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Ukip And The Bnp

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she never caused me any.


i dont know anyone she caused misery to either.


i thought thatcher and her government were pretty good .. and in retrospect compared to nu labour they/she is different gravy ffs.


Hitler never did me any direct harm.


If you were living in a mining community in 1984, as I was, you may have a different perspective on things.


I am not normally a vindictive person, but believe me, the day she turns up her toes (and that day cannot come soon enough) I will be celebrating.


She wrecked and destroyed lives for her own self purpose and warped idealogy (think the sacrifice of young soldiers in the Falklands War for her own re-election purposes - pure evil)

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VoR - your return to this now looks as if you are just bored and doing a bit of trolling. The disagreements over MT have had a very good airing, even though some of you have been unable to face facts and come to terms with the truth - she saved Britain from descent into economic oblivion.

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VoR - your return to this now looks as if you are just bored and doing a bit of trolling. The disagreements over MT have had a very good airing, even though some of you have been unable to face facts and come to terms with the truth - she saved Britain from descent into economic oblivion.


Thatcher 'solved' the problem by eradicating its consequences, to be extremely simplistic. Unions were holding the economy to ransom, but they had such a high degree of support because of the economic circumstances - Thatcher just eliminated the power of the workers. Then you had the subsidisation of the public industries - makes no sense to continue subsidising a costly industry if you can get the 'produce' cheaper from outside the UK, but the government did nothing to support those who were left without jobs.

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I don't know if this is just you trolling, LDV, or whether you are serious. For someone who seems to believe that "the State" is a bad thing to then turn around and say it ought to be responsible for people's welfare seems strange. As you seem to have missed the point of Thatcher's revolution, it was to shake the country out of its' lazy. feather-bedded ways and into the competitive world economy - and guess what - it worked (only for ZanuNuLiebour to squander the rewards). If you really want to justifiably harangue any politicians try Bottler and his crew - they threw away the very hard earned rewards of the Thatcher years in their misbegotten attempts to create a Client State to ensure their continuance in power for no other reason than the simple retention of power.


Cue: PK (waiting in wings to slag MT off).

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I don't know if this is just you trolling, LDV, or whether you are serious. For someone who seems to believe that "the State" is a bad thing to then turn around and say it ought to be responsible for people's welfare seems strange.


Not strange at all. It is recognising the realities of the current situation. I want government and capitalism to be abolished but government's exist and whilst they have control over people's lives they have a high degree of responsibility for the consequences.


The conservative government closed the mines so it was their responsibility that people were left without jobs. From the perspective and under the misguided supply-side and monetarist economics they were trying to follow, they believed that the consequences could be ignored. Somehow they thought that even though they had eliminated their jobs - their livelihood and foundation for survival - that they should be left alone to sort themselves out. But these people are not just going to pack their stuff and move many miles to get a job. They have family and local connections and nor should they have to move to survive.



As you seem to have missed the point of Thatcher's revolution, it was to shake the country out of its' lazy. feather-bedded ways and into the competitive world economy - and guess what - it worked (only for ZanuNuLiebour to squander the rewards). If you really want to justifiably harangue any politicians try Bottler and his crew - they threw away the very hard earned rewards of the Thatcher years in their misbegotten attempts to create a Client State to ensure their continuance in power for no other reason than the simple retention of power.


I think you miss the point because you seem to attach an all-importance to economic growth when the most important thing is the wellbeing of the workers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah well, start as you mean to go on



Sink immigrants' boats - Griffin


The EU should sink boats carrying illegal immigrants to prevent them entering Europe, British National Party leader Nick Griffin has told the BBC.
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Ah well, start as you mean to go on



It's interesting that the BNP have so far been unable to form an alliance with the other nationalist groups mentioned in that report, especially considering they'd all ultimately benefit in terms of influence. I'm wondering if this announcement is a deliberate attempt to dispell the softer image Griffin has tried to cultivate in the UK and curry favour with them (it's not very different to a statement made by Lega Nord not so long ago) in the hope of improving the chances of a future alliance being possible.

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VoR - your return to this now looks as if you are just bored and doing a bit of trolling. The disagreements over MT have had a very good airing, even though some of you have been unable to face facts and come to terms with the truth - she saved Britain from descent into economic oblivion.


Believe me nothing could be further from the truth. You seriously cannot believe she saved Britain from anything - she instilled a greedy, fuck you culture.


I was there at the time, I felt ashamed to be British then.

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I have to agree with all the comments against Thatcher (the milk snatcher). It's interesting to note that lots of countries had economic and political problems during the 1970s and, just as in Britain, many things became brighter in the 1980s but they did it without a half-man, half-woman misery-crazed prime minister. But then things only seemed brighter to some people because they could get to work without 'suffering strikes' oblivious to the huge numbers around them losing their jobs. Her attitudes to gay rights were ugly also and the effects of Section 28 have cursed the Conservative party ever since. Her popularity in the big English cities and in Scotland, Wales and the north of Ireland was dire too what with the poll tax and never talk to terrorists bull shit.


A state funeral? No way. But maybe a big bonfire in Trafalgar Square attended by all those who suffered under her regime.

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I have to agree with all the comments against Thatcher (the milk snatcher). It's interesting to note that lots of countries had economic and political problems during the 1970s and, just as in Britain, many things became brighter in the 1980s but they did it without a half-man, half-woman misery-crazed prime minister. But then things only seemed brighter to some people because they could get to work without 'suffering strikes' oblivious to the huge numbers around them losing their jobs. Her attitudes to gay rights were ugly also and the effects of Section 28 have cursed the Conservative party ever since. Her popularity in the big English cities and in Scotland, Wales and the north of Ireland was dire too what with the poll tax and never talk to terrorists bull shit.


A state funeral? No way. But maybe a big bonfire in Trafalgar Square attended by all those who suffered under her regime.


I loved the group that you could join on Facebook which was about a state funeral, but said 'why wait till she was dead?'.

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" It's interesting to note that lots of countries had economic and political problems during the 1970s " - true, but then most other countries were not in the industrial mess that Britain was. This country needed radical surgery to save it and that is what it got. Unpleasant, yes, but necessary. The sufferings of so many, attributed to the Blessed Margaret, should really be blamed on a succession of Governments, Labour and Conservative, which allowed things to degenerate as they did. Incidentally, MT never did create the society she had intended and if she is to be criticised it should be for allowing things to go too far too fast.


"Her attitudes to gay rights were ugly also and the effects of Section 28 have cursed the Conservative party ever since." - I assume you simply mean that you disagreed with her views - why drag in all the emotional twaddle?


"Her popularity in the big English cities and in Scotland, Wales and the north of Ireland was dire too what with the poll tax and never talk to terrorists bull shit." You seem to forget that she was re-elected a number of times so she couldn't have been that unpopular!

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"Believe me nothing could be further from the truth" - sorry, but why should I believe you when you are talking such tarradiddle? I also was there at the time but, unlike yourself, do not suffer from selective amnesia.

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"Believe me nothing could be further from the truth" - sorry, but why should I believe you when you are talking such tarradiddle? I also was there at the time but, unlike yourself, do not suffer from selective amnesia.



Selective amnesia? Which bits am I selecting?.


You may disagree with someone's post but to dismiss it as tarradiddle (whatever that it) does little to maintain the integrity of a forum.


Maybe you had a better experience than me of life under Thatcher but please do not accuse me of lying.


That woman is evil. I will rejoice in her passing. And I would not say that about any other person.

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