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(over)active Security At Bushys


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One of my mates asked one of the chaps if he was qualified to tell people to stop having a good time, he got barred!


That sums the whole IoM security boys in hi-viz up quite well. No having a good time allowed.

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The evidence of this incident is unconvincing.


Apart from the evidence of posters who were there. :)


Not sure about the security aspect but I believe the last couple of nights were good, Brazen, Shedmen.

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Aye, The Shedman had a dig at the Nazi Youth! Someone had the temerity to start jumping up and down and whaddya know, Mr ginga comes steaming in.. I was stood at the front for their gig, but to the side, and a few guys had moved the barrier forward so again in steams said "security" guy and shoos them back. I was leaning on the barrier watching the band when the stupid lump kicks the barrier with his size 16 steel toe caps - just glad my high quality plastic cup was almost empty. :angry:


Ok, the crowd surfing at Rosie was a bit hairy (a boot missed me and my glasses by a whisker) but it really did seem as if their role was to stamp on any form of revelry. Still, as anyone who has been through an airport will attest, give someone a hi-vis jacket and they usually turn into a cretinous despot.

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Aye, The Shedman had a dig at the Nazi Youth! Someone had the temerity to start jumping up and down and whaddya know, Mr ginga comes steaming in..


A band that plays punk rock and people start jumping up and down. It's a scandal I tell thee. We'll have none of that sort of behaviour on our Island


Some of these biker types might think they are tough but nowhere near as tough as our local bouncers.


Bushys need a serious rethink. Are they are up to the job of laying on entertainment during TT week anymore

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Bizzare how you can have a good trouble free night out in manchester or liverpool and yet bar owners and bouncers here seem total mugs when dealing with people who have had a pint or two and just out to have a good time. Some years ago bouncers in manchester started to get more friendly after some of them got shot, stabbed or just hammered. The result was that the normal Joe who just goes a bit over the top with the dancing or falls asleep momentarily at the bar is given a wide birth and spoken to politely. The result is that there is less trouble and bouncers and punters get along better. I am not saying that shootings, stabbings and beatings are good or advocating them. What I am saying is that the bouncers and bar owners over here wouldn't last five minutes on the mainland-and live anyway!

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I only went to the tent once this year, to photograph the Brazen gig, but the security guy I spoke to was fine, he let me jump over the barrier to take my photos. Didn't see any problems but perhaps they had been told to calm down by then.

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Bushys need a serious rethink. Are they are up to the job of laying on entertainment during TT week anymore


It strikes me that a mixture of beer and motorcycles is asking for trouble.

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Aye, The Shedman had a dig at the Nazi Youth! Someone had the temerity to start jumping up and down and whaddya know, Mr ginga comes steaming in..


A band that plays punk rock and people start jumping up and down. It's a scandal I tell thee. We'll have none of that sort of behaviour on our Island


Well, yes, but let's remember it was the singer who had the pop... I think his expression was "The IOM Police State" which got him the evil eye from the bouncer at the front.


Let's be clear that the opinions of the singer do not constitute the opinions of ALL of The Shedmen... (said the non-confrontational guitarist!)


Interesting that the crowd were as raucous, if not more raucous during our last half hour in the Tent back in 2008, and not a yellow jacket in sight last year.


To put it in perspective, the view from the stage was that whilst there was a heavy presence, it did not strike me as too heavy a handling (I've seen worse) and for those that recall the Bushy's Music Room of the early 90's, it was less rowdy last week than it was in the halcyon days of Bushy's pub...


All that aside though... it was one helluva gig!

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