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Police Expect Serious Traffic Congestion


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[i think that this is the case. There is nothing for them this year except the racing


What's actually missing? A big screen, some guys doing skids on the prom and a tacky fair?


A tacky fair everyone has spent the last 5 years complaining about, and stunt riders that were boring, how will the race fans manage with just racing?


Also boat, morning.

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it's all very well for 'crossing points' to be open, but that doesn't help some people who actually live on the course, have no rear access to their property, yet are not allowed to even walk 50yds up the pavement from a crossing point.

They are thinking of going somewhere for a meal as they can't get home until about 8.30 , the place should be pretty empty as there's well over 1000 already gone home on the boats this morning, and it's only tuesday, the place will be a ghost town by friday :(


This is a very valid point. My house is on the course and it would be difficult to go home if the races are still in progress. Fortunately, on this occasion I have decided to dine out this evening and treat myself.

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[i think that this is the case. There is nothing for them this year except the racing


What's actually missing? A big screen, some guys doing skids on the prom and a tacky fair?

The consensus was that the entertainment should be replaced or improved - not completely abandoned.

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Nice little earner for the dtl. Mismanage the TT so transport out of Douglas is a nightmare. To combat this problem suggest everyone uses public transport. Then choose this week to put the prices up! Genius.


They'd be better off reducing the prices, putting more buses on (they have spare capacity with the schools shut) and use this week as a loss leader to highlight the benefits of bus travel for commuters.


And then when people heed your advice and take public transport and the roads at five are less busy than usual have the X1 turn up at least 20 minutes late for no obvious reason.


I truely hate the DTL.

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Never mind TT there's next to fuck all to do all year round, this place hasn't even got one of those indoor climbing walls, even a fucking cruise ship has one of them, there's no mazes, which when I was a kid loved going round, as did all my friends................Dragons castle has closed for TT and there's been panic from families across the island, that speaks volumes about the lack of anything to do other than look at the heritage centres which celebrate the fact that the inhbitants of this island were invaded, killed,raped and pillaged by Vikings...(a bit like the French celebrating the Nazis), go to church, or go to a basket weaving class held in Peel castle when it's pissing down with rain :D


There are Plenty of trees to climb :)


Going to tesco's a few days a year is pretty good, i love the trolly bashing and just watching the women get pissed off with each other is fantastic.


And it can be for free, you dont have to buy anything.


trolley rage all for the price of a coffee and bacon buttie..

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the place should be pretty empty as there's well over 1000 already gone home on the boats this morning, and it's only tuesday, the place will be a ghost town by friday


Is this true? Are the visitors disattisfied?


I think that this is the case. There is nothing for them this year except the racing


shock and horror..


not so long ago thats all they used to come to watch. .. and maybe a ride on a peel lass.[forget her name now]

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Frankly I thought the entertainment was a bit shit - not in and of itself, but it was the same thing time and time again. I wonder whether the bikers could just do donuts and the like, as I believe used to be the case.


I liked the funfair, but what I like doesn't matter in this instance - the question is do the visitors like it. I suspect that they're not much arsed

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Nice little earner for the dtl. Mismanage the TT so transport out of Douglas is a nightmare. To combat this problem suggest everyone uses public transport. Then choose this week to put the prices up! Genius.


They'd be better off reducing the prices, putting more buses on (they have spare capacity with the schools shut) and use this week as a loss leader to highlight the benefits of bus travel for commuters.


And then when people heed your advice and take public transport and the roads at five are less busy than usual have the X1 turn up at least 20 minutes late for no obvious reason.


I truely hate the DTL.


Gave up after half an hour and caught the coach. Young Juan Watterson was lucky not to be on it today!

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The x1 is crap most of the time (at least for going into town) if you work right in the centre of Douglas as you know - it usually gets in with less than 5 minutes to walk to wherever you work.

It's hardly uncommon also that there's some hairbrained roadworks to pass en route, which means the express bus fails to even get in before 9.


The earlier one is a better option as long as you have some music to stomach the tedium of the full journey.

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I love the Police's plea today for people to use "alternative forms of transport" where possible.


I live inside the course - you can't legally walk or cycle down the access road so what do they suggest - a f**king helicopter, hovercraft, jet powered back pack? F**k off you imbiciles.



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Yes I agree it might cause backlogs but it will whichever way it goes and my point remains, it's way more likely to cause an accident with a child being run over for instance if you divert a ton of traffic through an estate instead of a main road. Can you imagine the questions that would be asked if that happened?


I saw that yesterday, and took the diversion wondering what it was all about. This had the happy effect of reminding me of the great grub at the Anagh Cooar butchers, so I dropped in there and stocked up. When I came out I forgot all about the diversion, and drove down to the main road, up to the roundabout, and on to the West. No problem.



I also came up past this diversion sign this afternoon and took careful note where it was taking you, ......... into a black hole to find your own way, there were no other signs on any of the next 4 junctions where I turned off the obvious 'straight ahead route' so exactly how are people (including strangers) supposed to find where to go if they were trying to say, go and watch the races at Ballacraine, and ended up in an old folks home or back round the loop to the same junction they came from :D

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the boat got in too early for its berth (it was only half full) but the town centre congestion + a failed bus (if I understood correctly) put the X5 15min late - fast journey back to Peel except for some inconsiderate parking on double yellow lines blocking a turn in Peel that caused plenty of problems for bus - no problems down Peel rd + DOT had no parking on Mines rd in Foxdale + temp lights to get out so they did one one well.

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I'd have given him a lift if I'd known since the wife made me go into douglas just before home time today. :rolleyes:


I saw a class act on the way into Douglas this avvy too. A biker (local one) was in front on the downhill approach to the groves rd junction, in the straight ahead lane. He must have been in a hurry to get to the front of the queue as he got a couple of cars from the front of the queue by filtering then just carried on past them by cutting onto the pavement & along that!


It looked like his bike was then breaking down further ahead, as it pretty much stopped from what I could see. Then I turned right so who knows what the idiot was up to.

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