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Ukip And The Bnp

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Nu Labour eh? What a joke.


One cannot knock Thatcher though.



we have an economy that cannot sustain all the immigrants that come to the UK which France and Germany etc. have said: “you cannot come to us but try Britain!”


So Britain slowly dries up of reserves of money while allowing thousands upon thousands of EEC and people from other countries to come to UK shores with the promise of benefits earned and paid for by you and me.



Especially so when OXFAM shops in the UK are advised by authorities not to display Christmas trees because it may offend Muslims. And our own security forces in a UK airport today were instructed to not display Union Jack Badges.


If the politically correct brigade authorities in the UK under NU Labour continue what I consider is inverse racism, then within a few years the BNP will have real power.



And it is time to clip the wings of all the politically correct leftwingers and think tanks in the civil service and other organisations who spout their nonsense about human rights of people who do not have any respect for Britain.


Racist. (UKIP Version)

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One cannot knock Thatcher though.



Especially so when OXFAM shops in the UK are advised by authorities not to display Christmas trees because it may offend Muslims. .



And your authority for the OXFAM thing - Daily Mail perhaps?


I'd be more than happy to knock Thatcher into the middle of next week for all the misery and suffering she caused

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she never caused me any.


i dont know anyone she caused misery to either.


i thought thatcher and her government were pretty good .. and in retrospect compared to nu labour they/she is different gravy ffs.

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One cannot knock Thatcher though.



Especially so when OXFAM shops in the UK are advised by authorities not to display Christmas trees because it may offend Muslims. .



And your authority for the OXFAM thing - Daily Mail perhaps?


I'd be more than happy to knock Thatcher into the middle of next week for all the misery and suffering she caused


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2596703.stm (2002)

Red Cross denies banning Christmas

Staff were told not to set up nativity scenes, Christmas trees or decorations with Christian symbols in case they offended Muslims and other non-Christians.


But chief executive Sir Nicholas Young said on Saturday it had always been the organisation's policy not to display materials of an "overtly religious nature" in shop windows.


He said the organisation had never been associated with any religion in accordance with its principles of impartiality and neutrality.


"The British Red Cross has not 'banned Christmas'. Our volunteers and staff are welcome and actively encouraged to celebrate their own particular religions and festivals whenever and however they please," said Sir Nicholas.


"Doing so runs the risk of identifying us with one particular faith."


He said the international organisation had a "unique role" in ensuring the safe passage of civilians, medical staff, messages and relief supplies during conflicts.


"To do so successfully, to be trusted by all sides, it is essential that we are not seen to be linked with any political groups, religious organisations or particular communities," he added.


"It is vital that we continue to do so, wherever and whenever we can."

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Nu Labour eh? What a joke. They stole ideas from the Tories and bullshitted the electorate into thinking that they cared for the NHS etc. and that they could be trusted. In fact they embraced the free market that Margaret Thatcher promoted and twisted it to created a society that one could have it now and pay later. And the bankers loved this because they got their bonuses based upon sums of money lent and not the returns.


One cannot knock Thatcher though. The decisions she made in her time were right after the grip that the trade unions had on Britain.


Speaking of stolen ideas - Thatcher simply took Barbara Castle's In Place of Strife white paper, revamped it, and had the nerve to push it through in a way that the Wilson government of the 60s didn't have the nerve to do.

[Other than that, she was a heartless cow who doesn't deserve any praise whatsoever]


Britain, under a strong, fair and trusted Government, (if we should ever get one ) should tell the EEC that we will hold a referendum upon the Lisbon Treaty and the views of the UK people will be FINAL.


It has never happened, isn't happening, will never happen.


And it is time to clip the wings of all the politically correct leftwingers and think tanks in the civil service and other organisations who spout their nonsense about human rights of people who do not have any respect for Britain.


It is also time to recognise that NONE of the major parties currently has either the leadership or direction to solve the country's problems. The present government does, at least, have some experience and to abandon it in the immediate future would be a disaster of major proportions.

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The present government does, at least, have some experience and to abandon it in the immediate future would be a disaster of major proportions.


I find the argument you are making here - and which P.K. also regularly makes - that incumbency is a reason to keep a government - a deeply conservative and flawed argument. I would argue that alot of the problems the government faces are down to incumbency - running out of ideas, an attitude that it is destined to rule, arrogance towards the electorate.


You can run down the opposition as much as you like, but as well as the battle of ideas a government has to stand by its record and acts; and for this government that record is poor. I find the idea that because they have presided over a mess for a long time we should continue to allow them to try to sort out the mess a very odd idea, and suspect its simply partisanship desperately looking for an excuse.


No party is making large policy announcements at the moment - they are all keeping their powder dry in case an election breaks. Events are meaning that policies have to be implemented and often what has resulted is a messy amalgum of ideas from across the political spectrum as Tory, Labour and Lib Dems grabble with reasonably unique problems - sure the Labour party implement them, but my analysis sees many Lib Dem and Tory ideas nicked and modified in the political melting pot - and lets not pretend any of this breaks down onto a neat left wing, right wing spectrum - alot of the issues currently making headlines are post-ideological - the idea that only the labour party could implement these types of policies is crackers.


My view is that the current government is swamped, it can hardly react to its own leadership crises, let alone expenses, consitutional reform, the recession, the credit crisis and THEN the issues around governing Britain and providing better public service.


Nu-Labour pumped billions into public services with a mantra that they'd reform it while they grew it. That is bollox if you ask me. UK Tax payers have paid for a vast expansion of the state - but now can't afford to maintain it, plus as that state is unreformed it is simply not working efficiently.


Rather than getting down to reform Gordon borrowed - and now has been buried in the wave he helped create. He's reactive and basically can't even hold his parliamentary party together.


It is going to be a messy, politics full six months to a year waiting for an election - I don't see the point. The idea that some policy saviour will emerge in the this time which wouldn't emerge if there was an election today just doesn't seem tenable.


Why wait - sure it'll be entertaining watching Gordon Brown, Alan Johnson, the Blairites and the Brownites, the front benchers and the back benchers all cat-fight to try to keep their jobs, but I really don't think it will be good for the country.

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What a strange situation where the BNP have eggs thrown at a legally elected MEP in a democracy, by people who support freedom and democracy !


As odious as Nick Griffin is, in a democracy he is entitled to the same freedoms as the egg throwers, and both are as much an enemy to democracy as the other.





I am surprised that the police who were in attendance took no action against those throwing eggs who were without doubt committing public order offences, I am no supporter of the BNP in any way but I hope we have not entered the realm of the police choosing who to enforce the law against !

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What a strange situation where the BNP have eggs thrown at a legally elected MEP in a democracy, by people who support freedom and democracy !


As odious as Nick Griffin is, in a democracy he is entitled to the same freedoms as the egg throwers, and both are as much an enemy to democracy as the other.


Ain't that right.


I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned earlier. I also wonder if every single one of those doing the protesting and throwing actually voted?

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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned earlier. I also wonder if every single one of those doing the protesting and throwing actually voted?


I'd have thought not, which is understandable, given that it was far-left students who apparently did the egg throwing. Why do you ask?


Can't say I really agree with chucking eggs simply for the sake of bringing attention to the fact that he is a fascist. Not for arguments of this being a democracy, because Britain is not really a democracy and his position should not simply be respected because he was voted in.


Rather this isn't really a good way of making a point and gets those who have misplaced faith in the British system expounding comments about democracy when it is not. Besides, I don't find this violence is warranted.

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What a strange situation where the BNP have eggs thrown at a legally elected MEP in a democracy, by people who support freedom and democracy !


As odious as Nick Griffin is, in a democracy he is entitled to the same freedoms as the egg throwers, and both are as much an enemy to democracy as the other.





I am surprised that the police who were in attendance took no action against those throwing eggs who were without doubt committing public order offences, I am no supporter of the BNP in any way but I hope we have not entered the realm of the police choosing who to enforce the law against !


Probably too busy worrying if they were going to be nicked for waterboarding suspects


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Actually it is quite worrying that protestors threw eggs at Mister Griffin.


Can no-one make molotov cocktails any more?

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Actually it is quite worrying that protestors threw eggs at Mister Griffin.


Can no-one make molotov cocktails any more?


That's very harsh and premature. That might be something worthwhile if someone like that got into power and began a whole set of very oppressive measures against people.


But eggs are just the wrong way to make the point because many in the electorate know no better or have liberal politics so there is this shock of seeing people sideline the marvellous political system by egging a representative of the people. And in their mind (and quite wrongly) they think that such a representative should be respected no matter what, regardless of what they stand for and the proportion of the electorate who voted for them. The people, i.e. the egg throwers, have their message ignored.

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That's very harsh and premature. That might be something worthwhile if someone like that got into power and began a whole set of very oppressive measures against people.

By which time it will be too late.

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