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The Future Of Gordon


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hmmmmmmmmmmmm The Future Of Gordon is hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a number 1 hit hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm called ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????what a clown gordon brown. ohh'hh Gordon brown what wtf you 4king clown. mr clown .!!POOR!Gordon brown!!!! poor jock muppet.....;,;,.'/ FREEEEDOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quick call the papers! We have an exclusive - Prescott Savages Brown.

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I am sorry but whatever your politics it cannot be right that in a democracy we have an unelected PM and if the press is to be believed a number 2 (Mendelson) who is not only unelected but has been dismissed three times from cabinet for various irregularities !


If the idea is to bring back respect for politicians and clean up Westminster then what the hell is Brown thinking about. And as for Kinnock perhaps he feels the need for some left support for his untenable position. We the people now need the right to say who should go through the front door of No 10 and express our displeasure by voting in or out mp's at a general election whatever their party. The back door methods for unelected leaders must end. Browns excuse for not even letting his own party have a leadership contest i.e. current financial position, clean up parliament etc, even shows his disrespect for them let alone the country !!


I take it you are able to vote in the UK elections?

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I am sorry but whatever your politics it cannot be right that in a democracy we have an unelected PM and if the press is to be believed a number 2 (Mendelson) who is not only unelected but has been dismissed three times from cabinet for various irregularities !


If the idea is to bring back respect for politicians and clean up Westminster then what the hell is Brown thinking about. And as for Kinnock perhaps he feels the need for some left support for his untenable position. We the people now need the right to say who should go through the front door of No 10 and express our displeasure by voting in or out mp's at a general election whatever their party. The back door methods for unelected leaders must end. Browns excuse for not even letting his own party have a leadership contest i.e. current financial position, clean up parliament etc, even shows his disrespect for them let alone the country !!

Maybe Labour's time has simply been and gone?


The problem is that Cameron's Conservatism, I feel, is not built on any firmer ground than the nonsense that was New Labour.


Brown is no natural communicator, but Cameron is so busy running around looking cross and busy, he doesn't have time to communicate on his plans either.


And as for the poisonous snake that is "Mendelson" (good composer though) and the lack of democracy that his annointment illustrated, words fail me.


The UK is going to Hell in a handcart.

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Maybe Labour's time has simply been and gone?


The problem is that Cameron's Conservatism, I feel, is not built on any firmer ground than the nonsense that was New Labour.


As you know the Labour party of today is very different from that of the party prior to the 90s. Do you mean that New Labour's time has gone? Because the Labour and Conservative party are not going to slowly fade away. They will just continually re-invent themselves and bullshit the public for time immemorial.


Fortunately the conservatives cannot represent a truly traditionalist party. They would never get enough support.


The UK is going to Hell in a handcart.


Why? Not sure what you are referring to here that makes you say this.

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Maybe Labour's time has simply been and gone?


The problem is that Cameron's Conservatism, I feel, is not built on any firmer ground than the nonsense that was New Labour.


As you know the Labour party of today is very different from that of the party prior to the 90s. Do you mean that New Labour's time has gone? Because the Labour and Conservative party are not going to slowly fade away. They will just continually re-invent themselves and bullshit the public for time immemorial.


Fortunately the conservatives cannot represent a truly traditionalist party. They would never get enough support.


The UK is going to Hell in a handcart.


Why? Not sure what you are referring to here that makes you say this.


What a load of horse hockey! Labour, con, lib dem, all backed by the same kabal's!! anyone who thinks cameron is going to make a difference is in for a wake up call! It's time to see through these parties and realise that they are just there for division!

Take it away alex :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfEuSNejejY

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