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Cheery Shop Assistants


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Voice of Reason - Was there quite a queue when you came to collect it?


Had to fight a couple of them off. Couldn't say if they were Manx or English though.


I'd just like to thank the amputee young lady in an orange smock who dragged a pallate of 10 litre paint tins to my car on her bloodied stumps in freezing fog and acid rain on Sunday. I would not have got that service from B & Q in the UK. She then walked on her arms / stumps with individual fence posts up her arse until every last one was safely shut away in my boot. That's what I call service.

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Voice of Reason - Was there quite a queue when you came to collect it?


Had to fight a couple of them off. Couldn't say if they were Manx or English though.


I'd just like to thank the amputee young lady in an orange smock who dragged a pallate of 10 litre paint tins to my car on her bloodied stumps in freezing fog and acid rain on Sunday. I would not have got that service from B & Q in the UK. She then walked on her arms / stumps with individual fence posts up her arse until every last one was safely shut away in my boot. That's what I call service.


Brilliant! I salute you

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Fine. There are many honest people in the world, even in Liverpool.


But in my considerable experience, there are not nearly as many friendly, cheerful, helpful people in B&Q in the UK as there are in the average shop or store in the island.




and that my friend is why you are a wanker of the worst sort.


Search through my posts and you'll find I've never used that expression before regarding another poster, or indeed any other expletive.


You give the Manx a bad name.


Shame on you and your narrow mindedness..

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Fine. There are many honest people in the world, even in Liverpool.


But in my considerable experience, there are not nearly as many friendly, cheerful, helpful people in B&Q in the UK as there are in the average shop or store in the island.




and that my friend is why you are a wanker of the worst sort.


Search through my posts and you'll find I've never used that expression before regarding another poster, or indeed any other expletive.


You give the Manx a bad name.


Shame on you and your narrow mindedness..


What a silly little man you are. I am not Manx, and I am simply speaking from personal experience. Now stop jumping to conclusions and go to the thread where you belong. You know, the "miserable shop assistants" one, where you can whinge and moan to your heart's content.


If I were thinking of paying a visit to the island (I'm not, because I am already here), one thing that would put me off would be the negativity and rudeness that is so prevalent on this forum. Thankfully it's not representative of most people on the island, but how is a potential visitor to know that?


And by the way, I was born in Liverpool, if that is what you are whingeing about.


Now pull yourself together, and try and post something that you won't be ashamed of in the cold light of day.



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I really don’t care where you come from although I find it strange that you would denigrate your home town.


It’s just a little tiresome hearing your views about how the Island’s shop assistants, bar staff, taxi drivers are so full of fairy dust that they are the most wonderful, helpful, cheery people in the whole world, (in your considerable experience), and that people across wouldn’t spit in your face if your moustache was on fire.


I’ve also travelled a bit and find that the people here are no different to those in other parts of the world. Many are cheery, helpful and friendly souls, and some are cocks.


Like you.

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I really don’t care where you come from although I find it strange that you would denigrate your home town.


It was a jest, you nitwit.


And since some of the Manx members of this forum are continually denigrating the IOM, I am not sure why you should be surprised.



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I really don’t care where you come from although I find it strange that you would denigrate your home town.


It’s just a little tiresome hearing your views about how the Island’s shop assistants, bar staff, taxi drivers are so full of fairy dust that they are the most wonderful, helpful, cheery people in the whole world, (in your considerable experience), and that people across wouldn’t spit in your face if your moustache was on fire.


I’ve also travelled a bit and find that the people here are no different to those in other parts of the world. Many are cheery, helpful and friendly souls, and some are cocks.


Like you.


I haven't mentioned bar staff or taxi drivers. In fact, I have hardly posted to this topic at all, until now. Go and vent your spleen somewhere else. And why exactly don't you want to hear anything good said about people in the IOM?



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Must every thread descend into a case of one-upmanship, name calling and negative vibes? Can we keep on topic? It was going so well.


Ah, but this is Manx Forums, where unprovoked ad hominem attacks are de rigeur.


Must admit, I was surprised to be ambushed for an innocuous remark in this "feel-good" thread. Thought I might be safe here!



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