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[BBC News] Three charged over cannabis find


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most if not all do the job as they COULD NEVER ACHIEVE THE SALARY in any other proffesion that their true qualifications would get them into.


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..

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Just imagine we are assessing the guards at Auschwitz. Say they had not let one person escape and successfully aided in killing them all. Well they have done a good job in the sense of carrying out the duties, but is their job a good one? Of course not.



As I said you need to get things in perspective. I deliberately said that the Autschwiz analogyy is not appropriate.

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most if not all do the job as they COULD NEVER ACHIEVE THE SALARY in any other proffesion that their true qualifications would get them into.


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..



Wow blud, thats not true. My joint favourite physics teacher used to be a copper. One of my mates wants to be a copper, he's doin a-levels. My ex-neighbour is a copper, he's clever and qualified. My other neighbour used to be one, and he's no dozer, although he did threaten me once after a party that i had. And another ex PE teacher has joined the police a year ago.


The police could turn a blind could they not?

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As I said you need to get things in perspective. I deliberately said that the Autschwiz analogyy is not appropriate.


But the argument you are making is that the police ARE just doing their job, i.e. it is the laws that dictate what is done. Another analogy might be the job of the British soldier. Does he do a good job? Do you evaluate it on how well he performs the job or what his job entails, i.e. his purpose and role?


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..


Really? I thought it was rather difficult to become a police officer.

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yes my next door neighbour was working behind qualtroughs timber yard counter from when he left school got married had 2 kids got a mortgage for their pad next door both carried on working fulltime .. 2 years later he passes out of his training .. she had stopped working .. their car was 10 years younger .. everest home improvements had worked 10Ks worth of magic on their gaff .. satelite dish had appeared etc.. give me a break guy was clueless .. a nice guy mind but clueless.

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As I said you need to get things in perspective. I deliberately said that the Autschwiz analogyy is not appropriate.


But the argument you are making is that the police ARE just doing their job, i.e. it is the laws that dictate what is done. Another analogy might be the job of the British soldier. Does he do a good job? Do you evaluate it on how well he performs the job or what his job entails, i.e. his purpose and role?


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..


Really? I thought it was rather difficult to become a police officer.


aye ask deputy chief constable gary roberts about his academic achievements then .. deputy chief constable its a fuukin bad joke..


and what about charlies son working the petrol pumps in ramsey until his employment and consequent fast track up the greasy pole in the force .. which included crashing his car whilst drunk into a garden wall and rolling it on its roof as a constable .. punishment token fine and ban .. also a neat little promotion to station sargent no driving licence required and a nice 4k pay rise .. it would be funny if it was elsewhere but it isnt.


i bet you kerruish is right up the top of the pecking order now .. bit of an improvement from filling ladies cars with petrol eh..

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Overwhelming evidence right there.


i happen to have been around alot longer than you and talk from multiple experiences of nepotism and piss poor employment decisions in the civil services sausageman.


and the fact is who in their right mind would be a copper if they could earn the same or better money working a stress free 9 to 5.

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most if not all do the job as they COULD NEVER ACHIEVE THE SALARY in any other proffesion that their true qualifications would get them into.


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..

Got to disagree with you on this MM.

Unless you can prove otherwise, how do you know that the people who do the job as Police officers are not capable of doing other work? Are you aware of everyones previous employment and do you have a list of every persons qualifications? Basically, I would like to know as to where this information came from and only ask so that I can make a fuller decision on the facts presented?

Are qualifications the be all and end all of being successful in business and does your statement above take into account Sir Alan Sugar and Richard Branson?

I'm not sure why you have a strong distaste with the Police (although I can see where LDV makes his point) and would like to know why you seem strongly against them? Is it their particular job, done something against you or other event which we do not know about?

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im not putting a list of names up here manxy .. over 30 years ive seen all kinds of dead wood join the police service .. get a uniform on their backs and start treating it as the police force .. bellends each and every one of them .. not a snowballs chance in hells fires that they could command 30/40k plus a year anywhere else..

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most if not all do the job as they COULD NEVER ACHIEVE THE SALARY in any other proffesion that their true qualifications would get them into.


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..

Got to disagree with you on this MM.

Unless you can prove otherwise, how do you know that the people who do the job as Police officers are not capable of doing other work? Are you aware of everyones previous employment and do you have a list of every persons qualifications? Basically, I would like to know as to where this information came from and only ask so that I can make a fuller decision on the facts presented?

Are qualifications the be all and end all of being successful in business and does your statement above take into account Sir Alan Sugar and Richard Branson?

I'm not sure why you have a strong distaste with the Police (although I can see where LDV makes his point) and would like to know why you seem strongly against them? Is it their particular job, done something against you or other event which we do not know about?



Why do you write in purple? It's bloody annoying and hard to read

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But the argument you are making is that the police ARE just doing their job, i.e. it is the laws that dictate what is done. Another analogy might be the job of the British soldier. Does he do a good job? Do you evaluate it on how well he performs the job or what his job entails, i.e. his purpose and role?


I do my job, but fortunately I have the opportunity to suggest differences in policy which may or may not be adopted. In the same way I guess that the police a few years ago said they would turn a blind eye to using of low category drugs in certain parts of London. But on the whole, they like me carry out the demands of their masters like it or not..

I imagine for example most people would prefer prostitution to be maybe legalised/regulated but the police can only operate within the constraints placed upon them.

As regards proportionality would you rather be given a small fine for being caught in illegal possession of drugs or sent to a gas chamber for merely being Jewish?. The analogy just does not work.


Re soldiers. I have every respect for them. And in Iraq I think that they should not be there. But they are. Again your analogy fails, although on a different level. - they can't say I disagree with this I'm not doing it. Either they will be shot, unarmed or face a court martial.


You can't go through life picking and choosing which laws to obey. Others will have conflicting opinions which may be at your expense and yours at there's. It's called democracy, not perfect I'll agree but there is no perfect solution.

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I think you are misinterpreting what I am saying, Voice For Reason. I am not evaluating individual people or a group on the basis of how well they perform their job - this isn't about saying they are bad people per se. I am commenting on their actual role and this comprises of all the tasks that they are asked to carry out - is their job good or bad. From my politics it is ultimately bad, not mainly but part of the reasons is for things such as drugs and prostitution (acts that should not be considered criminal) where their role is to use force to bring people to be punished by the state.


It would be incredibly hypocritical and nonsensical for people to disagree with drug laws for example and witness the police carry out the role of enforcing those laws and then comment that they do a good job because they catch burglars and thieves. In a different manner to your statement, you can't pick and choose.


In respect of what you mention about camp guards, proportionality wouldn't appear to me to have any relevance in terms of what we are discussing. What is wrong is wrong.


No, you can't go through life choosing what laws to obey. You often don't have a choice, but what point are you making here? Other's may be have conflicting opinions, but what others are you talking about? The ones who decide the law? It has nothing to do with democracy, neither you nor I have any input into what constitutes law. The legal system we have is not glowing symbol of democracy, far from it.

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most if not all do the job as they COULD NEVER ACHIEVE THE SALARY in any other proffesion that their true qualifications would get them into.


you have a force comprising ex trade counter assistants / petrol pump attendants / co-op counter assistants etc .. they never would have been employed in those menial jobs prior to the force if they had a fuukin clue..

Got to disagree with you on this MM.

Unless you can prove otherwise, how do you know that the people who do the job as Police officers are not capable of doing other work? Are you aware of everyones previous employment and do you have a list of every persons qualifications? Basically, I would like to know as to where this information came from and only ask so that I can make a fuller decision on the facts presented?

Are qualifications the be all and end all of being successful in business and does your statement above take into account Sir Alan Sugar and Richard Branson?

I'm not sure why you have a strong distaste with the Police (although I can see where LDV makes his point) and would like to know why you seem strongly against them? Is it their particular job, done something against you or other event which we do not know about?



Why do you write in purple? It's bloody annoying and hard to read


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gilligan it would also mean the police would have to catch real criminals to massage their figures instead of soft joe 3 times a year sat in his kitchen having a quiet smoke minding his own business.


I don't know very much about drugs at all but surely £1000 is a lot and not just a little for his own use?

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