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Ukip And The Bnp

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Very bad when the BNP gain seats and UKIP puts Labour in third place. I know Labour are bad but UKIP!!! Such a shame that people have this mindset that if the two main parties seem to be so 'corrupt', have unclear policies, and be badly managed that it means you have to vote for another party.



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"It Was The Torygraph Wot Won It!"


Turnout we down again. Lots of reasons for that but for the UK I suspect it's not so much voter apathy as voter disillusionment.


Absolutely shameful that a multi-cultural society like the UK is returning two overt racists as MEP's...

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Sorry Slim, I didn't understand. What is bizarre?


That it's Yorkshire and Humberside that have elected the BNP, I thought there were lots of mixed races in that area. I guess that could be whats driving the people to vote BNP.

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They should have voted for a party with REAL POLICIES!


[No 24 is ....errmm... interesting.]


Most of the former MRL people switched to UKIP which essentially appeals to the same kind of silly pedantry. The MRL appeals to the sort of people who think Noel Edmonds is hilarious and who call each other sir on talk radio. As does UKIP. This is exemplified by Nigel Farage and his permanent slight grin.


BNP-UKIP has done well because of the ridiculous system of proportional representation - > and because the ridiculous system of proportional representation encourages ever smaller single issue and nonsense parties to split the responsible vote.

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That it's Yorkshire and Humberside that have elected the BNP, I thought there were lots of mixed races in that area. I guess that could be whats driving the people to vote BNP.


More Asian people in poorer white areas the more likelihood of the locals being duped by ridiculous lies from the BNP.


BNP-UKIP has done well because of the ridiculous system of proportional representation - > and because the ridiculous system of proportional representation encourages ever smaller single issue and nonsense parties to split the responsible vote.


Why is it ridiculous? It is fairer and what is the responsible vote?

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More Asian people in poorer white areas the more likelihood of the locals being duped by ridiculous lies from the BNP.


I guess that depends on how many of each ethnicity vote.


Well I am assuming that few non-white voters place their vote for the BNP or UKIP.

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One thing that Nick Griffin said that is the truth, is that it is the main parties inability to have a mature debate on anything to do with 'race' that has meant the BNP has gathered votes. Be warned the issues raised by the BNP have to be addressed by the main parties in a mature way otherwise other vile candidates will be elected in our name.


Come on the big three take note and at least talk about the issues for gods sake don't let us follow 1930's germany.

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Well I am assuming that few non-white voters place their vote for the BNP or UKIP.


We're getting there slowly LDV. That's why I was surprised these guys got voted in by areas with large British born ethnic groups, like Leeds. These people need to get out and vote clearly.

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One thing that Nick Griffin said that is the truth, is that it is the main parties inability to have a mature debate on anything to do with 'race' that has meant the BNP has gathered votes. Be warned the issues raised by the BNP have to be addressed by the main parties in a mature way otherwise other vile candidates will be elected in our name.

There are various issues that the HOC avoids debating because it feels that Joe Public lacks what it takes to reach a sensible outcome. The obvious one is the death penalty and I would add immigration as well.


The reason that the areas with large none-white populations turn to the likes of the odious BNP is because the whites having a tough time of it see their non-white neighbours prospering. So they blame them for removing "opportunity" from the "indigenous" population. Their reasoning is that it simply can't be down to the fact that BNP voters tend to be badly educated, bigoted, lazy and stupid i.e. they would be losers in any society.

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More Asian people in poorer white areas the more likelihood of the locals being duped by ridiculous lies from the BNP.


I guess that depends on how many of each ethnicity vote.


Well I am assuming that few non-white voters place their vote for the BNP or UKIP.


non white will cast very few votes no matter where they live in uk as they do not feel part of the uk is my thinking.


unless born in britain or their prospective MP is of their race or religion.


if you go and vote you have to choose a party .. if they are all shite in your opinion you abstain from voting therefore making the task of getting elected that much easier for a rogue candidate and his/her small bunch of fanatics to steal a larger share of a small turnout.


much easier to issue fixed penalty tickets/fines on people who refused to vote to increase the turnout so it is more representitive.


plus it would be a right good little earner.

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