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Dog Ban


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[Doing 30 in a 30 zone is also the law John, but I'll bet my right bollock you don't always stick within that law, and careful mind how you respond that halo can get awful heavy...........dog licenses are pointless


Like any license the purpose is to create a register of the thing being licensed so its not pointless. If you lose your dog and its wearing its license you get it back eventually or if it gets run over and killed you at least get notified. How much is a dog license anyway these days - a few quid? What sort of miserable twat resents spending a few quid on a dog license just because there are some irresponsible dog owers around that it maybe subsidising?


Grow up.


Edited. Just checked. A dog license is only £16. hardly a total rip off.



I couldn't give a fuck wether it's 16 pence or 16 hundred quid, I'm pissed off with subsidising the knobheads of society, extortionate rates, my NI contributions to keep lazy fuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets, taxes to keep MHK's and civil servants with high wages and even better pensions, dog licenses to return dogs to irresponsible tits who couldn't give a flying fuck where their dogs are....and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed.......so it's this sort of miserable twat, ME who fucking well resents giving any of my money to anything I see no rhyme or reason for....if you wish to hand over money like a little subserviant bitch without protest feel free to do so, cheers

Gosh that was a good rant,bet you feel better for that hey!

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I couldn't give a fuck wether it's 16 pence or 16 hundred quid, I'm pissed off with subsidising the knobheads of society, extortionate rates, my NI contributions to keep lazy fuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets, taxes to keep MHK's and civil servants with high wages and even better pensions, dog licenses to return dogs to irresponsible tits who couldn't give a flying fuck where their dogs are....and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed.......so it's this sort of miserable twat, ME who fucking well resents giving any of my money to anything I see no rhyme or reason for....if you wish to hand over money like a little subserviant bitch without protest feel free to do so, cheers


That's quite a rant. But how exactly do your NI contributions keep lazyfuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets? Does one go to Tesco's lottery counter and say "I'm a lazy fuckwit give me a lottery ticket and a packet of fags at half price MB will pay the rest"?.

I'm afraid it's all part of being part of society. There's things about it we all sometimes don't like. But if you had to go into hospital you would not find me bellyaching about the cost of your treatment.


!!treatment!! your havin a fuukin laff..

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Let's be honest, he does have a point tho. Why should the lazy scummers take, take, take whilst some people just give?


Like someone I know who is self employed and got injured. Did he insure himself? No, he sent the missus down to get benefits.


Could we not have an even better rate of tax over here if the government wasn't so bloated?

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Let's be honest, he does have a point tho. Why should the lazy scummers take, take, take whilst some people just give?


Like someone I know who is self employed and got injured. Did he insure himself? No, he sent the missus down to get benefits.


Could we not have an even better rate of tax over here if the government wasn't so bloated?


and why should he insure himself just because he is self employed..


he pays his stamps .. he also pays to the tax office class 2 and class 4 payments .. so just why the fuck would you expect him to cover his own sickness or injurie benefits ffs..


he probably on top of those payments generates a sizable yearly amount of vat for our precious government.

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Because he has kids and needs to provide for them. I choose the lower risk, lower payed employed life. He chooses other.


If I had kids and was self employed, insurance would be the first thing on my mind.


In fact, even if I had kids in my current role, I'd be insured.

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Actuall it was a rant, and yes I am extremely overtired................I do however feel better now, my aplogies, sometimes this forum is used a soundboard by me :rolleyes:


No need to aplogise. It's a forum that's what it's for.

Seconded,word for word.

I love the forum and the rantieees,i only hope i can get to rant as good as you guys one day.

Night Matt,hope you get a good sleep but i would imagine you and your family are like mine,and having teething problems hey!If so maybe you could try "Ashton & Parsons" infant powders.Says on the box "for teething with a smile" not quite but it does seem to ease the baby's distress,good luck.

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Because he has kids and needs to provide for them. I choose the lower risk, lower payed employed life. He chooses other.


If I had kids and was self employed, insurance would be the first thing on my mind.


In fact, even if I had kids in my current role, I'd be insured.


yes its all so easy isnt it .. would you be paying that on top of your £1500 a year public liability insurance and your £2500 yearly yellow pages slot..

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To be honest all the inusrance policys do is screw u some how,


i have not once had the full payment out of any of them in my life, there moden day crooks,

so i stopped the lot, and the cash i was spending on them i put away for if i have to take time off sick.


robbing robbing basterds

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