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Bands Beware

oogie boogie

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since MB is down i'll stick this up here.


Any bands playing Havana make sure you get paid before or sort out payment before you play.


Planes and UberRoom played there last night and got royally fucked over.


we were given 3 reasons at different stages after the gig.

1) we didn't have anyone on the door : - this wasn't discussed with us beforehand and Havana had staff on the door who were taking money when and if they felt like it. e.g. letting my parents and others in for free, and trying to make the bass player from Uber Room pay to get into his own gig.


2) It's apparently a very good opportunity for us to play at this bar. I hadn't realised the place had become the islands answer to Brixton Academy all of a sudden, and I must've missed the avid music scene and talent scouts that were in there making this an opportunity.


3 and this was in a similar but more blunt vain to 2, was the best one) sorry we don't pay bands, you just get to play.



All these three points might I add were told to us after we'd set up played and packed up.

I might go and try to get a few quid out of them later, but I need to calm down and they need to get their story straight first.


This is just a heads up to any bands on here that are already booked into play the place. Sort cash out first.


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as far as i was aware, bands where not being paid for playing at havana, but recieving the door money, so how can they be paid upfront..?


Instead of placing this online, all you had to do was give me a call and i could probably sort it for you.

But if they had done as you suggested, i would be the first to complain, but i have never had any trouble with havana and being paid.


Just spoke to the manager,


seems that..


1, You where never told you would be paib,

2, no taking money on the door was discussed when you spoke to jamie prior to setting up.

3, the bass player was not stopped and asked for money, he was stopped by the doorstaff. No one was charged, as the policy is normally not to charge.

4, Yes its to give bands a chance to play.

5, You also finished early due to illness??

6, If you shout and swear at a person, its not normally helpfull when gettinmg a point across.

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not being funny John, but that is proper bad form. i bet it was chocker as well with all the bands fans so they would have made a killing on the bar... i mean, wednesday night at havana, there would be no way there would be that many people there if the bands werent playing.


the time and effort in actually setting up the p.a, drum kits, guitar amps, bass amp especially with all the bands stuff, they should have got paid just for lugging it up and down the stairs. nightmare.


and oh God, i cant believe they said the chance to play at havana should be enough, what a fking joke!!! ha ha. a chance to play? give me strength.

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I am just playing devils advocate here, I also called the manager and asked him why this/ what had happened etc.


But i agree, me i would not really DJ for free, unless its a charity night or a night I get to play music i personally love, as yep the setting off gear up etc is a royal pain in the arse.


But it is a horrid taste when you dont get what you thought you where getting, because you did not ask or confirm etc..


I have learnt the hard way to always get paid for gigs before you start, as nothing worse than chasing drunk people arround at 1 am for money.


I do feel for oogie as I know his band are great as are Uber.. but did Oogie get paid last year when they played there??

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How vile, your post is John.


If the deal was that the band got the "opportunity" to Havana then that should have been agreed in advance.



Why is it vile Declan, is that not a word used for the like of Hitler etc??


I never feel let down myself by havana, as I work there myself, but oogie should really have organised all this sort of thing before the night, its not like they have never gigged before etc. But then again Havana should have also made it straight from the start.



Please do not shoot the messenger...... as i am only passing on what i have been told..

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Maybe both bands should go for a big slap up meal at Havana and once fed and watered just get up and leave with out paying,


from what JF is saying it would then be the managers fault as he did not agree that he would be paid before serving them their meals and drink ,

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I was just in the support act. It was Ubers night, I think they knew about door takings but not that we had to do it ourselves. If the management knew we were getting paid by door takings they should've told the door staff, who were stood at the frigging pay booth thing all night.

I don't think anyone was ill and Uber Room finished just after midnight, which for any gig isn't bad going.


I was upstairs packing the van up when most of the arguements between staff and bands happend. But they can't honestly expect there to be a pleasant exchange.


John mate i'm not having a go at you, and the purpose of the thread was to warn other bands who play there to be aware, things aren't as straight forward as other places over here.


I didn't play Havana last year but last time I did play there was when Andy had it. 6 people turned up and we still got £250 for our troubles.


oh well lessons learnt I guess. It was a flashy practise for tonight.

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Did you request a room to be dressed in white silk, water from Everest, a virgin for each member, chilled fruit and cucumber sandwhiches to be kept a room temp?


Diva's now days just dont know how to do it.

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Maybe both bands should go for a big slap up meal at Havana and once fed and watered just get up and leave with out paying,


from what JF is saying it would then be the managers fault as he did not agree that he would be paid before serving them their meals and drink ,


lol you could try...

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MB will be down for a while yet I think.


if this thread turns into a slagging match then mods please lock it. as I say it's just here to warn people that they'll need to man the door themselves I guess.

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