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Swine Flu Reaches Island


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When I was born I soon caught whooping cough and didn't die either and I never recieved a vaccination for that.


Were you born, or were you created, and is there a vaccination for that?


Ever been to Salford?

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Do you honestly think for one minute that all this bullying by you pro vaccination lot on this forum are actually going to convince me to change my mind, if anything it serves just to reinforce my beliefs...you are no better than the authorities that force feed this shit to the masses.


I think a lot of us are more determined to understand how your mind is operating rather than trying to change it. And because you are being criticised it is reinforcing your beliefs? That's just silly.


t would be rather stupid to have what we say REINFORCE your beliefs.

The one thing wrong with this forum is that when a person states something that others don't agree with they are attcked and labelled a pariah, merely for thinking differently or believing in something different...it's akin to a load of atheists calling a buddhist a cunt.


Because specifically with your points of view and decisions you seem to show a lot of selfishness and the consequences of it technical affects others in the populations and, more peculiar, your child. Yet it all seems to be based on little more than (what Chinahand has pointed out as) anecdote. Little of what you say makes sense, but you don't offer much explanation.


This all started because I stated that I would not recieve the swine flu vaccine because I don't believe vaccines work


How do you think so many diseases, such as polio and smallpox, were almost eradicated in the western world?


we will never smack or hit him and I suppose some of you will disagree with that and say that's bad parenting......our choices are ours to make


Glad you don't hit your kids.


Some might disagree, but they have far less good reasons to argue that you should smack yours kids. Besides why are you so bothered about criticism? If you are sure of your stance then argue away. Nobody here has the ability to force you into anything.


Really though this isn't just about vaccinaitons, what comes off from what you say is that you have a distrust of western medicine in its entirety because of your experiences and you have sought to satisfy this distrust.

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How can anyone trust the authorities on H1N1 when they are causing people who have contracted this MILD disease to be registered and being told they ought to take a drug which has no proven efficacy except possibly in very severe cases!

This whole fiasco is an exercise in fear and marketing that weak-minded healthcare professionals are signing up to without assessing the evidence or questioning the whole suspicious nature of what has transpired.


We are witnessing the conditioning of governments and populations towards accepting drugs and vaccines other than at the advice of their personal doctors, and I suggest this is probably for the following reasons:


1. Diverting public money to pharmaceutical companies to support that area of the economy.

2. To try and prevent the long drawn-out economic collapse which might be precipitated by people having to be off work sick with a dose of flu.


The panic being generated is not on health grounds, but in reality on economic ones. One wonders who is conducting this orchestra?

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2. To try and prevent the long drawn-out economic collapse which might be precipitated by people having to be off work sick with a dose of flu.


id like to see what u say if,


fire department please

what u mean thay all got the flu and noboodys in work

me house is burning down,

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I'm sure Health and Safety rules will be altered to forbid anything including houses catching fire.


That'll sort it.

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As one of the 50 tested on the Island for Swine Flu I can assure you that the the Island is in for a very rough ride. Feeling very ill a week last Wednesday the missus thought she better ring the doc as we had just come back from holiday (temp 40, sore throat, high fever, coughing etc). The doc contacted the health department and a lovely nurse came round the house later on in the day to give me the mandatory pack of tamiflu and took various swab tests from me. She then proceeded to inform me that "only one of the tests could be carried out on the Island and the other two would be done in England. The Island test was not very accurate and I was to stay off work and not mix with people until the tests from England came back which would be within seven days, the problem being that they were flat out and this length of time for test results coming back to the Island could increase.

The worry is that we are going to have a large proportion of the Islands population off work at the back end of this year waiting for test results when they are perfectly fine to return to work. Schools shut, transport etc etc

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The worry is that we are going to have a large proportion of the Islands population off work at the back end of this year waiting for test results when they are perfectly fine to return to work. Schools shut, transport etc etc



Yes, definitely a concern, but I have to wonder that if it gets to that kind of saturation, will the strategy still be to try to contain it?

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Broon will nuke the Island.

Thus he will.


1. Reduce the risk of infection from the IOM to zero.


2. Sort out a tax haven for once and for all and get a big wet kissy from Obama.


3. Justifiably be able to spend lots of dosh on the replacement for Trident as they've used a lot on incinerating the IOM.

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The worry is that we are going to have a large proportion of the Islands population off work at the back end of this year waiting for test results when they are perfectly fine to return to work. Schools shut, transport etc etc



Yes, definitely a concern, but I have to wonder that if it gets to that kind of saturation, will the strategy still be to try to contain it?



The UK strategy is already moving away from containment.


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I have read quite a few things about how Tamiflu isn't very effective. Yet it seems to be talked about as if it is a sure thing to reduce severity of symptoms. It seems to be only very effective when taken at the very onset of the flu.


Is it really worth giving it to everybody who has been diagnosed with the swine flu? I am interested to know whether the flu's early suppression decreases the chances of its spreading? If not, I see little point in giving it to everyone.

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I have read quite a few things about how Tamiflu isn't very effective. Yet it seems to be talked about as if it is a sure thing to reduce severity of symptoms. It seems to be only very effective when taken at the very onset of the flu.


Is it really worth giving it to everybody who has been diagnosed with the swine flu? I am interested to know whether the flu's early suppression decreases the chances of its spreading? If not, I see little point in giving it to everyone.



Tamiflu is a neuraminidase inhibitor (neuraminidase is the ‘N’ part of H1N1) and it works by slowing down the replication of the virus thereby giving your immune system a better chance of destroying it. It’s therefore more effective when taken early on.


It helps to slow the spread of the virus simply by reducing the number of virus particles that infected people cough and splutter around.

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