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The Future Of Gordon


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I don't even think that Barack Obama himself could reinvigorate our current system, although it is probably the best system there is for the time being, until we all live in the Utopian communist state of Star Trek.


Barack Obama didn't reinvigorate anything.

People were sick of Bush, but the fuss was because he isn't white, that's all and that set off everybody celebrating the magical wonders of American democracy. In reality, he is just another democrat; another member of the ruling class.


Utopian communist state of Star Trek? That's a paradox, but you don't get to a communist system by accepting the current one. Things don't gradually evolve until you have a better or superior system.


No matter the reason he still caused a massive up surge in voters, a much greater increase than would have voted just to get rid of W I doubt people would have gotten behind Hillary or Mcaine in the same way, while he may not have changed much in politics he made people want to vote, he excited people, something no British politician has done for decades.


I would argue that in the Star Trek universe where there is no money and people just work for the greater good is a very utopian form of Communism.



I have never voted personally as I know that they are all the same, but I have never had cause to complain about policy decisions, everything works sure it could be better but nothing done in Government has a direct impact on my life.


Is that really true? Think of all the countless laws and how many you are subject to and affect you. Every one of those has originated from government. Think about everything the government gets involved in in foreign policy terms and how that affects things in the UK and the Isle of Man


There is some legislation that has had a minor impact on my everyday life, tax has gone up there are things that I had no intention of doing that are now illegal, if I do break the law chances are my sentence would be meaningless. The majority of changes that have had a direct impact on me are the cost of things going up due to tax but I see that as a natural process prices go up no matter what.


I am the epityme of voter apathy, yet I want to care I want a party to believe in I want to cast a meaningful vote, I just don’t see the point in voting in an election where the only choice is middle of the road conservatism.


There isn't any. Britain isn't as much a one-party state as the USA, but voting Labour or the Tories isn't going to make a great difference. But if you are looking for a meaningful vote, do you know what meaning you want behind that vote? It is an very limited tool for political participation.


I don't know what a meaningful vote is, but I'm sure I will. Bah all I know is there is little point in voting in the present system, or at least with the present parties. Like they say "no matter who you vote for the government always wins"

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No matter the reason he still caused a massive up surge in voters


In the same way, even if you had some charismatic, young, and black person the same thing might happen over here. But it wouldn't change anything in the long term.


I would argue that in the Star Trek universe where there is no money and people just work for the greater good is a very utopian form of Communism.


But a bit too hierarchical don't you think? And I would hate to live in a society where everyone was so fucking smug.


There is some legislation that has had a minor impact on my everyday life, tax has gone up there are things that I had no intention of doing that are now illegal, if I do break the law chances are my sentence would be meaningless. The majority of changes that have had a direct impact on me are the cost of things going up due to tax but I see that as a natural process prices go up no matter what.


I was talking about EVERY single law you are subject to and the effect it has had on the society you live in. Not just the laws passed while you have lived. In any case, what role do you believe you could ever have to make a difference to what laws are passed in this or any other country. You don't make the decisions, you're just supposed to vote.

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Funny, I'd have thought that the Star Trek society was exactly the type of society you claim to want. It is hierarchical but only up to a point The Captains rule but by consensus and only because their underlings trust in their wisdom and benevolence. They rule with consent not force because all aboard buy into a common goal "to boldly go ...". They've replaced religion, money, and power with the pursuit of progress.


But I wonder, what of the society outside Star Fleet, we never see the ordinary Joes of the Federation. It's like getting a view of a capitalist society solely by watching the Apprentice. You are watching only people who buy into the values of that system and have the drive and skills to pursue it. But what about the people in the Federation who aren't bothered about progress, don't want to seek out new life and new civilizations, and want to stay home and live a quiet life? Are they content? Or do they languish in dull surfitude whilst the fly boys and flash gits of Star Fleet cavort across the skies lauded, like East German athletes, as symbols of the Federation's greatness.

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It is whether such hierarchies are justified are not which matters. Consent is not what justifies them.


Not all that is important and precious is progress. What about exploring one's mind and talents. In a better society one's life need not revolve around demeaning waged wage and long hours people have more time to better themselves.

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Top Five Smug Faces That Need A Twatting:


1. David Cameron


2. George Osborne


3. Oliver Letwin


4. Nigel Farage


5. Nick Clegg




Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack and an extra slap for Cameron - Slap!



Can't resist another one. Slap!

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I notice you don't mention, Hazel Blears. Is that in case you bump into her outside the Lowrey Centre and she beats you like a carpet?


I was going to add Blears, but I just fancied giving Cameron another slap. Labour don't really have smug faces due to lack of Public School.

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I notice you don't mention, Hazel Blears. Is that in case you bump into her outside the Lowrey Centre and she beats you like a carpet?


I was going to add Blears, but I just fancied giving Cameron another slap. Labour don't really have smug faces due to lack of Public School.


I am unsure as to whether you know what smug means after saying that. New Labour and all the politicians who subscribe to Third Way politics are the epitomy of smugness. They think they know best with a conviction that has seen British follow the US into Afghanistan and Iraq and has seen the government making further unjustifiable intrusions into people's lives.


Smug bastards, the lot of them.

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Blair knew the gravy train was coming to an end

WTF - "gravy train" - which planet are you on exactly???


Take a look at this and then try and spout your bollocks... Dear me.


must be right from that class publication. . he will be remembered as the 2 faced twat he was. fuck the iraqs british soldiers died for oil.

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hmmmmmmmmmmmm The Future Of Gordon is hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a number 1 hit hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm called ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????what a clown gordon brown. ohh'hh Gordon brown what wtf you 4king clown. mr clown .!!POOR!Gordon brown!!!! poor jock muppet.....;,;,.'/ FREEEEDOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!!!

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must be right from that class publication. . he will be remembered as the 2 faced twat he was. fuck the iraqs british soldiers died for oil.


It wasn't all about oil Manxman

it is power of any sort! something they dont have. water . food .energy lolololol that is what they have sell IT "toTHEM" it's about greed. the nip's are selling a lot of coal the last 5 year. oh & the nipp's are 5 year a head of the usa. & the usa are 2 or 3 a head of us. & THE IOM capped all the coal fire's . for gas!!!!!!!!! lololol the slow down's GREAT!

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