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[BBC News] Restrictions over petrol storage


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It's probably been in force since the year dot but WFT? So if you have a 25L jerry can (lets face it, a very common item) for your boat/lawnmower/generator/whatever you need a licence? I wonder how many are in people's sheds right now, unlicenced and dangerous?

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What about central heating oil storage tanks ?


What a joke has anyone ever heard of common sense or do you need to go to college to get that ? :lol:

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I remember the last petrol shortage in England, during the thatcherocracy where a guy, in Leicester, stored about 500 gallons in his cellar, in buckets!

Some people are born stupid, some have stupidity thrust upon them.

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So if I have the fuel tank for my boat full and in my garage (25L plastic tank) that's ok, but if I have my 20L metal jerry can full in my garage (as I do for my bike, my mower etc) I need a license?


What a bunch of complete whoppers. As usual.

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Doesn't petrol go off?

Whats the storage time (roughly) for petrol to be kept in a plastic container versus metal container, with both of them kept out of the sun like in a garage or shed as suggested?


Too late, here's a link instead



Personally, I'm not suprised that people bring fuel across as its lots cheaper and I don't know why that is. Does anyone else? Answers appreciated as also the best funny petrol joke :)

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This is about transporting fuel over from the UK on the boat, and not about storing fuel at home as the useless fuckwit BBC employees have implied.


Really BBC, are your reporting standards this low?


The Office of Fair Trading has no juristiction in your home, they cannot dictate what you store on your property at any time. Mass storing fuel of any type would likely come under the remit of Environmental Health, or planning; maybe Health and Safety or similar, but there is more chance of the Treasury having a law to cover it than the OFT.


I despair.

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