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88-year Old White Supremacist Murders Museum Guard


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yes you would wonder why they bothered living so long after fighting 2 world wars and paying into a system all their lives that has gone on to produce selfish self centered pricks like you.

Do you think they should go easy on him just because he's old?

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yes you would wonder why they bothered living so long after fighting 2 world wars and paying into a system all their lives that has gone on to produce selfish self centered pricks like you.



i thought the above statement was a crock. .. and i said so .. take it ot leave it.


Well.. I challenge the basis for your insults. Go on, read what I wrote again and ask yourself.. "Did he write anything about people who had done anything of merit?". You think my statement was a crock? Perhaps you can explain why without inventing new qualifying conditions which I haven't used in my statement?

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Wahington and the IOM have something in common, it seems.


"Mr Fenty insisted that the shooting, which took place shortly before 1pm local time, should be seen as an "extremely isolated incident"." Fortunately.




PS: Twenty five years ago this chap tried to kidnap the entire board of the Federal Reserve. He can't be all bad.

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yes you would wonder why they bothered living so long after fighting 2 world wars and paying into a system all their lives that has gone on to produce selfish self centered pricks like you.



i thought the above statement was a crock. .. and i said so .. take it ot leave it.


Well.. I challenge the basis for your insults. Go on, read what I wrote again and ask yourself.. "Did he write anything about people who had done anything of merit?". You think my statement was a crock? Perhaps you can explain why without inventing new qualifying conditions which I haven't used in my statement?



Manxman2 is one of the most highly respected members of this forum. Every word he utters is truly a pearl, cast usually before swine. Cross him at your peril.



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Besides if he's 88 he won't have fought two world wars. And I have to wonder why he fought the one war he did fight in if he latter attacks a Holocaust Museum?


BTW - BNP Links


You might recall that the Yanks joined the war to avenge Pearl Harbour, not to attack Germany and save the Jews. Though eventually they did.



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seb do you know of any online sites/pages you/we/us at manx forums can play chess on .. i would like a little tourney against you and slimbo maybe a few others like china .. would be good crack.


didnt need the master googler after all..




fancy it.


I think we'd need to keep it fairly simple. Say tiddlywinks?



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ya reckon.


try me.


It wasn't you I had in mind. ;)


Anyway, sounds interesting, but for the next month or so I am ultra busy, and need to waste less time on this damn computer, not more. Should be OK to go by August.



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i havent played chess in years sebrof i just thought it would be competitive with you and slim.


a laugh sorta .. but not quite if you get my drift. .. no doubt there will be some extremely good players using this site.

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