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The Future Of Gordon


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Top Five Smug Faces That Need a Twatting:


1. David Cameron


2. George Osborne


3. Oliver Letwin


4. Nigel Farage


5. Nick Clegg




Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack and an extra slap for Cameron - Slap!

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I find all the politicing over the future of Gordon Brown pretty odd.


He hasn't got a future. Its the end of the line for the boss-eyed Scottish twat. Lets face it he was out manoeuvred by Blair 2 years ago. Blair knew the gravy train was coming to an end and he knew that for years Brown had been creating the illusion of a successful economy and that it would all start crashing down sometime soon.


Brown deserves this, and more, in my book as he has been the grand architect of a great big financial lie and he deserves to get it in the neck for what he has done.


I can't stand Blair either but I at least credit him with the intelligence to have seen the writing was on the wall for the global economy at least 18 months before anyone else did.

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I am sorry but whatever your politics it cannot be right that in a democracy we have an unelected PM


No British Prime Minister has ever been elected.

Certainly never elected by the people, but certainly elected by members of the Labour Party.

So you are both right and wrong Declan.

Asitis is just plain wrong.

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He never has a solution to problems, just a series of serious sounding questions. Them 6 months later he pops up saying "what we would have done is xyz." But he never says that at the time.


He used to come up with solutions, only to see Broon pinch them. He now keeps his powder dry.








It's written in the sort of language that you feel comfortable with.






A forum is proof, ye gods preserve us. If that's it you really aren't worth discussing it with.

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Blair knew the gravy train was coming to an end

WTF - "gravy train" - which planet are you on exactly???


Take a look at this and then try and spout your bollocks... Dear me.


Oh yeah. Sorry an article in THE SUN proves my logic is wrong. How silly of me to question the political insight and journalistic integrity of the Sun.

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Oh yeah. Sorry an article in THE SUN proves my logic is wrong. How silly of me to question the political insight and journalistic integrity of the Sun.

So the photographs are faked then? Well I never...


Golly-gosh but you're VERY clever, who would have thought they needed to photoshop them up to make a VERY obvious point as I thought they only did that on page 3???

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Certainly never elected by the people, but certainly elected by members of the Labour Party.

So you are both right and wrong Declan.

Asitis is just plain wrong.


Only one PM has been elected by members of the Labour Party (and Trade Union members).

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Certainly never elected by the people, but certainly elected by members of the Labour Party.

So you are both right and wrong Declan.

Asitis is just plain wrong.


Only one PM has been elected by members of the Labour Party (and Trade Union members).


Even then he was actually appointed by the Queen. No?


[ED: I typed that in my only-me Harry Enfield voice. There should be a special internet forums font for that. Pedantic Sans maybe.]

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I see (Lord) Kinnock is on Sky news at the moment praising Gordon Brown as the best man to lead Britian out of the recession.......

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I see (Lord) Kinnock is on Sky news at the moment praising Gordon Brown as the best man to lead Britian out of the recession.......


Thats Gordon doomed then, Mr Kinnock and Gordon share the same "never been elected" tag and thats because the public didn't like Neil and dont like Gordon.


Mr Kinnock is the gravy train and boat by a long way, Become an MEP Gordon and leave the stress behind.

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I don't even think that Barack Obama himself could reinvigorate our current system, although it is probably the best system there is for the time being, until we all live in the Utopian communist state of Star Trek.


Barack Obama didn't reinvigorate anything.

People were sick of Bush, but the fuss was because he isn't white, that's all and that set off everybody celebrating the magical wonders of American democracy. In reality, he is just another democrat; another member of the ruling class.


Utopian communist state of Star Trek? That's a paradox, but you don't get to a communist system by accepting the current one. Things don't gradually evolve until you have a better or superior system.



I have never voted personally as I know that they are all the same, but I have never had cause to complain about policy decisions, everything works sure it could be better but nothing done in Government has a direct impact on my life.


Is that really true? Think of all the countless laws and how many you are subject to and affect you. Every one of those has originated from government. Think about everything the government gets involved in in foreign policy terms and how that affects things in the UK and the Isle of Man


I am the epityme of voter apathy, yet I want to care I want a party to believe in I want to cast a meaningful vote, I just don’t see the point in voting in an election where the only choice is middle of the road conservatism.


There isn't any. Britain isn't as much a one-party state as the USA, but voting Labour or the Tories isn't going to make a great difference. But if you are looking for a meaningful vote, do you know what meaning you want behind that vote? It is an very limited tool for political participation.

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Certainly never elected by the people, but certainly elected by members of the Labour Party.

So you are both right and wrong Declan.

Asitis is just plain wrong.


Only one PM has been elected by members of the Labour Party (and Trade Union members).


Sorry Declan, I'm not having a pop at you but...

Every Labour Prime minister there has ever been was chosen, elected, by the Labour party as a whole. The trades unions, as part of the Labour Party, have a vote also. Somewhat undemocratically, I have a vote for the British leader of the Labour party and therefore the Prime Minister, as I am a member of a trades union, yet I do not live in Britain.

Every Labour Prime Minister was/is an elected member of parliament and therefore elected. (unlike the last ceremonial leader of Douglas Council).

On what do you base that statement, no argument really, just for clarity.

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Sorry, maybe we are talking at cross purposes Labour Leaders have been elected to something (MP for somewhere) but I was talking about the leadership of the party by members of the party and Trade Unionists. I said -



one PM has been elected by members of the Labour Party


So that obvious excludes Tory PMs, and leaders of the Labour Party that didn't become PM (so no Smith, Kinnock or Foot).


That leaves -


Ramsey MacDonald - elected to leadership by MPs only and PM as leader of a cohilition government anyway.

Clement Attlee - became leader unopposed on the resignation of the previous leader, but subsequently won a leadership contest amongst MP's

Harold Wilson - elected Leader by ballot of MP's

Jim Callaghan - elected Leader & PM by ballot of MP's

Tony Blair - elected leader by 'electoral college' system meant that members of affiliated groups (mostly trades unions), the members of constituency parties, and Labour MPs were weighted equally.

Gordon Brown - became leader and PM when no other candidate was able to secure enough nominations to get onto the ballot paper.


So, Tony Blair is the only PM elected in a vote of all members of the Labour Party (even then not by one member one vote).


edit to add - No Tory PM has been elected by a vote of the whole party, yet. In fact, only Heath, Thatcher & Major have been elected by a vote of MP's, prior to that Tory leaders just emerged (Heath's predecessor Alec Douglas-Home wasn't even an MP at the time he became leader & PM - he was in the House of Lords, but renounced his Earldom and won a by-election, however there was actually a period when he was PM but not a member of the Lords or Commons).

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