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Dog Ban


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If you think Douglas is bad now, you should have seen it when I were a lass.


Besides all that, how many people have contracted dog poo-borne disease on the IOM? I have more concern about people who do not wash their hands after going to the toilet, or don't use a hankie to catch a sneeze or cough. I suspect many more people are diseased by those thoughtless actions.

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Even if you scrape dog poo into a bag there will still be enough residue remaining to carry disease. There should be dog allowed zones and dog forbidden zones.


If you love dogs then fine, but most of our population are really pissed off dodging their shit all over the place. And Douglas is a bloody digrace for all the dog shite everywhere.


Keeps em fit weaving in and in and out of the steaming piles. :)

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If you think Douglas is bad now, you should have seen it when I were a lass.


Besides all that, how many people have contracted dog poo-borne disease on the IOM? I have more concern about people who do not wash their hands after going to the toilet, or don't use a hankie to catch a sneeze or cough. I suspect many more people are diseased by those thoughtless actions.


Yeah people are so anal.

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My 6 year old daughter has a 1 year old black labrador whom she absolutely adores but is already starting to ask must we bring the dog out with us? I really cannot see why cannot bring the dog out with us on her lead with plenty of poopy bags to places such as the Parks, Glens, Mooragh in Ramsey and Silverdale and in general anywhere that is supposed to be family orientated. I understand that there has always been a minority of irresponsible dog owners that do not clean up after their pets mess when out and about, but this banning of dogs is ridiculous and is only going to lead to neglect and mistreatment of pets. As it stands, I am constantly faced with the choice of leaving our pet home alone which means she is not walked as often and as much as she could be and is also at risk of becoming isolated , or we can bring her and as we do not have a car, I have to either leave her tied up outside the park and go in with my daughter or let my daughter play in the park on her own and wait outside with the dog. Either scenario has complictions and dangers as without constant supervision one or the other are at risk. People who have cars will be tempted to leave their pets in the car and this also carries huge risks of damage to the pets health and in some cases life. I really wish that this thoughtless new law could be overturned and with such a lovely summer hopefully arriving, why cant we deal with the problem of unwanted messes such as making dogs being kept on leads at all times within parks and children areas and more dog friendly areas available to let the dog run off to have a good play with ball or frisbee. Why couldnt we have a scheme for dog owners to subscribe and agree in a contract to always have their dog on a leash and clear up any mess the pet has made like pet owners should do anyway, but hopefully by signing up to a scheme and being given a pass card, would make them more responsible and consistant in doing this. It's a terrible shame that through a small minority of careless and irresponsible owners that this beautiful wonderful island of ours is becoming so prejudiced against families with pets. As a tax payer I want to be able to use the many wonderful sites around the island as a whole family and as our pets are an integral part of our families, mostly wanted loved and well cared for and looked after properly, we should be able to go out and about without being faced with the choices and decisions aforementioned. HT Douglas.


Best idea keep the labradors get rid of the dog haters .

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I absolutely adore dogs but i too am a tax payer and i agree with the dog ban for many reasons,DOG WEE being one,its bad enough it being on our paths and pavements without having our playparks widdled all over thankyou.You may think that picking up after your little or big pooch is enough but it really isnt,the REMNANTS left behind after the poo is picked up is disgusting and still leaves a certain amount of mess but hey you're "picking it up" so it does'nt matter about whats left does it!How many of us TAX PAYERS have had a dog mess problem either outside our house or in our neighbourhood!Please allow us as TAX PAYERS to have just some areas that are dog free = poo free areas,thanyou.Incidentally,it is actually an offence to leave a dog or other pet in a car with or without windows open for obvious reasons but many "loving" dog owners do this.


You do realise other animals wee in parks too, right?

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I absolutely adore dogs but i too am a tax payer and i agree with the dog ban for many reasons,DOG WEE being one,its bad enough it being on our paths and pavements without having our playparks widdled all over thankyou.You may think that picking up after your little or big pooch is enough but it really isnt,the REMNANTS left behind after the poo is picked up is disgusting and still leaves a certain amount of mess but hey you're "picking it up" so it does'nt matter about whats left does it!How many of us TAX PAYERS have had a dog mess problem either outside our house or in our neighbourhood!Please allow us as TAX PAYERS to have just some areas that are dog free = poo free areas,thanyou.Incidentally,it is actually an offence to leave a dog or other pet in a car with or without windows open for obvious reasons but many "loving" dog owners do this.


You do realise other animals wee in parks too, right?


drunken youths in the wee small hours, eh jimmy?

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drunken youths in the wee small hours, eh jimmy?


That too. We don't live in a sterile environment, and while I don't want dog shit everywhere on the pavements either, expecting kids to be able to eat their dinner off every leaf in a park seems a bit far fetched.

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If only we lived on an island where there was absolutely crap loads (see what I did there?) of other places to take dogs for a walk.

Oh. We do.

Carry on


The op's point was that he can't take his dog and his kid to the same places.

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why not slim..?

is it because the child does not like the countryside .. kids need exercise these days aswell.


Read the original post, he's complaining about family oriented places where dogs are banned like parks, mooragh, that kind of thing. I'm in onchan, it's not so bad there, dogs are allowed in the parks and there's no dogshit problem so I've no big issue. I'd hate to own a dog in Douglas though.

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parks in town dog free seems ok to me .. anyone with a dog in town and no transport has the beach only a stones throw away.


dogs and kids should be taken into the countryside otherwise imo.


i am thinking about getting another lab{chocolate} soon and have no problems with restrictions in public places .. no idea how the restrictions work but i doubt for instance that you cannot walk a dog up silverdale glen and past the boating lake and on up ..

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parks in town dog free seems ok to me .. anyone with a dog in town and no transport has the beach only a stones throw away.


The same beach where the dogs are banned most of the summer?


dogs and kids should be taken into the countryside otherwise imo.


Like I said, I don't think this is a general complaint about dog's, it's more that the places you take your kids to now have dog bans, so you're limited where you can take your kids. It does make you think more than it used to, like I went to the flogit day on Saturday, and didn't bring the dog because I assumed they wouldn't be allowed, turned out they were allowed, but I understand what the OP is on about.


i am thinking about getting another lab{chocolate} soon and have no problems with restrictions in public places .. no idea how the restrictions work but i doubt for instance that you cannot walk a dog up silverdale glen and past the boating lake and on up ..


Not sure about silverdale to be honest. Like I said, I've not really been hit by this, I walk the dog through summer hill (on the lead), Groudle, the plantations or the beach when I'm not banned. The wife tends to take him to millennium wood, not sure why, can't stand the place personally, but there's a lot of the beach people seem go up there now the bans in force.

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