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Kids Tt 2009 Road Safety Information Leaflet


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My son brought home a leaflet from school all about staying safe during TT, crossing roads, watching races, green cross code etc. All good stuff. Emblems on the bottom from Isle of Man Road Safety, TT Isle of Man, IOM Constabulary, IOM Government and also I assume the DoT as it says "transport highways arraghey-raaidyn moorey".


There is a little word search on the leflet where you search for famous bike names like Honda, Yamaha, Triumph and the likes. Unfortunately, my son couldn't find one of them. The nearest he could find to the one he was stuck on was "HarletDavidson" even though HarleyDavidson was listed as one of the words. I am probably being a pedantic git here but is it not too much to ask to have correct spellings on things given to kids? Don't they proof read these things before they release them?


Oh, and as far as I know there is no such bike manufacturer as "Aprilla".


Anyone else got one faulty or have they just done this to wind me up?

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There is a little word search on the leflet where you search for famous bike names

Prey tell what is a leftlet? I can only assume you use the same spell checker as the one who compiled this wordsearch.

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There is a little word search on the leflet where you search for famous bike names

Prey tell what is a leftlet? I can only assume you use the same spell checker as the one who compiled this wordsearch.



So, I made a typing error. Its not as if this thread is going to be deployed to hundreds of school children via a printed leaflet now is it?

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But to go back to the original thread, it is a sad fact these leaflets had been distributed by the printer withou them even bothering to have them checked even by themselves or the various departments they had been made for.

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But to go back to the original thread, it is a sad fact these leaflets had been distributed by the printer withou them even bothering to have them checked even by themselves or the various departments they had been made for.


Sure a good printer will check over a job but usually only for problems like missing pictures, corrupt fonts, spot and CMKY issues. It is the design agency and then finally the clients responsibility to proof and proof again before it goes to the printer. Once the client has signed off the proof and are 100% sure will it then go to the printer, who really just churn it out.


A good print house will maybe spot some mistakes and flag it up. Years ago I knew of some printers who would still print with a mistake (client had signed off), then do a re-print. 1 job for the price of 2.

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My son came home with one too.


Aprilia is spelt right in the word search but not on the words to find


Harley-Davidson is opposite. The words to find is right but the word search is wrong.



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