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Ukip And The Bnp

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"The BNP is not increasing its votes. In both Yorkshire and the north-west, its total number of votes fell from 2004. This absolutely does not mean that more people are being seduced by the BNP's propaganda. It means that Labour's share of the vote collapsed and went to other parties, thereby helping the BNP under a proportional system."

The total number of votes they received where they won seats didn't go down anything like the other parties. They also increased their vote nationally from 4.9% to 6.3% a rise only beaten by the Tree-Huggers. So looking at the figures would indicate that "This absolutely does not mean that more people are being seduced by the BNP's propaganda." is being a tad economical with the truth.

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Its a tough choice, the biggest threat to civil liberties in the UK since 1997 has been Labour. They introduced oaths of allegiance, thought about making saluting the flag part of the school day, want to make general populace carry id cards, have been desperate to promote 'Britishness' particularly in Scotland and Wales, and besides their warmongering and cosy relationship to big money they haven't been exactly egalitarian or democratic either. The only difference between Labour and overt Fascists is that Labour can't get the trains (or anything else) running on time, and that they have knackered the economy in spectacular fashion without actually losing a world war.


“We need to have a long hard look at the relationship between this country and a tax haven sitting in the Irish sea.”?" A. Darling. Nov 3 2009.


"Alistair Darling billed us for two homes at the same time by claiming parliamentary expenses for a flat that he let to tenants while also claiming living allowances for his grace and favour home in Downing Street. It had previously emerged that Mr Darling's stamp duty was paid by the public. Claimed the costs of accountancy advice using expenses intended to fund their parliamentary and constituency offices and claimed four different properties as his second home in as many years" Daily Telegraph May 8 2009.

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In 2004 the BNP registered 808,200 votes (link) in 2009 they got 943,598 (link) a 16.8% increase.


It is worrying and I think the media is being disengenuous in their reporting.


The Tories vote dropped by 4.5%, the Liberals by 15.2%, Labour by 36%, even UKIP had an overall decrease in the number of votes they recieved - 2,498,226 compared to 2,650,768 a 5.8% drop.


Racist thugs in suits mobilized and got an increased vote out, the other parties didn't do it, they either stalled or collapsed. It wasn't people staying home giving the same number of BNP votes an increased share - they grew their vote and grew it a lot.

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surely sebrof or slim will have the solution.


cannot understand why these political partys dont just google a solution.


So you think that in these times of racial strife, Slim and I can show by our example the way to greater love, respect and understanding?





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There is something very, very unsettling given that a couple of days ago, the 65th anniversary of the D day landings was commemorated and now because of the sheer greed of the fuckwits in the house of commons, this new version of nazi shit gets elected.


Every tosser in westminster should hang his/her head in shame.

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Nu Labour eh? What a joke. They stole ideas from the Tories and bullshitted the electorate into thinking that they cared for the NHS etc. and that they could be trusted. In fact they embraced the free market that Margaret Thatcher promoted and twisted it to created a society that one could have it now and pay later. And the bankers loved this because they got their bonuses based upon sums of money lent and not the returns.


One cannot knock Thatcher though. The decisions she made in her time were right after the grip that the trade unions had on Britain. But when Blair became Prime Minister he did not curtail the run on unsecured credit and neither did other countries.


So we now have a global recession but in the case of Britain run by Nu Labour, we have an economy that cannot sustain all the immigrants that come to the UK which France and Germany etc. have said: “you cannot come to us but try Britain!”


So Britain slowly dries up of reserves of money while allowing thousands upon thousands of EEC and people from other countries to come to UK shores with the promise of benefits earned and paid for by you and me.


Yet we cannot sustain the people already here! Even on the IOM getting a dentist is a lottery and already there is talk of cuts in the Department of Education etc. etc.


Add all of this to Nu Labour’s broken promise over the Lisbon Treaty Referendum , and it is no wonder that many voters in the UK have stayed at home and not voted in protest, or actually voted for the Conservatives, or UKIP or BNP.


I hope the BNP with its lunatic Nazi and racist supporters never gain any credibility in the UK or the EU, but sadly while Cameron and Brown do not get their parties properly organised people will turn to the BNP.


Especially so when OXFAM shops in the UK are advised by authorities not to display Christmas trees because it may offend Muslims. And our own security forces in a UK airport today were instructed to not display Union Jack Badges.


If the politically correct brigade authorities in the UK under NU Labour continue what I consider is inverse racism, then within a few years the BNP will have real power. Do we want that? I suggest NO!


Britain, under a strong, fair and trusted Government, (if we should ever get one )should tell the EEC that we will hold a referendum upon the Lisbon Treaty and the views of the UK people will be FINAL.


And it is time to clip the wings of all the politically correct leftwingers and think tanks in the civil service and other organisations who spout their nonsense about human rights of people who do not have any respect for Britain.

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.. the politically correct brigade .. NU Labour .. inverse racism .. politically correct leftwingers .. EEC .. human rights .. blah blah blah


The very positive advantages of EU membership and immigration certainly need to be better explained both in the UK and certainly on the IOM.


You cannot blame the other parties for people voting for BNP-UKIP. The problem with Britain and England especially is that it has too many of the sort of people who would vote for BNP-UKIP.


The BNP basically represent the sort of people who think that Britain was a better place before mass immigration. It wasn't. UKIP represents the sort of people who don't trust or much like abroad.


BNP-UKIP jointly represent people who define themselves in terms of what they are against. Which is essentially negative.

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Nu Labour eh? What a joke. They stole ideas from the Tories and bullshitted the electorate into thinking that they cared for the NHS etc. and that they could be trusted. In fact they embraced the free market that Margaret Thatcher promoted and twisted it to created a society that one could have it now and pay later. And the bankers loved this because they got their bonuses based upon sums of money lent and not the returns.


One cannot knock Thatcher though. The decisions she made in her time were right after the grip that the trade unions had on Britain. But when Blair became Prime Minister he did not curtail the run on unsecured credit and neither did other countries.


So we now have a global recession but in the case of Britain run by Nu Labour, we have an economy that cannot sustain all the immigrants that come to the UK which France and Germany etc. have said: “you cannot come to us but try Britain!”


So Britain slowly dries up of reserves of money while allowing thousands upon thousands of EEC and people from other countries to come to UK shores with the promise of benefits earned and paid for by you and me.


Yet we cannot sustain the people already here! Even on the IOM getting a dentist is a lottery and already there is talk of cuts in the Department of Education etc. etc.


Add all of this to Nu Labour’s broken promise over the Lisbon Treaty Referendum , and it is no wonder that many voters in the UK have stayed at home and not voted in protest, or actually voted for the Conservatives, or UKIP or BNP.


I hope the BNP with its lunatic Nazi and racist supporters never gain any credibility in the UK or the EU, but sadly while Cameron and Brown do not get their parties properly organised people will turn to the BNP.


Especially so when OXFAM shops in the UK are advised by authorities not to display Christmas trees because it may offend Muslims. And our own security forces in a UK airport today were instructed to not display Union Jack Badges.


If the politically correct brigade authorities in the UK under NU Labour continue what I consider is inverse racism, then within a few years the BNP will have real power. Do we want that? I suggest NO!


Britain, under a strong, fair and trusted Government, (if we should ever get one )should tell the EEC that we will hold a referendum upon the Lisbon Treaty and the views of the UK people will be FINAL.


And it is time to clip the wings of all the politically correct leftwingers and think tanks in the civil service and other organisations who spout their nonsense about human rights of people who do not have any respect for Britain.


You sound like a UKIP supporter!

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