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[BBC News] Three charged over cannabis find


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Manx police charge three men and caution a fourth after cannabis is found by officers in Douglas.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/8090416.stm



Should that not be £1,000 worth of cannabis?. What is £1,000 of cannabis?.


Anyway cue libertarian arguments/string 'em up calls etc

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Anyway cue libertarian arguments/string 'em up calls etc


Really? It has already been said before. Although it does make me further think about what judgments are made in another thread. This is an example of something bad going on in society, i.e. the police catching them to bring them to punishment.

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Whats wrong with cannabis? Do people have views on why it is good for it to be an illegal substance?


People are going to start thinking I'm a stoner.


Disclaimer: I am not a stoner, and don't intend to be.


My views on drugs: They should all be legalised. People should be able to make decisions themselves. They weigh the risks and benefits up. As long as it doesn't affect other people who don't want to be affected, then it should be allowed. It would have knock on effects as well. Drugs could be sold at high security shops, that the government control. They will know exactly whats being sold. It would reduce street crime because drug lord/dealers would be put out of business, and the government could generate revenue from it.


I am aware in countries like Colombia where cocoa plant is grown illegally, the drug trade is ruining the country, and legallising drugs would worsen the situation. On the other hand, the government could legallise the drug trade, and control where it is grown, who grows it, and where it goes. It would be a great source of income for a developing country.


I do realise that having said this, people can get completely ruined by drugs. So the people in this country, and countries where it is grown/produced can get really messed up, and ending worse than they started. I know with some drugs, people add stuff to it to make it more addictive, this practise could be halted since the government would be in control. Scientists could try to work out ways of reducing the negative affects of drugs, and work it into the producing chain.


People would be less inclinded to steal money to pay for the drugs because they would be cheaper, and the addictiveness would be reduced.


View over. This will most likely never happen :rolleyes: .


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gilligan it would also mean the police would have to catch real criminals to massage their figures instead of soft joe 3 times a year sat in his kitchen having a quiet smoke minding his own business.

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Anyway cue libertarian arguments/string 'em up calls etc


Really? It has already been said before. Although it does make me further think about what judgments are made in another thread. This is an example of something bad going on in society, i.e. the police catching them to bring them to punishment.


Terrible that, police catching people who break the law to bring them to punishment. Whatever you think of a particular law, that's their job (here we go).

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Anyway cue libertarian arguments/string 'em up calls etc


Really? It has already been said before. Although it does make me further think about what judgments are made in another thread.


You're right - although these things do tend to be recycled.



Which thread?


Whether the police do a good job. They might be really good at catching the cannabis smokers, but it is a very bad thing that they do so.


I can make assumptions about the politics of police. But cannabis smoking is seen by the majority as not too much of a problem, and a great deal do not belief it should involve fines and imprisonment. Therefore, are the police simply made up of authoritarian, servile types or do they have to override their principles and beliefs in such a job?

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Terrible that, police catching people who break the law to bring them to punishment. Whatever you think of a particular law, that's their job (here we go).


It is very bad if you don't agree with what they do; it isn't if you do agree. I have very good and lot of reasons for why drug taking should be permissible.




Well you may think drug taking should be permissible (maybe it should, maybe it shouldn't and of course there are degrees people identify inbetween). But when all's said and done the police's job is to enforce the law (which they don't make). If you must rail, rail against the lawmakers (who you can elect) not those whose job it is to enforce it. You may be pissed off about getting a parking ticket (I know I have been) but don't take it out on the traffic wardens doing their job.

I think you need to get things in perspective. It's not like the IOM police are like guards at Auschwitz (just doing their job) and I know they're not always perfect (which amongst us is?) . But I'm glad they are there.

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I am finding it difficult to see the argument that you and some others are making that argues that the police are not to be criticised in the manner I have. I wonder whether I am making my point clear. Just imagine we are assessing the guards at Auschwitz. Say they had not let one person escape and successfully aided in killing them all. Well they have done a good job in the sense of carrying out the duties, but is their job a good one? Of course not. Similarly, one's take on the police follows along those lines. If you believe that what they are doing is wrong (such as catching drug takers) in carrying out a job then they are not doing a good job. But they might do it very well.


But more interestingly, like I said, I am interested in how the police can do they job. Do all of them really believe that catching cannabis users is the right thing to do?

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