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Adulterer Jailed

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She should have kept her flaps in her pants and maybe she wouldn't be in this mess.



Maybe she should be brought to the Isle Of Man and we could accuse the lady of being a witch and roll her down a hill in a barrel of sharp sticks?

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Now that is racist.


Far from it, but you could do with explaining how it is.


Not much different from the British drug smuggler in Laos discussed in another thread - she must have known the laws and chose to ignore them. The fact that she was only caught because her understandably riled husband reported her upon discovering her infidelity is neither here nor there.


Well what you have discussed is neither here nor there. Yes, she broke a law and the purpose of laws is to punish people. She got caught and she got punished. I am merely remarking upon the fact that the husband (although he was pissed off) made the use of their nasty laws to get 'payback'.


You do have this strange perspective of seeing one's punishment for a crime as being deserved if they broke a law.

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I am totally with you on that one Pragmatopian. I lived for the majority of my childhood in a staunch Roman Catholic / Arabic country. There were some absolutely lovely upsides of living there, but there were also a lot of customs that had to be observed.


Simple things like covering your shoulders when you entered church. You would surprised how many people thought that it was beneath them to follow such customs. The other one that springs to mind is that if we were in the Arabic quarter, you wouldn't eat in the street during Ramadan.


I am a great believer that if you are a visitor to a country with different customs to those you are used to, you have to respect and adhere to those customs.


I am afraid I disagree with your outlook on this. This isn't the same as taking your shoes off when you enters someone's house, or taking your hat off in some temple, or as you say eating in the street during Ramadan. Of course, you want to conform to the local customs so that you avoid offending people.


But this is a different matter. This is a law enforced by the state to enforce behaviour in areas where the state has no business.


Respect, in the limited sense of making sure you recognise and abide by the laws makes sense so you don't get punished. But such laws do not deserve respect in the wider sense of seeing them as an acceptable facet of another culture. They need criticising and challenging.

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I appreciate your outlook on this matter LDV, but unless you have lived in such a country, it would be very crass to try and impose "Western" attitudes and philosophy on this matter.


I am under no illusion that those traveling to Dubai have at least a modicum of knowledge as to how to behave in an Islamic country. Adultery is against the law in Islamic countries, and I find it quite arrogant that those who chose to flaunt it are screaming for the British Embassy as soon as they are caught out.


No one is asking female visitors to wear a hajib or a burkha whilst on holiday in Dubai, but you have to remember - Dubai has a very modest dress sense for females, and I feel that should be respected, not brought down to western standards.

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When in Rome and all that.


When you go to other countries you really should respect their cultures - or don't go.

That the laws may appear archaic is then up to the traveller to decide wheter or not to travel. You know the rules so if you can't keep your pants on, don't go!

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I wonder if my girl friend and I would have problems in these countries then, she is a Mrs but does not share the Jampton surname with me.


Would we leave our selves open to investigation?

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I appreciate your outlook on this matter LDV, but unless you have lived in such a country, it would be very crass to try and impose "Western" attitudes and philosophy on this matter.


I don't believe it is crass. Why do you think it is? What about those aspects of other cultures which involve oppression?


Dubai has a very modest dress sense for females, and I feel that should be respected, not brought down to western standards.




When you go to other countries you really should respect their cultures - or don't go.

That the laws may appear archaic is then up to the traveller to decide wheter or not to travel. You know the rules so if you can't keep your pants on, don't go!


I am not just talking about this woman, what about those in the United Arab Emirates and other neighbouring Muslim states who are subject to this intrusion?


All I am talking about is the injustice of this law whether it applied to a traveller or not. (Yes it is somewhat well known that many of these Muslim states have draconian and backward laws but for me it brings to light just how crazy they are after hearing about this British woman being punished).

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I wonder if my girl friend and I would have problems in these countries then, she is a Mrs but does not share the Jampton surname with me.


Would we leave our selves open to investigation?


only in trouble if she shared something else with you.

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When in Rome and all that.


When you go to other countries you really should respect their cultures - or don't go.

That the laws may appear archaic is then up to the traveller to decide wheter or not to travel. You know the rules so if you can't keep your pants on, don't go!


This is precisely my point. People should respect the laws in other countries

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This is precisely my point. People should respect the laws in other countries


I assume you mean abide by. Respect is such a confusing word. But I have to ask why? Why respect it?



You would expect / hope people to abide by and respect the laws in place if they are visiting your country...

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You would expect / hope people to abide by and respect the laws in place if they are visiting your country...


I would want them not to commit damaging crimes against others, i.e. crimes that harm others. I don't expect them to 'respect' them, whatever that means.


Quite surprised by the comments on here. I think it is quite a shame that people think that other countries laws are to be 'respected' or 'given respect' simply because they exist in another country no matter what those laws are.

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This may slow the crime rate down a bit...




If this sort of thing takes place then I dearly hope that this military leader is one of those be torched to death.


Good example though. Do you think is a law to 'respect'? It is such a foolish argument that people make that other nations can set whatever laws they like and that is their prerogative and we should respect that.

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