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Swine Flu Reaches Island


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Think it has been mentioned in the past that the Island has enough TamiFlu for half the population.




mind you in this current economic climate they will probably have sold it to somewhere else for a loss


hope they keep it for the manx half.

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The notably premature announcement (within days of the Mexican 'outbreak') that this could be the Global Flu Pandemic to match the Spanish Flu should make us all instantly suspicious that some corrupt forces could possibly be at play in the WHO and the Drug and Vaccine industries.


Bear in mind the 'Millenium Bug', SARS, Anthrax, Ricin, War on Terror, WMDs, H5N1, and other recent overblown panics and it is not hard to understand that some people have been continually pumping the population of our planet with some malicious fear-mongering for far too long now. Perhaps it is time to stand up to these blatant and unconsionable assaults?


The widespread H1N1 panic has no basis except in the fearful ideas fed deliberately into the media. The vaccine and drug companies are going to make massive profits, but where is the science to justify the response we are experiencing? Nowhere! Remember how private industries profited so massively from the recent and very dodgy Iraq war? Why is this not an example of the same type of mass-deception with which we are becoming increasingly familiar, and used to believe our rulers and corporate entities to be incapable of?


I don't think it's due to ideas being fed into the media. It's the media itself which creates and drives the incessant hyping behind these scare stories - Sky and the BBC have to fill 24hours of news time a day so they will hammer any current issue intothe ground, bringing in endless 'experts' to fill time and add fuel to the fire. Add to that that most of the reporters they have reporting these (sometimes very technical) stories seem to lack the basic education to understand the issues involved and are all vying with each other to produce the most sensationalist,scaremongering reports to boost their profiles (it certainly worked for Robert Peston).


Remember the old journalistic maxim "First simplify, then exaggerate".

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The vaccine and drug companies are going to make massive profits, but where is the science to justify the response we are experiencing? Nowhere! Remember how private industries profited so massively from the recent and very dodgy Iraq war? Why is this not an example of the same type of mass-deception with which we are becoming increasingly familiar, and used to believe our rulers and corporate entities to be incapable of?


Drug companies making billions off of the overblown percieved risks posed by global pandemics. Surely not? Why would that possibly happen?

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I don't think it's due to ideas being fed into the media. It's the media itself which creates and drives the incessant hyping behind these scare stories - Sky and the BBC have to fill 24hours of news time a day so they will hammer any current issue intothe ground, bringing in endless 'experts' to fill time and add fuel to the fire. Add to that that most of the reporters they have reporting these (sometimes very technical) stories seem to lack the basic education to understand the issues involved and are all vying with each other to produce the most sensationalist,scaremongering reports to boost their profiles (it certainly worked for Robert Peston).


Remember the old journalistic maxim "First simplify, then exaggerate".


I agree, it isn't about fed information but it isn't simply about the need to find sensational stories and fill space. The media produces a very particular story of what goes on in the world. Journalists only get to offer stories that get the nod of those higher up in the business. I am not talking about conspiracy, but you have to consider these people's motives and the organisational structure of these businesses.


Sorry if I missed it, but is swine flu worse than normal flu? Why the panic and worry if you feel ill for a week or two? Though understandably the old and very young at very much at risk, and I don't mean the ignore them but it isn't like an ebola scare.

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Sorry if I missed it, but is swine flu worse than normal flu?


Not so far in the UK - 800 odd cases, maybe 3 or 4 hospitalised (all with pre-existing health problems) no deaths.


Why the panic and worry if you feel ill for a week or two?


Because people don't generally have the education or training to pick out the salient facts from the sensationalist tripe bombarding them from all sides. We need to nurture our childrens' critical faculties.

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Because people don't generally have the education or training to pick out the salient facts from the sensationalist tripe bombarding them from all sides. We need to nurture our childrens' critical faculties.


Difficult thing to do when even the most educated read the popular media. We all do it. As Stu Peters mentions in the article Chomsky is good to read, I think Noam Chomsky's book about creating consent really opens your eyes up to the role of the media. I think excerpts of the book are on Youtube.

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i have figured it all out.


it is a conspiracy! the anti-bacterial handwash companies have bribed the World Health Organsiation into fabricating a pandemic and are now urging people to wash their hands!


WASH YOUR HANDS! see they really are trying to sell you something!


im safe from their brainwashing techniques because i never go anywhere without my tinfoil hat!


/end sarcasm*


why do the conspiracy theories always come out when something like this happens?

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No nuts in THIS post. I'm with Hermes (and Noam Chomsky), which maybe makes us both nuts - or those who would ridicule this as having bought the word of The Man (generic one - not theman on here).


This is a bizzare stance to take now that this outbreak has actually resulted in a full pandemic. You can't claim that companies or govenements cried wolf when the wolfs already been seen. This is real, it's widespread, and it's highly infectious. Fortunately it's not lethal, but we've got no herd immunity so chances of mutation are high and the risk of a dangerous pandemic has never been so high.


If these same people your'e accusing of cashing in had done nothing, you'd be bleating too I imagine, you'd have found some other conspiracy to fit.


Yes, there's sensationalism. Yes the 24 hour news do go well over the top. Doesn't mean there's a conspiracy.

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Yeah my workplace seems to be very cautious about it all, we were getting e-mailsat work about what to do if you get sick - STAY HOME. And nobody was allowed to travel from London to Manchester and vice versa a few weeks ago in case they spread the disease. There were regular reminders that you should not travel and web conferencing is essential, etc..


Has anybody elses workplace been like that?


No. I'm guessing that you must work for some quasi-government agency as they are the only ones that strictly abide by completely f**king stupid policies in these circumstances. Everyone else just goes to work ... because they have to and they are not slack arsed idiots looking to use any tenuous excuse they can for a few days skiving off or not working at full capacity.



I work for the government and we have been issued a complete procedural breakdown in the event of an outbreak of swine flu on the Island, at first I thought what a load of bollox and I still feel that way about the most part, however if we didn't not have a procedure set in place and an outbreak did occur then chaos would ensue, we would be labelled as complete f***wits for not having a contingency plan and would be criticised by members of Manx Forums, it would also be highly irresponsible of the government to not have a plan in place.


On a personal level as stated before I think that this is a planned pandemic orchestrated by the pharmecutical industry to increase thier share values and the Elite to constantly keep us in fear and reliant on our governments to "keep us safe" akin to the "war on Terror". I for one won't be taking Tamiflu, I'll take my chances on having a relatively good diet, my son hasn't and will not have any of the vaccinations offered to children so I can't really become a hypocrite by having any flu vaccinations either.

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On a personal level as stated before I think that this is a planned pandemic orchestrated by the pharmecutical industry to increase thier share values and the Elite to constantly keep us in fear and reliant on our governments to "keep us safe" akin to the "war on Terror". I for one won't be taking Tamiflu, I'll take my chances on having a relatively good diet, my son hasn't and will not have any of the vaccinations offered to children so I can't really become a hypocrite by having any flu vaccinations either.


I commend you on your level headed approach. I suspect the folk in Mexico that died of this were probably immune compromised before the infection. Poverty, pollution, poor nutrition. I suspect these were important factors in their deaths. Anyone whos immune system is poor probably needs the help promised by the likes of Tamiflu, but everyone else who is otherwise looking after themselves quite well will probably suffer as if it were an ordinary seasonal flu.

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