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Tt 2009


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Quite Frankly, what a load of rubbish. I live on the Isle of Man and feel ashamed about the whole thing. If this, with Government backing, is all than can be achieved, heaven help us. Tony Brown or who ever is in charge needs to go now if the TT is to survive, the mess that is this TT needs to be rescued....



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Quite Frankly, what a load of rubbish. I live on the Isle of Man and feel ashamed about the whole thing. If this, with Government backing, is all than can be achieved, heaven help us. Tony Brown or who ever is in charge needs to go now if the TT is to survive, the mess that is this TT needs to be rescued....




What's up with it, apart from the weather?


Also, what's up with all the other threads discussing this same thing?

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Cam, you're not a tourist - neither am I, but I'd like to see it from a tourist's point of view.


Frankly I prefer the atmosphere with the absence of all this lowest-common-denominator bollocks that they've insisted on thrusting upon us over the years. From the concerts point of view at the Villa, however - one "has-been" and a bunch of odd tribute acts is pretty shameful when Lenny Triskel can get the Kaiser Chiefs over for a school night.


It seems that the less the tourist board is actively involved in things, the better it is - heck, they might even be making a concerted effort to wind down the TT, in which case I don't think they've done something better to improve the atmosphere by not treating their tourists like morons.


When all is said and done, it *is* supposed to be about the racing.


The fans are respectable, civilised people (who, *gasp*, might not actually like 70's rock!) with a love for all things on two wheels. It seems all you have to do to keep these folks riveted for hours is shove an old Norton in your shop window. Job done.

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I agree Cam, really is a poor show this year. Loaf it's not all about the races, imo, its the atmosphere, the feeling about the place too. We've been out a few days/nights and its just boring. Say what you like about the fair, i don't go when its here, but the sight on the prom, all the lights and all the people milling about does add to the atmosphere, it at least looks the part. And all the entertainment, might be pretty much the same thing every night but at least its something to watch. This year there's nothing, not one bloody thing on that prom. The bushys tent has lost its atmosphere, no big screen to watch, dickhead security. All there is to do, in douglas at least, is go on the piss, all the bars are full, but the sense of fun and atmosphere has totally gone this year.


Who is in charge of the tourism and leisure? Why have they got exactly nothing on? The steam racket have reported that visitors are up 5% on last year, does the gov not have any kind of dialogue with tour operators? They do appear to be trying to kill it off, centenary was great, last year was poor, and this year they might as well not have bothered, if indeed they have. I wonder how many visitors this year will be back next year.

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In total agreement - as is almost every local and biker I have spoken to over the weekend. What is there to do - ok there are various things to do during the day thanks to the likes of Peel and Ramsey Commissioners allowing some events to take place - but what of Douglas?


Everyone congregates in the evening expecting something to happen on the prom and what - Busheys tent, a couple of burger vans and that's your lot. Yes there are bands playing - some better than others - but some people don't want that - they just want to enjoy themselves watching or wandering around a place where there is life. Right now, Douglas has nowt.


Shame on the DTL - Kudos Busheys and MB for continuing with tradition but with no support, how long is MB going to carry on. The DTL are cr4p and that's not just during TT - bring in a commercial organisation to run events and let the DTL die! Cushy jobs for civil servants who couldn't organise a couple of bands to play in a field (hence the need for JI and Peel Heritage to come up with something!) Ban the bl00dy lot of them! :ban::angry:

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I for one have found the entertainment spot on so far, but I live down south and have no desire to go to Douglas


Bands outside the Bay each night have been great, great atmosphere, good mixed crowd of locals and bikers, some excellent performances (esp. Switch / Uber Room), one great thing is how much the kids (young) enjoy the bands, been great watching loads of toddlers playing air guitars and jumping up and down, they seem to love it


Thankfully no bouncers to spoil everybodies fun, most grown ups are perfectly able to look after themselves, there is a police presence but its low key and they seem to be being friendly to everyone and getting into the spirit of it


Most of the bikers I've spoken too are perfectly happy with a decent pub and some music (although admittedly they've been the ones outside the pub watching the bands :) ), the Bay is double lucky I guess cause just sitting outside on the wall chatting about the days action and listening to a few bands is plenty to do with the great scenery and the great atmosphere


Today, with it being Port Erin Day, there is a load of extra stuff on, few bike displays, loads of stuff for the kids and rounded off with fireworks


As ever thanks to Bushys and Triskel for putting on all the bands FOR FREE (no charing a tenner to watch Karaoke - i.e. the governments idea of entertainment)


I do sympathise with people in Douglas, but maybe you just need to get out of Douglas and see what is going around the rest of the island ?


And then complain to the government for stopping the bike shows, big screen and various other things they have done this year to try and prevent anybody puttting stuff on in Douglas (my cynical self has to say its cause they want to sell tickets for the half arsed shows they've put on at the Villa, but of course if they had put something decent on they wouldn't have had any problem !)

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I was surprised that they did away with the big screen. At least they could show the days racing and past races for the bikers.

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It does all feel a bit pish this year.

We noticed how quiet 'Mad' Sunday was last night. The DTL acts are a joke. The gardens hold 1,000's of people, so how have they only managed to get these acts? U2 UK was apparently piss poor turn out. I was at the Chili Pipers last night to see King Chiaulee and I'd say it was just over half full. They made the Thunderbirds free entry!!!! Who the hell are Jet Black? and why in gods name were Quill playing after the 'Headlining' act. WHO NOW AREN'T HEADLINING!!!!!!!

Game onto them with the LSO, but I'm pretty sure that's the TTX people organising that and not the DTL.

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It does all feel a bit pish this year.

We noticed how quiet 'Mad' Sunday was last night. The DTL acts are a joke. The gardens hold 1,000's of people, so how have they only managed to get these acts? U2 UK was apparently piss poor turn out. I was at the Chili Pipers last night to see King Chiaulee and I'd say it was just over half full. They made the Thunderbirds free entry!!!! Who the hell are Jet Black? and why in gods name were Quill playing after the 'Headlining' act. WHO NOW AREN'T HEADLINING!!!!!!!

Game onto them with the LSO, but I'm pretty sure that's the TTX people organising that and not the DTL.


I'd say it was half full for King Chiaullee, but they would have sounded better if the sound had been turned up. They seemed to turn it up for the Chilli Pipers (who were excellent) and I'd say it was three quarters full by then. Like you say though - what a stupid idea to stick Quill on last - not many stuck around to hear them.

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Quill are on to get people to leave.


LOL, at last they've found a use for them !!


But they'll still be laughing all the way to the bank with their handy little arrangement with the minister, shop local, freedom to flourish, what a joke :angry:

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