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The Future Of Gordon


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The idea that Labour can chuck out Gordon and have a new leader without that leader then immediately calling an election is barmy.


Isn't that what happened when Blair resigned?


If Brown were to go, who do you think would do a better job? Ok I realise picking one out of a poor list is difficult.

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Dreamers > Shite?


At this stage I think even the Monster Raving Looney Party would have more politcal respect.


I don't any of the party's have any respect. Maybe the Greens? Not that they should be voted for.


Hell no the Greens are bat shit insane, have you read some of their policies! Although they have done the right thing they know they have no chance of being elected so they have just gone with some ludicrous ideas.


Seen as all the political parties are crap maybe a few years of anarchy followed by a totalitarian communist regime. Or we could just continue with voter apathy and partied being elected by less than 20% of the population.

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Hell no the Greens are bat shit insane, have you read some of their policies! Although they have done the right thing they know they have no chance of being elected so they have just gone with some ludicrous ideas.


Seen as all the political parties are crap maybe a few years of anarchy followed by a totalitarian communist regime. Or we could just continue with voter apathy and partied being elected by less than 20% of the population.


I haven't really followed the Green's policies. There is no expectation they will get in power of course. Just talking about how much they have respect.


The fact that the parties are all crap does not indicate anything except that liberal democracy is working best for those it benefits most, i.e. those in power. It is a system that generates apathy and those who believe they should lead and determine what goes in the country love it when people become disinterested and disengaged. Apathy might dissipate somewhat when some charismatic leader with some exciting policies turns up but nothing really changes.

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I wasn't actually suggesting voting for the Lib Dems for any other reason that its only fair that everyone gets a chance to screw up the country, the Tories destroyed our coal industry and trade unions (not a completely bad thing) and now Labour have destroyed the economy by building unsustainable growth on record borrowing. To be honest use they start WWIII there isn't really that much left for the Lib Dems, or any other party including the Tories, to cock up.


I don't even think that Barack Obama himself could reinvigorate our current system, although it is probably the best system there is for the time being, until we all live in the Utopian communist state of Star Trek. I have never voted personally as I know that they are all the same, but I have never had cause to complain about policy decisions, everything works sure it could be better but nothing done in Government has a direct impact on my life. Taxes go up no matter who's in power, laws get made that reduce our liberty no matter who's in power.


I am the epityme of voter apathy, yet I want to care I want a party to believe in I want to cast a meaningful vote, I just don’t see the point in voting in an election where the only choice is middle of the road conservatism.

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He never has a solution to problems, just a series of serious sounding questions. Them 6 months later he pops up saying "what we would have done is xyz." But he never says that at the time.


He used to come up with solutions, only to see Broon pinch them. He now keeps his powder dry.





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He never has a solution to problems, just a series of serious sounding questions. Them 6 months later he pops up saying "what we would have done is xyz." But he never says that at the time.


He used to come up with solutions, only to see Broon pinch them. He now keeps his powder dry.








It's written in the sort of language that you feel comfortable with.



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He never has a solution to problems, just a series of serious sounding questions. Them 6 months later he pops up saying "what we would have done is xyz." But he never says that at the time.

He used to come up with solutions, only to see Broon pinch them. He now keeps his powder dry.



Or rather more plausibly Mr "pub bore" Sebrof chinless wonder Cameron and his team's complete and utter lack of any kind of meaningful Administration experience forces them to avoid any kind of real positioning statement that the vastly more seasoned government worthies would easily cleave enormous gaps through big enough for a 60-ton Challenger Tank to passage without even scraping the RPG skirt... Basically they're an unknown quantity - except that the expression "quantity" gives them a certain "weight" that they simply don't have...


A shame Darling wouldn't move on. Headlines like "Balls To The Treasury" have a certain ring to them...

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I am sorry but whatever your politics it cannot be right that in a democracy we have an unelected PM and if the press is to be believed a number 2 (Mendelson) who is not only unelected but has been dismissed three times from cabinet for various irregularities !


If the idea is to bring back respect for politicians and clean up Westminster then what the hell is Brown thinking about. And as for Kinnock perhaps he feels the need for some left support for his untenable position. We the people now need the right to say who should go through the front door of No 10 and express our displeasure by voting in or out mp's at a general election whatever their party. The back door methods for unelected leaders must end. Browns excuse for not even letting his own party have a leadership contest i.e. current financial position, clean up parliament etc, even shows his disrespect for them let alone the country !!

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