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Dog Ban


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Whatever happened to give and take? At present there is nowhere available for families with dogs to go other than on the beach before 10am and after 6pm and at nobles park.


How about in your own garden? Oh no hang on ... there's no fun in standing in your own dogshit is there?

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Whatever happened to give and take? At present there is nowhere available for families with dogs to go other than on the beach before 10am and after 6pm and at nobles park.


How about in your own garden? Oh no hang on ... there's no fun in standing in your own dogshit is there?


Please dont come back with "but we dont have a garden",if you dont have a garden then you really should'nt have a dog!

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I am beginning to hate all dogs and their stupid "he's part of the family' owners. Quit whining.

Well, there's a boat .......... (just make sure you take Douglas Councillors and the rest of your fellow dog haters with you).

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My 6 year old daughter has a 1 year old black labrador whom she absolutely adores but is already starting to ask must we bring the dog out with us? I really cannot see why cannot bring the dog out with us on her lead with plenty of poopy bags to places such as the Parks, Glens, Mooragh in Ramsey and Silverdale and in general anywhere that is supposed to be family orientated. I understand that there has always been a minority of irresponsible dog owners that do not clean up after their pets mess when out and about, but this banning of dogs is ridiculous and is only going to lead to neglect and mistreatment of pets. As it stands, I am constantly faced with the choice of leaving our pet home alone which means she is not walked as often and as much as she could be and is also at risk of becoming isolated , or we can bring her and as we do not have a car, I have to either leave her tied up outside the park and go in with my daughter or let my daughter play in the park on her own and wait outside with the dog. Either scenario has complictions and dangers as without constant supervision one or the other are at risk. People who have cars will be tempted to leave their pets in the car and this also carries huge risks of damage to the pets health and in some cases life. I really wish that this thoughtless new law could be overturned and with such a lovely summer hopefully arriving, why cant we deal with the problem of unwanted messes such as making dogs being kept on leads at all times within parks and children areas and more dog friendly areas available to let the dog run off to have a good play with ball or frisbee. Why couldnt we have a scheme for dog owners to subscribe and agree in a contract to always have their dog on a leash and clear up any mess the pet has made like pet owners should do anyway, but hopefully by signing up to a scheme and being given a pass card, would make them more responsible and consistant in doing this. It's a terrible shame that through a small minority of careless and irresponsible owners that this beautiful wonderful island of ours is becoming so prejudiced against families with pets. As a tax payer I want to be able to use the many wonderful sites around the island as a whole family and as our pets are an integral part of our families, mostly wanted loved and well cared for and looked after properly, we should be able to go out and about without being faced with the choices and decisions aforementioned. HT Douglas.


Best idea keep the labradors get rid of the dog haters .

Who said anything about hating dogs!Not me,i'm just not keen on the lazy arrogant dog owners who reckon to be dog lovers and fight their corner one minute then tie the poor animal up or leave in a sweltering car while you do the weekly shop.There is a ban in place and its about time too,please look at how selfish some dog owners are hey,all you need to do is look at the state of our Island,you cannot be that suprised that it has to end in a ban.Also there needs to be tighter restrictions on who should own pets in general,i think if you work it should be against the law to just leave your dog in the garden all day to bark constantly,and anyone who does this certainly is "not" an animal lover.

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I am beginning to hate all dogs and their stupid "he's part of the family' owners. Quit whining.

Well, there's a boat .......... (just make sure you take Douglas Councillors and the rest of your fellow dog haters with you).


Oh OK then. :lol: John can you ask the Councilors at the next meet? Evil Goblin thinks we should all leave the Island so him and his doggy loving friends can cover the parks and beach with dog shit in peace - you know it makes sense.......o'rly.

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I have two dogs, one 13 and the other 12, they are nearly at their life's end, we used to live up in the hills where they could run free in our fields, since moving to Douglas since last year I have found Douglas to be anti-dog, however I have no problem with walking them, during the week I walk them around Douglas on the lead and carry adequate bags for the mess that one leaves, he could be in the back garden all day and as soon as we get halfway down our road he takes a dump, the other, she is too proud to poo or wee in public! Then at the weekends my wife, my son and I go out to the countryside for walks off the lead......simples!


Dogs and children don't really mix, the same as motocross bikes and horses, yet the government seem to think that mixed greenlanes for both are a fantastic idea.....atleast keeping dogs and children seperated is the right idea in my opinion....as they say "you can't please all the people all of the time".


Sacrifices must and have to be made, you can't have it all your own way.

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Funny old world, isn't it? But when I see the value my kids get from our dogs, and the sheer devotion the dogs give back, I do wonder why the balloo? They just love each other and it is so apparent. Both dogs prick their ears up when they hear children, thinking that they are my two. When it is plain that it is not, they just glance back at me to confirm and on we go.


In the meantime, at home, neither child will go to bed without cuddling the dogs and saying goodnight. The dogs love that end of day ceremony.


The kids love the dogs, I love the kids and the dogs; so what is there to hate?

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I have two dogs, one 13 and the other 12, they are nearly at their life's end, we used to live up in the hills where they could run free in our fields, since moving to Douglas since last year I have found Douglas to be anti-dog, however I have no problem with walking them, during the week I walk them around Douglas on the lead and carry adequate bags for the mess that one leaves, he could be in the back garden all day and as soon as we get halfway down our road he takes a dump, the other, she is too proud to poo or wee in public! Then at the weekends my wife, my son and I go out to the countryside for walks off the lead......simples!


Dogs and children don't really mix, the same as motocross bikes and horses, yet the government seem to think that mixed greenlanes for both are a fantastic idea.....atleast keeping dogs and children seperated is the right idea in my opinion....as they say "you can't please all the people all of the time".


Sacrifices must and have to be made, you can't have it all your own way.


I'm starting to like dog owners again :)

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Funny old world, isn't it? But when I see the value my kids get from our dogs, and the sheer devotion the dogs give back, I do wonder why the balloo? They just love each other and it is so apparent. Both dogs prick their ears up when they hear children, thinking that they are my two. When it is plain that it is not, they just glance back at me to confirm and on we go.


In the meantime, at home, neither child will go to bed without cuddling the dogs and saying goodnight. The dogs love that end of day ceremony.


The kids love the dogs, I love the kids and the dogs; so what is there to hate?

NO HATE....But i am starting to agree with a previous post "people first",not all people especially children feel safe around animals,reptiles and the like,you wouldnt force someone to be in the same area as a snake for instance,would you!Well its the same principal.More and more dogs are left to roam without a leash ( in a few cases some should have a muzzle)and this can be very intimidating for adults aswell as children, but yet again nothing is enforced by the appropriate councils.Anyway back to parks etc,if parks were suppose to be intended for dogs then there would be a doggy see-saw or a pooch slide/swing but there isnt! Please allow the kids to play where there's no chance of any dog mess and they feel safe.

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Whatever happened to give and take? At present there is nowhere available for families with dogs to go other than on the beach before 10am and after 6pm and at nobles park.


Stop whining. You should try being a smoker. Then you will know what the word "oppression" means (assuming I've spelt it correctly)

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The kids love the dogs, I love the kids and the dogs; so what is there to hate?


Shit, barking, dirty paws, smelly hair, and that they're generally animals that show an unhealthy interest in the people around them. Especially people they've never seen before.

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I am beginning to hate all dogs and their stupid "he's part of the family' owners. Quit whining.


Are you the same 'thebees' that tried to walk dogs at the MSPCA?


To Mr Sausages: I take it you aren't a doggy person then?

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NO HATE....But i am starting to agree with a previous post "people first",not all people especially children feel safe around animals,reptiles and the like,you wouldnt force someone to be in the same area as a snake for instance,would you!Well its the same principal.More and more dogs are left to roam without a leash ( in a few cases some should have a muzzle)and this can be very intimidating for adults aswell as children, but yet again nothing is enforced by the appropriate councils.Anyway back to parks etc,if parks were suppose to be intended for dogs then there would be a doggy see-saw or a pooch slide/swing but there isnt! Please allow the kids to play where there's no chance of any dog mess and they feel safe.


What this means is there needs to be rules to say dogs should be controllable, and they are. But this, like the dogshit rule, is flawed for one simple reason: The people who ignore the bans will also ignore the dogshit rules and continue to act anti socially. The people who pick their dog shit up, have controllable dogs will also adhere to the bans and miss out.


And well said Glady's. My kids get far more exercise, spend far more time outside and learn responsibility from having a dog. I wasn't keen at first, but it's made a huge difference to our family. He walks to school every day, but he's not allowed on the school grounds, so we have to chain him up at the gate. All the kids know him, and say hello to him on the way past, he brings a lot of joy to the kids, why should kids and dogs be separate if the owners act responsibly and the dogs well behaved?

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Yes you can walk your dogs in the park if you can find a way to suck all the slivers of dog crap out of the grass so my kids don't have to fall into it whilst they are playing and potentially go blind. Toxocara canis is a parasite that lives in dog crap and will still remain in tiny amounts left behind after clearing up, this can easily blind a person if they are unfortunate enough to come into contact with it.


Far to many dogs on the Island with selfish owners!


I think for the owners that don't even attempt to clear up after their dogs and try to disappear off quickly should be made to eat a weeks worth of their own dogs crap as a punishment


Get it scoffed!!!

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