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Dog Ban


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Even if you scrape dog poo into a bag there will still be enough residue remaining to carry disease. There should be dog allowed zones and dog forbidden zones.


If you love dogs then fine, but most of our population are really pissed off dodging their shit all over the place. And Douglas is a bloody digrace for all the dog shite everywhere.


what about the tons of shit we pump into the sea causing enviromental damage why dont u comment on far more pressing issues, i pick up after my dog do u clean ur shit up :angry:

Do YOU!!!

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i pick up after my dog do u clean ur shit up :angry:



I would normally use a toilet. However I always carry a Tesco's carrier bag in my pocket in case I get caught short


yes me too funny enough! but u obviously dont care about the enviromental damage we do when we pump our shit into the sea, but we

are expected to pick up shit on the beach what a joke <_<



I do care about the environmental damage (well a bit anyway). What would you like me to do about it? Shit on the beach and bin it?. I suspect there may be public order implications with that ,but I'm open to suggestions

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If given the chance yes!!


You clean up your own poo if given the chance? Pleasee describe an instance when you have been given the chance. What did you do with the poo? Was it more environmentally friendly than flushing it down the toilet?


Also, please confirm whether you use biodegradable plastic bags for your dog's poos?

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If you seen my real car you would say "Oh please Mr Punisher I have been a good boy let me lick your car clean I love it so much"

I would consider letting you do this as long as you don't try and throw me in your silence of the lambs pit again in the basement of your house.


"it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it get's the hose again"




Why on earth would I want to lick a dog hater's battered Astra full of little shits?


Incidentally I may have lied about the Nissan Micra, trilby, all island speed limits and my mates in high places?

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If you seen my real car you would say "Oh please Mr Punisher I have been a good boy let me lick your car clean I love it so much"

I would consider letting you do this as long as you don't try and throw me in your silence of the lambs pit again in the basement of your house.


"it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it get's the hose again"




Why on earth would I want to lick a dog hater's battered Astra full of little shits?


Incidentally I may have lied about the Nissan Micra, trilby, all island speed limits and my mates in high places?


You post very late - are you a vampire?


I don't hate dogs at all Sir but I do have friends in high places, one of them lives in a bin bag on top of chester street car park!

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If you seen my real car you would say "Oh please Mr Punisher I have been a good boy let me lick your car clean I love it so much"

I would consider letting you do this as long as you don't try and throw me in your silence of the lambs pit again in the basement of your house.


"it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it get's the hose again"




Why on earth would I want to lick a dog hater's battered Astra full of little shits?


Incidentally I may have lied about the Nissan Micra, trilby, all island speed limits and my mates in high places?


You post very late - are you a vampire?


I don't hate dogs at all Sir but I do have friends in high places, one of them lives in a bin bag on top of chester street car park!



actually I live in a cardboard box in a backlane..remember..lol

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I would read that but it looks far too much effort so I'll guess.


Yes, I agree, dogs should be banned.


Edit for grammar


Maybe u should be banned too. Dog hater!!! :angry:

each has a right to their opinion....


My 6 year old daughter has a 1 year old black labrador whom she absolutely adores but is already starting to ask must we bring the dog out with us? I really cannot see why cannot bring the dog out with us on her lead with plenty of poopy bags to places such as the Parks, Glens, Mooragh in Ramsey and Silverdale and in general anywhere that is supposed to be family orientated. I understand that there has always been a minority of irresponsible dog owners that do not clean up after their pets mess when out and about, but this banning of dogs is ridiculous and is only going to lead to neglect and mistreatment of pets. As it stands, I am constantly faced with the choice of leaving our pet home alone which means she is not walked as often and as much as she could be and is also at risk of becoming isolated , or we can bring her and as we do not have a car, I have to either leave her tied up outside the park and go in with my daughter or let my daughter play in the park on her own and wait outside with the dog. Either scenario has complictions and dangers as without constant supervision one or the other are at risk. People who have cars will be tempted to leave their pets in the car and this also carries huge risks of damage to the pets health and in some cases life. I really wish that this thoughtless new law could be overturned and with such a lovely summer hopefully arriving, why cant we deal with the problem of unwanted messes such as making dogs being kept on leads at all times within parks and children areas and more dog friendly areas available to let the dog run off to have a good play with ball or frisbee. Why couldnt we have a scheme for dog owners to subscribe and agree in a contract to always have their dog on a leash and clear up any mess the pet has made like pet owners should do anyway, but hopefully by signing up to a scheme and being given a pass card, would make them more responsible and consistant in doing this. It's a terrible shame that through a small minority of careless and irresponsible owners that this beautiful wonderful island of ours is becoming so prejudiced against families with pets. As a tax payer I want to be able to use the many wonderful sites around the island as a whole family and as our pets are an integral part of our families, mostly wanted loved and well cared for and looked after properly, we should be able to go out and about without being faced with the choices and decisions aforementioned. HT Douglas.


I totally agree with everything u say. i pay my rates like everyone else and am absolutely furious with the council about all these stupid bans, why should i purchase a dog licence!!! :angry:



erm because its the law ???

Even if you scrape dog poo into a bag there will still be enough residue remaining to carry disease. There should be dog allowed zones and dog forbidden zones.


If you love dogs then fine, but most of our population are really pissed off dodging their shit all over the place. And Douglas is a bloody digrace for all the dog shite everywhere.


what about the tons of shit we pump into the sea causing enviromental damage why dont u comment on far more pressing issues, i pick up after my dog do u clean ur shit up :angry:




i pick up after my dog do u clean ur shit up :angry:



I would normally use a toilet. However I always carry a Tesco's carrier bag in my pocket in case I get caught short


yes me too funny enough! but u obviously dont care about the enviromental damage we do when we pump our shit into the sea, but we

are expected to pick up shit on the beach what a joke <_<


sorry its not a joke, its a byelaw... If dog owners all picked up in the first place we would not be where we are today with the byelaws. Seems amw2508 you find it east to blame those that are trying to resolve the problem, yet lay none of that blame on the lazy gits that caused it.


Thats my opinion.

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I see they are still using manx.net to promote that dog petition.

Until now, I've maintained a reasonably neutral stance, personally I dislike dogs, find the need to be careful where I put my feet annoying, but agree that all dog owners are not thoughtless people who just leave the shit lying around.

However, having visited that petition site, I note the following:

For those wasting your time submitting negative comments without valid email addresses let me just assure you the system automatically filters your submissions , we don’t see them what we do is log your IP address!

How exciting!

What exactly are you going to do with that information?

Or perhaps, given the use of the '!' what are you hoping to imply you can do with that information, given that most sites can log this anyway?


But the clincher is

Nazi’s believed there was only one right way and you are no better


The Nazis also weren't that keen on 'negative comment' as I recall.....


Do feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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I would read that but it looks far too much effort so I'll guess.


Yes, I agree, dogs should be banned.


Edit for grammar


Maybe u should be banned too. Dog hater!!! :angry:

each has a right to their opinion....


My 6 year old daughter has a 1 year old black labrador whom she absolutely adores but is already starting to ask must we bring the dog out with us? I really cannot see why cannot bring the dog out with us on her lead with plenty of poopy bags to places such as the Parks, Glens, Mooragh in Ramsey and Silverdale and in general anywhere that is supposed to be family orientated. I understand that there has always been a minority of irresponsible dog owners that do not clean up after their pets mess when out and about, but this banning of dogs is ridiculous and is only going to lead to neglect and mistreatment of pets. As it stands, I am constantly faced with the choice of leaving our pet home alone which means she is not walked as often and as much as she could be and is also at risk of becoming isolated , or we can bring her and as we do not have a car, I have to either leave her tied up outside the park and go in with my daughter or let my daughter play in the park on her own and wait outside with the dog. Either scenario has complictions and dangers as without constant supervision one or the other are at risk. People who have cars will be tempted to leave their pets in the car and this also carries huge risks of damage to the pets health and in some cases life. I really wish that this thoughtless new law could be overturned and with such a lovely summer hopefully arriving, why cant we deal with the problem of unwanted messes such as making dogs being kept on leads at all times within parks and children areas and more dog friendly areas available to let the dog run off to have a good play with ball or frisbee. Why couldnt we have a scheme for dog owners to subscribe and agree in a contract to always have their dog on a leash and clear up any mess the pet has made like pet owners should do anyway, but hopefully by signing up to a scheme and being given a pass card, would make them more responsible and consistant in doing this. It's a terrible shame that through a small minority of careless and irresponsible owners that this beautiful wonderful island of ours is becoming so prejudiced against families with pets. As a tax payer I want to be able to use the many wonderful sites around the island as a whole family and as our pets are an integral part of our families, mostly wanted loved and well cared for and looked after properly, we should be able to go out and about without being faced with the choices and decisions aforementioned. HT Douglas.


I totally agree with everything u say. i pay my rates like everyone else and am absolutely furious with the council about all these stupid bans, why should i purchase a dog licence!!! :angry:



erm because its the law ???

Even if you scrape dog poo into a bag there will still be enough residue remaining to carry disease. There should be dog allowed zones and dog forbidden zones.


If you love dogs then fine, but most of our population are really pissed off dodging their shit all over the place. And Douglas is a bloody digrace for all the dog shite everywhere.


what about the tons of shit we pump into the sea causing enviromental damage why dont u comment on far more pressing issues, i pick up after my dog do u clean ur shit up :angry:




i pick up after my dog do u clean ur shit up :angry:



I would normally use a toilet. However I always carry a Tesco's carrier bag in my pocket in case I get caught short


yes me too funny enough! but u obviously dont care about the enviromental damage we do when we pump our shit into the sea, but we

are expected to pick up shit on the beach what a joke <_<


sorry its not a joke, its a byelaw... If dog owners all picked up in the first place we would not be where we are today with the byelaws. Seems amw2508 you find it east to blame those that are trying to resolve the problem, yet lay none of that blame on the lazy gits that caused it.


Thats my opinion.



Doing 30 in a 30 zone is also the law John, but I'll bet my right bollock you don't always stick within that law, and careful mind how you respond that halo can get awful heavy...........dog licenses are pointless, we who are responsible dog owners, pick up the mess our dogs leave and keep our dogs on leads and in adequately fenced in gardens so they are never at large have to pay for licenses to pay for dog wardens to catch and impound dogs which are at large and "owned" by irresponsible dog owners...wtf!!!! if that's not the most fucked up law I don't know what is, in addition any fuckwit can have as many children they possibly can and allow them to be brought up in a semi feral way and yet I have to purchase a fucking license for my dog....you need to have a word with your cohorts and get this bullshit law changed

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Doing 30 in a 30 zone is also the law John, but I'll bet my right bollock you don't always stick within that law, and careful mind how you respond that halo can get awful heavy...........dog licenses are pointless, we who are responsible dog owners, pick up the mess our dogs leave and keep our dogs on leads and in adequately fenced in gardens so they are never at large have to pay for licenses to pay for dog wardens to catch and impound dogs which are at large and "owned" by irresponsible dog owners...wtf!!!! if that's not the most fucked up law I don't know what is, in addition any fuckwit can have as many children they possibly can and allow them to be brought up in a semi feral way and yet I have to purchase a fucking license for my dog....you need to have a word with your cohorts and get this bullshit law changed


Yeah life's not fair is it? So you have to shell out a few quid (or whatever it is ) to subsidise those you deem irresponsible dog owners. I'm sure it's not the "most fucked up law" that exists. I can think of others I regard as worse but don't go on ad nauseum about it. Just pay up and stop bleating

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[Doing 30 in a 30 zone is also the law John, but I'll bet my right bollock you don't always stick within that law, and careful mind how you respond that halo can get awful heavy...........dog licenses are pointless


Like any license the purpose is to create a register of the thing being licensed so its not pointless. If you lose your dog and its wearing its license you get it back eventually or if it gets run over and killed you at least get notified. How much is a dog license anyway these days - a few quid? What sort of miserable twat resents spending a few quid on a dog license just because there are some irresponsible dog owers around that it maybe subsidising?


Grow up.


Edited. Just checked. A dog license is only £16. hardly a total rip off.



I couldn't give a fuck wether it's 16 pence or 16 hundred quid, I'm pissed off with subsidising the knobheads of society, extortionate rates, my NI contributions to keep lazy fuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets, taxes to keep MHK's and civil servants with high wages and even better pensions, dog licenses to return dogs to irresponsible tits who couldn't give a flying fuck where their dogs are....and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed.......so it's this sort of miserable twat, ME who fucking well resents giving any of my money to anything I see no rhyme or reason for....if you wish to hand over money like a little subserviant bitch without protest feel free to do so, cheers

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I couldn't give a fuck wether it's 16 pence or 16 hundred quid, I'm pissed off with subsidising the knobheads of society, extortionate rates, my NI contributions to keep lazy fuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets, taxes to keep MHK's and civil servants with high wages and even better pensions, dog licenses to return dogs to irresponsible tits who couldn't give a flying fuck where their dogs are....and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed.......so it's this sort of miserable twat, ME who fucking well resents giving any of my money to anything I see no rhyme or reason for....if you wish to hand over money like a little subserviant bitch without protest feel free to do so, cheers


That's quite a rant. But how exactly do your NI contributions keep lazyfuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets? Does one go to Tesco's lottery counter and say "I'm a lazy fuckwit give me a lottery ticket and a packet of fags at half price MB will pay the rest"?.

I'm afraid it's all part of being part of society. There's things about it we all sometimes don't like. But if you had to go into hospital you would not find me bellyaching about the cost of your treatment.

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