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Millionth English Word 'looming'


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Global Language Monitor searches for new words and once a word has been used 25,000 times, it recognises it.


By calculating that a new word is created in English every 98 minutes, it estimates that the millionth word will be recognised at 1022 GMT.





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One of the 'new words' I hate is chillaxing - everybody seems to use it these days, but for some reason I don't like it.


Yeah you're right, but it quite annoying and boring how so many refer to staying at home (maybe doing nothing, watching telly, etc.) as chillin'.

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One of the 'new words' I hate is chillaxing - everybody seems to use it these days, but for some reason I don't like it.


Yeah you're right, but it quite annoying and boring how so many refer to staying at home (maybe doing nothing, watching telly, etc.) as chillin'.

Yeah that annoys me. People actually list it as a hobby, or something they aim to do in their holidays. Like it's an a activity. Now, I'm a right lazyocity to me a good weekend is one doing nothing or rather a good weekend is one where an hour or two's worth of garden and household chores can be stretched to last all weekend by doing a bit at a time. But I would never presume to pretend this was anything as active sounding as chilling.

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A US web monitoring firm has declared the millionth English word to be Web 2.0, a term for the latest generation of web products and services.


Global Language Monitor (GLM) searches the internet for newly coined terms, and once a word or phrase has been used 25,000 times, it recognises it.


GLM said Web 2.0 beat out the terms Jai ho, N00b and slumdog to take top spot.





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