs should be shot"


why i asked?


" One shit in my front garden " he replied.


The Corpy at it's best.

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