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The Great Tt Conspiricy


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Stu Peters is right on this one. But you don't need 100 motorcycle cops, you just need a few more speed traps, and the power to stop and search.


What, apart from annoy people, would the stop and search thing do?


in this day and age with live streaming webcams ( good ones like the decent one in bushy's? ), there should be little trouble in putting up webcams around the course all over the place. the whole course could be monitored from a room and dickheads could be stopped in short order. they could also be used for streaming the actual races around the globe with say a 20 second delay so that any nasty crashes ( think last year ) could be unaired but still keep the camera recording for evidential purposes. it would allow folks to watch where they used to do a few years back before the restricted areas outwayed the vantage points. they could also keep an eye on the restricted signs we were told get stolen!!!


and on simiklar lines, the police were dribbling on about not overtaking on the double white lines even though the road is one way, they should set up the van with the dogs knob camera that comes out the roof on a pole at the 33rd and look back to windy, those lines there are ignored full time at the minute. vid em, stop em, fine em. all in one spot.

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Stu Peters is right on this one. But you don't need 100 motorcycle cops, you just need a few more speed traps, and the power to stop and search.


What, apart from annoy people, would the stop and search thing do?


in this day and age with live streaming webcams ( good ones like the decent one in bushy's? ), there should be little trouble in putting up webcams around the course all over the place. the whole course could be monitored from a room and dickheads could be stopped in short order. they could also be used for streaming the actual races around the globe with say a 20 second delay so that any nasty crashes ( think last year ) could be unaired but still keep the camera recording for evidential purposes. it would allow folks to watch where they used to do a few years back before the restricted areas outwayed the vantage points. they could also keep an eye on the restricted signs we were told get stolen!!!


and on simiklar lines, the police were dribbling on about not overtaking on the double white lines even though the road is one way, they should set up the van with the dogs knob camera that comes out the roof on a pole at the 33rd and look back to windy, those lines there are ignored full time at the minute. vid em, stop em, fine em. all in one spot.


I think we should resist the use of spy cameras.


The conventional manned speed trap is still the most effective device.



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Stu Peters is right on this one. But you don't need 100 motorcycle cops, you just need a few more speed traps, and the power to stop and search.


What, apart from annoy people, would the stop and search thing do?


in this day and age with live streaming webcams ( good ones like the decent one in bushy's? ), there should be little trouble in putting up webcams around the course all over the place. the whole course could be monitored from a room and dickheads could be stopped in short order. they could also be used for streaming the actual races around the globe with say a 20 second delay so that any nasty crashes ( think last year ) could be unaired but still keep the camera recording for evidential purposes. it would allow folks to watch where they used to do a few years back before the restricted areas outwayed the vantage points. they could also keep an eye on the restricted signs we were told get stolen!!!


and on simiklar lines, the police were dribbling on about not overtaking on the double white lines even though the road is one way, they should set up the van with the dogs knob camera that comes out the roof on a pole at the 33rd and look back to windy, those lines there are ignored full time at the minute. vid em, stop em, fine em. all in one spot.


While I like the idea of using the webcams to broadcast the TT all they would do for the police is help prosecute reckless drivers, they won't stop people driving recklessly. If some one is caught on camera it will still take a few minutes for the police to even be aware of the rider in which time he/she could have already killed a bus load of kids taking their bunnies to school. Manned speed traps on the other hand provide a physical presence and a deterrent in them selves, and while there is still a delay it would be significantly less than using remote cameras.


Sticking a camera on the 33rd sounds like a pretty good idea though, just think of the revenues from on the spot fines, they could pay for the Christmas party.

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It is wrong that year after year our roads kill people during this period - it shows a complete lack of responsibility from the DOT - they should put in special calming methods to stop reckless people using public roads as a race track.

Disagree. The roads don't kill anyone. It's the people (visitors AND locals it seems) riding like lunatics escaping the asylum that kill and maim themselves and others. A hundred covert bike cops next year and the threat of machine confiscation if found guilty of drunken, dangerous or reckless driving/riding is the way to reduce the accident rate.

how about this think of the isle of man tt course like the nuremburg in germany but with the smell of death. how about this we charge so the lunatics can do as they like and keep the roads closed for an hour after the races and all day on sunday then get rid of them stupid cones on the mountain and get rid of the stupid coppers with their speed guns. keep the marshalls out and the helicopter emergency services. and out of 45 thousand people who would pay the 30 pound for a week long ticket of mayhem. i'm guestimating 60%, so that ninety thousand pounds to ingect into some decent entertainment put that on top they spend. BIGO! any body know there bugjet they have had over the last ten year's for tt week entertainment? TT organisers :whatever:'s :whatever: 's :whatever:'s . i know how much they spent on handing the tt over for some noe ells to organis. 150k

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It is wrong that year after year our roads kill people during this period - it shows a complete lack of responsibility from the DOT - they should put in special calming methods to stop reckless people using public roads as a race track.

Disagree. The roads don't kill anyone. It's the people (visitors AND locals it seems) riding like lunatics escaping the asylum that kill and maim themselves and others. A hundred covert bike cops next year and the threat of machine confiscation if found guilty of drunken, dangerous or reckless driving/riding is the way to reduce the accident rate.

how about this think of the isle of man tt course like the nuremburg in germany but with the smell of death. how about this we charge so the lunatics can do as they like and keep the roads closed for an hour after the races and all day on sunday then get rid of them stupid cones on the mountain and get rid of the stupid coppers with their speed guns. keep the marshalls out and the helicopter emergency services. and out of 45 thousand people who would pay the 30 pound for a week long ticket of mayhem. i'm guestimating 60%, so that ninety thousand pounds to ingect into some decent entertainment put that on top they spend. BIGO! any body know there bugjet they have had over the last ten year's for tt week entertainment? TT organisers :whatever:'s :whatever: 's :whatever:'s . i know how much they spent on handing the tt over for some noe ells to organis. 150k



Fuck! AND you edited it!

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Stu Peters is right on this one. But you don't need 100 motorcycle cops, you just need a few more speed traps, and the power to stop and search.


What, apart from annoy people, would the stop and search thing do?


they could also be used for streaming the actual races around the globe with say a 20 second delay so that any nasty crashes ( think last year ) could be unaired



why would u want to not show that bit, Its all part of the raceing

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It is wrong that year after year our roads kill people during this period - it shows a complete lack of responsibility from the DOT - they should put in special calming methods to stop reckless people using public roads as a race track.

Disagree. The roads don't kill anyone. It's the people (visitors AND locals it seems) riding like lunatics escaping the asylum that kill and maim themselves and others. A hundred covert bike cops next year and the threat of machine confiscation if found guilty of drunken, dangerous or reckless driving/riding is the way to reduce the accident rate.

how about this think of the isle of man tt course like the nuremburg in germany but with the smell of death. how about this we charge so the lunatics can do as they like and keep the roads closed for an hour after the races and all day on sunday then get rid of them stupid cones on the mountain and get rid of the stupid coppers with their speed guns. keep the marshalls out and the helicopter emergency services. and out of 45 thousand people who would pay the 30 pound for a week long ticket of mayhem. i'm guestimating 60%, so that ninety thousand pounds to ingect into some decent entertainment put that on top they spend. BIGO! any body know there bugjet they have had over the last ten year's for tt week entertainment? TT organisers :whatever:'s :whatever: 's :whatever:'s . i know how much they spent on handing the tt over for some noe ells to organis. 150k



Nuremberg - Freudian slip I think that's called - if not I'm sure someone will put me right

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Sticking a camera on the 33rd sounds like a pretty good idea though, just think of the revenues from on the spot fines, they could pay for the Christmas party.


Sticking a camera at Quarterbridge any week day of the year will make huge revenues off car drivers on the mobiles.

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corporate manslaughter this is an organised sporting festival and as such the organisers can be held responsible for each death during the festival. provision should be made to ensure the safety of the public during the fortnight, and not just when the roads are closed. these visitors are riding like twats and to be honest some of them deserve to be killed before they kill someone local just trying to get to work. there are too many senseless deaths on our roads so lets start holding someone accountable. i believe that the first time one of these unqualified marshals are sued for gross incompetence we will see an end to this carnage. i drove home tonight and looked at the marshalls setting up and i honestly believe that elder grange must have emptied so that these practises could go ahead. there wasn't one under 70 all the way to ballacraine.

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corporate manslaughter this is an organised sporting festival and as such the organisers can be held responsible for each death during the festival. provision should be made to ensure the safety of the public during the fortnight, and not just when the roads are closed. these visitors are riding like twats and to be honest some of them deserve to be killed before they kill someone local just trying to get to work. there are too many senseless deaths on our roads so lets start holding someone accountable. i believe that the first time one of these unqualified marshals are sued for gross incompetence we will see an end to this carnage. i drove home tonight and looked at the marshalls setting up and i honestly believe that elder grange must have emptied so that these practises could go ahead. there wasn't one under 70 all the way to ballacraine.




why dont u go and live in the land of blame, the good old USA u fit right in there

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But the whole attraction for a large proportion of visitors is surely the opportunity to drive fast on unrestricted roads. Take that away, and I suspect you will save a few people but kill the TT.




So the TT is more important saving a few lives. That attituded in a nutshell is why I have a fundamental problem with the TT. It is not that there are fatalities or accidents with those involved being left debilitated for life but the attitude that a certain number is deemed acceptable. Nobody ever seems to say what number that number is though. In my view no number should be accetable and if the attitude after every fatal accident was that is unacceptable and what can we do to prevent a repeat I would have fewer concerns about the TT than I do now when it seems that a few deaths is seen and accepted as a price worth paying for the TT so lets just shrug our shoulders, accept it and count the money


have you thought about standing for the keys.

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corporate manslaughter this is an organised sporting festival and as such the organisers can be held responsible for each death during the festival. provision should be made to ensure the safety of the public during the fortnight, and not just when the roads are closed. these visitors are riding like twats and to be honest some of them deserve to be killed before they kill someone local just trying to get to work. there are too many senseless deaths on our roads so lets start holding someone accountable. i believe that the first time one of these unqualified marshals are sued for gross incompetence we will see an end to this carnage. i drove home tonight and looked at the marshalls setting up and i honestly believe that elder grange must have emptied so that these practises could go ahead. there wasn't one under 70 all the way to ballacraine.


I agree! Most of the marshalls that I have seen do not look like they could walk unaided. I shudder to think how they would cope in an emergency

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its also possible to argue a point with anyone no matter how they choose to express themselves .. you understant his words dont you..


why do you need to know why he chooses to express himself that way..??

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corporate manslaughter this is an organised sporting festival and as such the organisers can be held responsible for each death during the festival. provision should be made to ensure the safety of the public during the fortnight, and not just when the roads are closed. these visitors are riding like twats and to be honest some of them deserve to be killed before they kill someone local just trying to get to work. there are too many senseless deaths on our roads so lets start holding someone accountable. i believe that the first time one of these unqualified marshals are sued for gross incompetence we will see an end to this carnage. i drove home tonight and looked at the marshalls setting up and i honestly believe that elder grange must have emptied so that these practises could go ahead. there wasn't one under 70 all the way to ballacraine.




why dont u go and live in the land of blame, the good old USA u fit right in there


Why do you feel the need to swear at anyone who doesn't share your viewpoint? Surely, its is possible to debate an issue without resorting to such juvenile behaviour?

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