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Pregnant Briton Sentenced To Life


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Pregnant Briton sentenced to life


A [pregnant] British woman accused of smuggling heroin has been found guilty in Laos and sentenced to life in jail.


So far so good. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


The UK has recently signed a prisoner transfer agreement with Laos, which means Orobator could serve any potential sentence in a British jail. British officials have applied to see her to ask what she wants to do next.


The spokesman told the BBC: "We will be discussing with Samantha if she wants to apply for a transfer. There is a prisoner transfer agreement; it will be up to her."


Assuming she broke the laws in Laos why the hell should she have the choice to be repatriated? To be honest, the UK could do without the extra cost.

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I thought they wanted to find out who impregnated her first! After all, it was while she was in custody...

From what I've read she claimed to be pregnant from the outset but tests proved othwise and then she impregnated herself using an inmates sperm. The woman is Nigerian, a Briton is a native of Britain, she managed to wangle a British passsport and so gets protection and suport from the UK taxpayer and when she comes back can expect accommodation, healthcare and cash, of course we are very lucky to have immigrants they do so much for the economy.

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so gets protection and suport from the UK taxpayer


Not too much 'protection' by the look of it!

A damn sight more than she would have got from Nigeria, I don't think the UK has representation in Laos and has to come from a neighbouring country and they probably will make representation in due course, consulates abroad don't molly coddle subjects in trouble, they just try and see that things are fair.

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I thought they wanted to find out who impregnated her first! After all, it was while she was in custody...

From what I've read she claimed to be pregnant from the outset but tests proved othwise and then she impregnated herself using an inmates sperm. The woman is Nigerian, a Briton is a native of Britain, she managed to wangle a British passsport and so gets protection and suport from the UK taxpayer and when she comes back can expect accommodation, healthcare and cash, of course we are very lucky to have immigrants they do so much for the economy.








(Ariel Golden Arrow)

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I pity a lot of unborn children... look at the society in which we live, there are lots of people I would rather didn't have children. However in this case, I don't suppose we know many facts at all. Clearly she became pregnant in prison, but I suppose, since she knew that without the pregnancy she would be 'executed'... i think she's probably got a better excuse than many. Not that that justifies it, but I can understand her reasoning here.


Does she deserve death? i don't think so. Not until I here evidence and real facts - so far, nothing much. My question would be, do we know who provided her with the drugs, and was she 'smuggling' them of her own free will? Come on, a woman should be given a little more leeway, considering the real possibility that she may have been forced to carry the drugs by some gang? We all know how women can be used by gangs for reasons like this, and how many operate under fear of violence, and sexual harm.


Her being Nigerian is irrelevant.

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I pity a lot of unborn children... look at the society in which we live, there are lots of people I would rather didn't have children. However in this case, I don't suppose we know many facts at all. Clearly she became pregnant in prison, but I suppose, since she knew that without the pregnancy she would be 'executed'... i think she's probably got a better excuse than many. Not that that justifies it, but I can understand her reasoning here.


Does she deserve death? i don't think so. Not until I here evidence and real facts - so far, nothing much. My question would be, do we know who provided her with the drugs, and was she 'smuggling' them of her own free will? Come on, a woman should be given a little more leeway, considering the real possibility that she may have been forced to carry the drugs by some gang? We all know how women can be used by gangs for reasons like this, and how many operate under fear of violence, and sexual harm.


Her being Nigerian is irrelevant.


I agree, we don't know the whole circumstances of this case. Even if she was not subject to any external pressures and was drug smuggling entirely of her own volition then certainly she should face severe penalties - I don't think anyone would disagree with that( life sentence? - maybe, maybe not) But death, no.

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I pity a lot of unborn children... look at the society in which we live, there are lots of people I would rather didn't have children. However in this case, I don't suppose we know many facts at all. Clearly she became pregnant in prison, but I suppose, since she knew that without the pregnancy she would be 'executed'... i think she's probably got a better excuse than many. Not that that justifies it, but I can understand her reasoning here.


Does she deserve death? i don't think so. Not until I here evidence and real facts - so far, nothing much. My question would be, do we know who provided her with the drugs, and was she 'smuggling' them of her own free will? Come on, a woman should be given a little more leeway, considering the real possibility that she may have been forced to carry the drugs by some gang? We all know how women can be used by gangs for reasons like this, and how many operate under fear of violence, and sexual harm.


Her being Nigerian is irrelevant.


You are right, we don't have the facts. We don't know her circumstances that led her to smuggle these drugs. And yes she has broken the law, been caught and has been punished. As to the issue of deservedness, that is another matter entirely. I can also understand why she would want to save her life by becoming pregnant. In the face of having your own life ended due to some backward law you will do anything to preserve it. But I don't think she deserves any punishment at all, nevermind death.

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I pity a lot of unborn children... look at the society in which we live, there are lots of people I would rather didn't have children. However in this case, I don't suppose we know many facts at all. Clearly she became pregnant in prison, but I suppose, since she knew that without the pregnancy she would be 'executed'... i think she's probably got a better excuse than many. Not that that justifies it, but I can understand her reasoning here.


Does she deserve death? i don't think so. Not until I here evidence and real facts - so far, nothing much. My question would be, do we know who provided her with the drugs, and was she 'smuggling' them of her own free will? Come on, a woman should be given a little more leeway, considering the real possibility that she may have been forced to carry the drugs by some gang? We all know how women can be used by gangs for reasons like this, and how many operate under fear of violence, and sexual harm.


Her being Nigerian is irrelevant.


You are right, we don't have the facts. We don't know her circumstances that led her to smuggle these drugs. And yes she has broken the law, been caught and has been punished. As to the issue of deservedness, that is another matter entirely. I can also understand why she would want to save her life by becoming pregnant. In the face of having your own life ended due to some backward law you will do anything to preserve it. But I don't think she deserves any punishment at all, nevermind death.


Even a fool would know that the far east has very strict laws regarding drug trafficking, so why take the risk?

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Even a fool would know that the far east has very strict laws regarding drug trafficking, so why take the risk?


Excellent question. Why would she? If even a fool would know, is she some imbecile? Is she desperate? I feel sorry for her.

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