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Dog Ban


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Hey Matt, sadly the bye law was imposed before my time on council, and even if i disagreed with it, i am unable to change any byelaw.


again it seems that its the blame being passed from the dog owners that are irresponsible to Douglas Corpy who had to take action (maybe not the fairest or correct action) to try and combat the behaviour.


you have seemed to go off thread a little, but hey Commercial Insurance is my bag.. so here goes


2500 is a lot of Public Liability, i think unless you own a 10 man plus roofing company your being ripped off.


Insurance is not a waste of money, it is the final help you have against financial ruin, personal accident policies are worth their weight in gold when you have to use it, trust me break an leg and your self employed builder is fooked for 3 months, yes he will have an excess period of maybe 2 weeks, but most off us could live with that, then he gets 65% of his annual wage paid to him, ok so you have to prove your earning, bit off a ball ache i know, but hey we could all say we earned 100K a year when we don't (well not me at least)


The biggest problem is when the insurance is not explained correctly, ie people try to claim say personal injury from their public liability. Just make sure you understand and are explained what you are actually insuring, but even more importantly what you are NOT covered for, always read any endorsments.!!


my few quids worth.....

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To be honest all the inusrance policys do is screw u some how,


i have not once had the full payment out of any of them in my life, there moden day crooks,

so i stopped the lot, and the cash i was spending on them i put away for if i have to take time off sick.


robbing robbing basterds



If it was vehicle insurance or employers liability then your breaking the law !! if its Public liability you dont have and your self employed, you are very stupid, as if you do cause a 3rd party injury or damage their propoerty, they will come looking for you and your personal assets.

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To be honest all the inusrance policys do is screw u some how,


i have not once had the full payment out of any of them in my life, there moden day crooks,

so i stopped the lot, and the cash i was spending on them i put away for if i have to take time off sick.


robbing robbing basterds



If it was vehicle insurance or employers liability then your breaking the law !! if its Public liability you dont have and your self employed, you are very stupid, as if you do cause a 3rd party injury or damage their propoerty, they will come looking for you and your personal assets.


ha ha thay cant get blood out of a stone lol,


no i ment personal insurance, not the rest, that costs me an arm and a leg on its own.


, i think to be honest im paying around the 3- 4 grand a year in 3rd party insurance, and i dont employ anyone bugger, and that dont include car vans etc insurance

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Insurance is not a waste of money, it is the final help you have against financial ruin, personal accident policies are worth their weight in gold when you have to use it, trust me break an leg and your self employed builder is fooked for 3 months, yes he will have an excess period of maybe 2 weeks, but most off us could live with that, then he gets 65% of his annual wage paid to him, ok so you have to prove your earning, bit off a ball ache i know, but hey we could all say we earned 100K a year when we don't (well not me at least)


diden help me one bit when i snapped me tendons, all thay did was screw me, the cash thay had off me for years would have paid for me time off,


so i dont bother no more for personal insurance

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fookin hell Gazza , give me a buzz on 668117 tomoz or pm me contact details, your being ripped off BIG time..lol hope your not with Kestrel..hehe


ha ha no it was cheaper then kestrel, i think i may well have spoke to you at the time lol,


prob i have is that the work i do. i have to have 3 4 diffrent policys to cover the diffrent ones i do,

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john your jetlag is getting worse i said it was £1500 public liability.


and your 65% of annual wage aint much cop if you only declare 2 thirds of your income.



woops sorry just drove back from peel.. was a long way !! lol


arr well you see, be honest !!! lol

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[Doing 30 in a 30 zone is also the law John, but I'll bet my right bollock you don't always stick within that law, and careful mind how you respond that halo can get awful heavy...........dog licenses are pointless


Like any license the purpose is to create a register of the thing being licensed so its not pointless. If you lose your dog and its wearing its license you get it back eventually or if it gets run over and killed you at least get notified. How much is a dog license anyway these days - a few quid? What sort of miserable twat resents spending a few quid on a dog license just because there are some irresponsible dog owers around that it maybe subsidising?


Grow up.


Edited. Just checked. A dog license is only £16. hardly a total rip off.



I couldn't give a fuck wether it's 16 pence or 16 hundred quid, I'm pissed off with subsidising the knobheads of society, extortionate rates, my NI contributions to keep lazy fuckwits supplied with cheap booze, ganja, fags and lottery tickets, taxes to keep MHK's and civil servants with high wages and even better pensions, dog licenses to return dogs to irresponsible tits who couldn't give a flying fuck where their dogs are....and 14 years of dog ownership(2) and never have my dogs been at large or run over and killed.......so it's this sort of miserable twat, ME who fucking well resents giving any of my money to anything I see no rhyme or reason for....if you wish to hand over money like a little subserviant bitch without protest feel free to do so, cheers



Do the world a favour shoot yourself, it'll be one less idiot able to vote.

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John you are a Douglas Councillor. Who but Douglas Council can change a Douglas Council by-law? So you can't just hold your hands up and say "nothing to do with me". Have you brought a motion (fnrr fnrr) before the council to reverse the law? Have you spoken in council against the ban?

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i have. I crashed my car and got a fair payout, took a bit of battling, but I got what I thought was fair.


PPI and redundancy insurance is notoriously bad for paying out though and bloody expensive.

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John you are a Douglas Councillor. Who but Douglas Council can change a Douglas Council by-law? So you can't just hold your hands up and say "nothing to do with me". Have you brought a motion (fnrr fnrr) before the council to reverse the law? Have you spoken in council against the ban?



I have spoken about it and all bye laws need to go before Tynwald for the final nod, also most of the Council is in favour of the bye-laws. I do believe there does need to be more dog walking areas though.


IMPO I believe the law is a little like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but its a nut that needs to be cracked. No solution is ever going to please everyone all the time, but the issue of muck in parks etc did need to be rectified. So apart from having bye-law officers every where all the time or DNA testing off all dogs !! the only solution was to stop all dogs (apart from guidedogs) from the parks.

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So you support it? Why imply it's nowt to do with you.



Because it was nothing to do with me, the law was brought in before i became a councillor, that was not an excuse but a plain fact that i had nothing to do with its coming into place. The fact I agree with it is my personal opinion. I have lost count off the numbert of times i have taken my daughter to a park in the past and had dog muck on my shoe or her shoe, the days off having to check a 4 meter sq area before putting a picnic blanket down, having to move 4 times until you found an area that was free of dog muck.


But I do agree there should be more dog walking areas, as yes we have a right to have no muck in areas that we use, but dog owners also have a right to areas that they can walk their dogs etc.

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So you are in a position to change (or at least start a process that could) the situation, but do nothing because you support the law, but it is nothing to do with you. At least stand by your actions.

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