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Dog Ban


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A 75 year old case? You're seriously offering me that as an example?


Roo, if you think you must throw shoes out rather than clean them, it's not me who's ignorant.

Not ignorant,just didnt want to throw up or catch anything doing such a dirty job while i was pregnant,its one thing cleaning up after your own children but a different story when it comes to animal faeces,which by the way can be linked to stillbirths,you dont tend to hear much about those these days but a friend of mine sadly lost her baby in this way in 2006 along with 7 other babies in this year alone on the island,pretty bad hey!Its not in the local papers but it happens.



Well thinking about it, the much maligned poor old mutt is generally harmless, shit and all. I'm getting on a bit now, have lived with dogs all my life, my kids too were brought up with dogs. None of us have ever suffered anything as a result of close contact with a dog. One thing is for sure however we've all gained from experiencing life with a fellow creature like a dog, who are very special companions, pity the likes of you can't see it.


To be honest I understand that you love your kids/baby that's the way things should be but on the other hand I recognize that if your kids ever had close contact with a dog (shock horror!!) the result would only be beneficial to them.


Day to day contact with a dog provides deep insight, for those that want to see it, into the important things in life - love, loyalty etc. I'm not unconcerned about kids in general but really couldn't give damn about your self obsessed safety paranoia. Most of the places from where people like you want dogs removed are used by dogs all year, not the occasional nice day you take your spoiled brats there. Even should your brats share it on the odd day you get there beach/park etc., they'd come to no harm, they may even gain from the experience.


Dogs are good, other people's dogs are good. Other people's kids are irritating little shits.


Harsh maybe? But generally true, you love your kids, the rest of us find them irritating, far more so than a mutt.

AGAIN....I like dogs and make a fuss of them but i dont want them in the friggin parks,i am certainly NOT having a go at ALL dog owners,just the lazy ones and the ones who only pick up while being watched,yes there's a few of you!

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Roo, it's definitely unpleasant, but if you dunk em and wash your hands well afterwards you'll be fine. The world is full of animals, and those animals shit. We don't want to encourage it and people definitely should pick up after their dog, but the odd bit here and there isn't going to kill you. Are you one of those dettox loonies that expects everything to be sterile?


I met one last night and a group of ignorants that feel they can take up the whole prom and stand there when you approach playing chicken with you... smash.. 16 stone plus bike at 10 MPH.. You loose...


I had some guy angrily tell me to use the cycle lane on the prom last night. It was covered in about 50 teenagers jumping off the wall, and the rest of it had people, rightly, walking along enjoying the prom. You get bleated at being on the road, bleated at on the walkway...


Its not so bad when they cant see you or move out the way, I always slow down and this has saved me a few times over the last week, but its just when they are walking towards you and see you coming well in advance, but decide to stop and stare at you as you approach, almost like a stand off at the old saloon..lol


Still I did the polite thing and put me foot down and rode right into him!! nahh just joking, I just stopped and let them pass, as swerving around the prom past a large group of people and likley hitting some poor sod walking along the prom does not interest me, just lack of manners.


I hve to say was impressed by the fact some off them could climb the flag poles and jump in !!! Just had images of them hitting the wall.



Roo, it's definitely unpleasant, but if you dunk em and wash your hands well afterwards you'll be fine. The world is full of animals, and those animals shit. We don't want to encourage it and people definitely should pick up after their dog, but the odd bit here and there isn't going to kill you. Are you one of those dettox loonies that expects everything to be sterile?


I met one last night and a group of ignorants that feel they can take up the whole prom and stand there when you approach playing chicken with you... smash.. 16 stone plus bike at 10 MPH.. You loose...


I had some guy angrily tell me to use the cycle lane on the prom last night. It was covered in about 50 teenagers jumping off the wall, and the rest of it had people, rightly, walking along enjoying the prom. You get bleated at being on the road, bleated at on the walkway...



Every time I use the cycle lane there is some tit walking in it - I have now fitted the old mountain bike with rolling death spikes a bit like in Gladiator



See Bikestyle even have pink ones for young girls bikes as well.. imagine them at the NSC on the bike racing night !!

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This is starting to get a bit crazy now. I just wanted to point out that for famiilies like myself with young children and pets, there is now nowhere available to go all together on a day outing like previously. Yes we walk round douglas to excerise the dog, but there are times when the sun is shining when it would be nice to pack a bag like we used to do and go off out for the day on the bus to somewhere fun!! As for all the comments all very valid about children who are petrified of dogs and dogs that are nervous around children, this is nothing new and segregation is only going to make the problem far worse and much more widespread. It falls under the heading of socialization. :D

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Manxman, actually John brought up the cycling.


This is starting to get a bit crazy now. I just wanted to point out that for famiilies like myself with young children and pets, there is now nowhere available to go all together on a day outing like previously.


I think that's pushing it a bit. Plantations, trails, claddaghs, camp sites, glens and many beaches still allow dogs. Molly quirks glen is ace for kids and near to town, loads of climbing trees, a picnic area, a river to splosh about in and dogs are fine there.

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This is starting to get a bit crazy now. I just wanted to point out that for famiilies like myself with young children and pets, there is now nowhere available to go all together on a day outing like previously. Yes we walk round douglas to excerise the dog, but there are times when the sun is shining when it would be nice to pack a bag like we used to do and go off out for the day on the bus to somewhere fun!! As for all the comments all very valid about children who are petrified of dogs and dogs that are nervous around children, this is nothing new and segregation is only going to make the problem far worse and much more widespread. It falls under the heading of socialization. :D


Onchan ???


Manxman, actually John brought up the cycling.


This is starting to get a bit crazy now. I just wanted to point out that for famiilies like myself with young children and pets, there is now nowhere available to go all together on a day outing like previously.


I think that's pushing it a bit. Plantations, trails, claddaghs, camp sites, glens and many beaches still allow dogs. Molly quirks glen is ace for kids and near to town, loads of climbing trees, a picnic area, a river to splosh about in and dogs are fine there.



Yep it was me..

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I think a good compromise would be to allow dog walkers to share the cycle lanes with cyclists, that way the dog shit would slow the cyclist down and with it stuck to thier tyres they would clean up the lanes :thumbsup:

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You won't believe what I saw today. This filthy woman picked up some dogshit and swung it around for a bit in a plastic bag before shoving it into a bin. People will want to use that bin for other things and tramps might want to go a foraging and it's now minging with dog crap. Why couldn't she just leave it in the ground where it was harming nobody.


Last summer a dog did a poo in my flower bed and its bloody owner tresspassed onto my property to pick it up, doing more damage in the process than the dog. Then used her shit contaminanted hands to open MY bin and put the shit in there. Now the binmen think I shit in a plastic bag and leave it for them to collect. And she shouted at the poor mutt who'd done nought wrong.

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My kids are not spoilt brats they are loving and kind and can use a toilet unlike your scraggy annoying shit machine of a dog - bet you are one of them old guys that drives around the Island at 28mph in an austin metro pissed up!



Absolutely how did you know? Have you been behind me in my dark blue Nissan Micra? I always wear a trilby hat too. Only thing I should point out I never drive after partaking in a sherry or two. Don't you know it's illegal to drink and drive?


30mph is fast enough for anybody and I do what I can to keep the tearaways behind me and ensure they stick to 30, after all they may run over a dog. I'm a great believer in a general all island speed limit of 25mph, 20 mph in built up areas and with 30mph permitted on the mountain road. We live on a small island who needs to go any faster? I find 30mph quite quick enough, though I prefer about 20. There should be an instant 12 months ban for anybody exceeding those limits and any speeding above 40 mph should be punishable with a life ban.


Apart for myself, I have some good friends who are also very influential and they agree with my proposals for an all island speed limit. Following some very encouraging talks with the real power brokers here, we are quietly optimistic that all our recommendations to government will be in force by 2012.


Sorry old chap but your days of speeding round, at 40mph plus, in a clapped out Astra with a bunch of brats in the back are coming to an end, thankfully so, in my opinion, and the opinions of all right minded people too.

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Apart for myself, I have some good friends who are also very influential and they agree with my proposals for an all island speed limit. Following some very encouraging talks with the real power brokers here, we are quietly optimistic that all our recommendations to government will be in force by 2012.


Sorry old chap but your days of speeding round, at 40mph plus, in a clapped out Astra with a bunch of brats in the back are coming to an end, thankfully so, in my opinion, and the opinions of all right minded people too.




Hmmmm I see - funny hand shakes at dawn is it, well while you are at it maybe look at also improving the limp wrist half arsed decision making from most of the MHK's so far. Very surprised we haven't had a another large expensive statue plonked somewhere we must be due one soon? Could you recommend that it should be a statue of the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters please.


I would agree with an Island speed limit anyway so it really wouldn't bother me if it keeps my kids safe when we are out and about it has got to be a plus.


If you seen my real car you would say "Oh please Mr Punisher I have been a good boy let me lick your car clean I love it so much"

I would consider letting you do this as long as you don't try and throw me in your silence of the lambs pit again in the basement of your house.


"it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it get's the hose again"

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