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Dog Ban


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Yes you can walk your dogs in the park if you can find a way to suck all the slivers of dog crap out of the grass so my kids don't have to fall into it whilst they are playing and potentially go blind. Toxocara canis is a parasite that lives in dog crap and will still remain in tiny amounts left behind after clearing up, this can easily blind a person if they are unfortunate enough to come into contact with it.


When was the last time you heard of a kid going blind from contact with dog shit? Are dogs the only animals to have shit that contains parasites?

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Yes you can walk your dogs in the park if you can find a way to suck all the slivers of dog crap out of the grass so my kids don't have to fall into it whilst they are playing and potentially go blind. Toxocara canis is a parasite that lives in dog crap and will still remain in tiny amounts left behind after clearing up, this can easily blind a person if they are unfortunate enough to come into contact with it.


When was the last time you heard of a kid going blind from contact with dog shit? Are dogs the only animals to have shit that contains parasites?









There are many more if you look!

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Yes you can walk your dogs in the park if you can find a way to suck all the slivers of dog crap out of the grass so my kids don't have to fall into it whilst they are playing and potentially go blind. Toxocara canis is a parasite that lives in dog crap and will still remain in tiny amounts left behind after clearing up, this can easily blind a person if they are unfortunate enough to come into contact with it.


When was the last time you heard of a kid going blind from contact with dog shit? Are dogs the only animals to have shit that contains parasites?

Well there's nothing like a bit of ignorance,why dont you find some poo (any sort will do i guess) and maybe wipe a little across your eye and see what happens!Seriously though just because its not front page news doesnt mean it isnt right,either way i certainly dont want my children (youngest 18 months) playing in a park full of poo.My eldest child ruined an expensive pair of trainers a few years ago by walking through the stuff and it is disgusting,i tried to clean his trainers but it was making me feel sick so i had to bin them off.I suppose if certain people continue not to pick up after their dogs there may well be a ban on all dogs in all public places,so in the end everyone suffers.That really would be a shame because most people do like animals.

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I am beginning to hate all dogs and their stupid "he's part of the family' owners. Quit whining.

Well, there's a boat .......... (just make sure you take Douglas Councillors and the rest of your fellow dog haters with you).





I am beginning to hate all dogs and their stupid "he's part of the family' owners. Quit whining.

Well, there's a boat .......... (just make sure you take Douglas Councillors and the rest of your fellow dog haters with you).


Oh OK then. :lol: John can you ask the Councilors at the next meet? Evil Goblin thinks we should all leave the Island so him and his doggy loving friends can cover the parks and beach with dog shit in peace - you know it makes sense.......o'rly.



I am sure they will be happy to leave..lol

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It's like this folks.

The reason humans domesticated dogs is because you can't shag a cat. Simple as that.

Our ancestors needed an animal that would do as it was trained to do as well as being able to carry loads and pull burdens.

Leaving them outside the cave at night acted as a warning or anything approaching due to their ability, almost hysterical, to bark at anything very loudly.

One day a young bloke got cold and thought that a warm blooded animal might keep him warm, it worked. He got a boner one night and found himself shagging the dog, result! an animal that works, shags and doesn't talk back. In fact, doggy ability to indulge in oral sex is legendary, either male or female, it matters not to the pooch.

As for the shitting everywhere, if we are so fucking clever and are able to train our dogs to roll over, stand on their hind legs and come to command (no pun intended) then why can't we train them to shit in appropriate places? Who's the fool in this game?

Basically it's not the dog's fault but ours. If a dog shits on a pavement the person with it should be made to eat that turd, the dog would happily eat it. Then the person with it would have to endure 5 mins of the dog licking their face, as it seems enjoyable to dog owners to allow that, enough of them do it.

Dogs are useless, turd eating, smelly animals only good for fucking and using as clothing once they are skinned.

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A 75 year old case? You're seriously offering me that as an example?


Roo, if you think you must throw shoes out rather than clean them, it's not me who's ignorant.


I offered you two examples one from as you say 75 years ago and one from 2006, I cannot see how old or recent the cases are bares any relevance. I would guess that every case is not documented on the internet


It is a fact that children are blinded every year from contact with dog faeces.

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I offered you two examples one from as you say 75 years ago and one from 2006, I cannot see how old or recent the cases are bares any relevance. I would guess that every case is not documented on the internet


It is a fact that children are blinded every year from contact with dog faeces.


It is a fact that dogs aren't banned in the parks in onchan. Is it a fact that onchan kids suffer blindness through contact with dog shit?


These parasites are only present in a dog that's not been wormed. I'd guess that a dog that's not regularly wormed is owned by an irrisponsible dog owner, who's not going to lift the shit anyway. These are the people that need to be sorted, not responsible dog owners.


Like I said, onchan's an interesting contrast, dogs allowed in parks, no huge dogshit problem, no blind kids.


The back lanes/paths are fucking awful though, really needs sorting, there's dogshit everywhere there, because people get away with it without being spotted.

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I offered you two examples one from as you say 75 years ago and one from 2006, I cannot see how old or recent the cases are bares any relevance. I would guess that every case is not documented on the internet


It is a fact that children are blinded every year from contact with dog faeces.


It is a fact that dogs aren't banned in the parks in onchan. Is it a fact that onchan kids suffer blindness through contact with dog shit?


These parasites are only present in a dog that's not been wormed. I'd guess that a dog that's not regularly wormed is owned by an irrisponsible dog owner, who's not going to lift the shit anyway. These are the people that need to be sorted, not responsible dog owners.


Like I said, onchan's an interesting contrast, dogs allowed in parks, no huge dogshit problem, no blind kids.


The back lanes/paths are fucking awful though, really needs sorting, there's dogshit everywhere there, because people get away with it without being spotted.


Total agreement, having the pleasure to live in a back lane, I am sick off the dog muck !!


Problem is they do get away with it, The Bye laws officers can't be everywhere at once and there will and always have been irresponsible owners, for example I see a young lad most evenings walking 3 race hounds down the back lane, he always keeps them on a lead and scoops, take into account he is only about 12, then i see Mr Adult with his big ******* (add breed later) with the dog off the lead , 40 meters ahead off him, doing a large one round by the garages and by the time he walks there its never noticed by him.


Although I feel there should be more dog walking areas, problem there is where is the land, esp in Central Douglas.



I also as Slim may also advocate, the banning of those silly extendable leads that are almost cotton thin on the prom, when you on your bike or skating etc. you cant see them and either end up dragging Sheila and her dog 30 meters down the prom or if your skating on your face !! lol

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Total agreement, having the pleasure to live in a back lane, I am sick off the dog muck !!

You live in a back lane? Must be cold in winter.



Yerr its pretty chilly, the cardboard chaffs really bad as well.....


I should have said my house is in a back lane...lol

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I also as Slim may also advocate, the banning of those silly extendable leads that are almost cotton thin on the prom, when you on your bike or skating etc. you cant see them and either end up dragging Sheila and her dog 30 meters down the prom or if your skating on your face !! lol


Bloody lethal those things! Owner on one side of the prom, dog on the other, and you've got a moving tripwire!

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