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Swine Flu Reaches Island


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Noam Chomsky is a tit IMHO. I watch popular media but I like to think I can pick out the imporant information from the hype.


Oh and I just read that the number infected (officially) inthe UK has passed 1000. No deaths.


He is a tit? Because of his politics or his linguistics work?

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I work for the government...


if we didn't not have a procedure set in place and an outbreak did occur then chaos would ensue...


I doubt we'd see much change would we?


yes we would see a higher rate of infection if procedures were not in place, especially isolation procedures.


but chaos? No.


but chaos prob would happin, it is the isle of man after all,


the problem thay have is, anybody that gets it or in contact with the person has to be placed in isolation,

just think if a staff member at tesco caught it and thay shut tesco down, hell the isle of man would have to call in the army to control the mobs :D

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Reputation, I know there's no swine flu vaccine, I was responding to him saying he's not giving his child any vaccine.


You know what slim I agree with Sebrof, you are an annoying twat...you condemn views and opinions that differ with your own and you get personal about it....I haven't called you an irresponsible parent because you may have had your children vaccinated, what gives you the right to fucking well judge me as a parent, when the authorities can offer safe vaccinations without mercury or formaldehyde as a stabiliser for the preservative that are proven effective and don't lower the childs Iq then i'll contemplate it, in the meantime dickhead you go obediently following what your masters tell you without going thrfough the test of time, remember thalidamyde was safe according to the health authorities and then look how that turned out...if you actually had any knowledge of how viruses work then you wouldn't have been so fucking ignorant about vaccinations..you horrible, vile, insulting pitiful excuse of a human being and keep to the topic without getting personal and you won't receive any personal insults back.


And your wifes a nurse? Scary. The 5 in 1 vaccine is mercury free, so you're childs at risk through your own ignorance. Problem is because herd vaccinations are important, your idiotic beliefs are putting my kids at risk too. Go ask your GP if he's had his kids vaccinated, do you think you know better than him?

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On a personal level as stated before I think that this is a planned pandemic orchestrated by the pharmecutical industry to increase thier share values and the Elite to constantly keep us in fear and reliant on our governments to "keep us safe" akin to the "war on Terror". I for one won't be taking Tamiflu, I'll take my chances on having a relatively good diet, my son hasn't and will not have any of the vaccinations offered to children so I can't really become a hypocrite by having any flu vaccinations either.


Being completely candid, I think this sounds quite far-fetched. Do you have any evidence to support it?


You are absolutely correct, governments seek to control the people they rule and they continually want to increase their control. And the 'War on Terror' has been used to keep populations in fear in order to justify infringements on civil liberties. However, governments are just as much opportunists of events than insitigators. It is far more likely and I think the case that governments seek to maximise on the threat of flu pandemic. But there is no evidence to say they orchestrated it.


Besides, you refer to elites, the government, and the pharmaceutical industry. But weigh up the pros and cons of such an orchestratration if it were true, who would benefit and who would not. A serious pandemic would mean many days of work being missed. People would stay at home ill being unable to contribute to the economy which the elite need. And it would cause disruption to the economy. This is not beneficial to the capitalists of the world who would lose profits - only as you say, to those in the pharmaceutical industry. In such a way, it doesn't seem a plausible argument.

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only as you say, to those in the pharmaceutical industry. In such a way, it doesn't seem a plausible argument.


Even there, the company who produces Tamiflu's share price is down 13% since the stories of swine flu broke.

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Oh really? Why has that happened, I would have assumed the reverse would be true.


No idea, it's a huge company and I've no clue how they're currently valued. The real world is a complex thing, it's not like the movies. There's no dimly lit board room full of old men in black suits plotting to release a flu virus to boost their companies share price.

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Oh really? Why has that happened, I would have assumed the reverse would be true.


No idea, it's a huge company and I've no clue how they're currently valued. The real world is a complex thing, it's not like the movies. There's no dimly lit board room full of old men in black suits plotting to release a flu virus to boost their companies share price.


Never implied there was, Matt Bawden did. In asking about share prices I just thought that there might be a linkage between sales of Tamiflu and the shares prices. But I don't have an in-depth understanding of how the stockmarket works.

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Reputation, I know there's no swine flu vaccine, I was responding to him saying he's not giving his child any vaccine.


You know what slim I agree with Sebrof, you are an annoying twat...you condemn views and opinions that differ with your own and you get personal about it....I haven't called you an irresponsible parent because you may have had your children vaccinated, what gives you the right to fucking well judge me as a parent, when the authorities can offer safe vaccinations without mercury or formaldehyde as a stabiliser for the preservative that are proven effective and don't lower the childs Iq then i'll contemplate it, in the meantime dickhead you go obediently following what your masters tell you without going thrfough the test of time, remember thalidamyde was safe according to the health authorities and then look how that turned out...if you actually had any knowledge of how viruses work then you wouldn't have been so fucking ignorant about vaccinations..you horrible, vile, insulting pitiful excuse of a human being and keep to the topic without getting personal and you won't receive any personal insults back.


And your wifes a nurse? Scary. The 5 in 1 vaccine is mercury free, so you're childs at risk through your own ignorance. Problem is because herd vaccinations are important, your idiotic beliefs are putting my kids at risk too. Go ask your GP if he's had his kids vaccinated, do you think you know better than him?



Check out the WHO statics on many of the vaccinations and illnesses they treat and you'll find published medical reports detailing the statistics....many of the illnesses vaccinations were created to treat were almost eleiminated decades before the creation of said vaccinations, there is no evidence to support that vaccinations actually work, and how the hell am I putting your children at risk if you have had them vaccinated seeing as you believe they work, herd mentally, that in it's self is a joke, check out published papers about outbreaks in the UK in the mid part of last century and see how Birmingham dealt with it and you will see that herd mentality was the cause of many more deaths than there should have been.


I have no problem with you disagreeing with my opinions but you'll find better communication if you omit the personal attacks especially when it refers to my parenting, after all I could take a guess and assume you are one of those lovely parents who allowed a doctor to stick a needle in your child to administer vitamin K almost as soon as it entered the world rather than oral administration.


In the US they are trying to push forward a vaccination which supposedly combats 100 illnesses, do you think that's ok? Administration of vaccines directly into the bloodstream seems absolutely ridiculous to me considering most viruses are contracted via the nose or mouth and through our respiratory system.


The 5 in 1 vacc. still has harmful chemicals and that is fact if you read the data sheet for that particular vaccine, and we have checked every data sheet for every vaccine offered and checked with my brother who is a chemist, educated at King's college, and you take it from a GP...I have known many GP's some of which were pissed up most of the time, some GP's were good, I have also been clinically dead for 8 minutes whilst being anaesthetised, misdiagnosed, failed surgery due to incompetence, infected during surgery, so you may forgive me if I have a mistrust of the medicall profession. I believe that a good diet for my child and the fact he is breastfed will see him right. Do you remember in the 70's and 80's when dentists removed teeth at will because they were paid for every extraction.....and you will accept what you are told, fine that is your right to do so without criticism....shame you can't return that courtesy.


My wife, by the way is a veterinary nurse as I have previously stated so your intake of what you have read seems to be in error, just to be pedantic.


I may well be a crackpot as someone else here has stated but time will tell..and then we shall see who the crackpots are.....I must either be in the online presence of oracles, soothsayers, psycics and any other future predictors to be judged so well....I am indeed humbled to amongst such greatness.

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Never implied there was, Matt Bawden did. In asking about share prices I just thought that there might be a linkage between sales of Tamiflu and the shares prices. But I don't have an in-depth understanding of how the stockmarket works.


Yeah, I know, I was being cheeky. Like I said, it's a large and complex company that I know bugger all about. I gather these companies put a huge amount of dosh into r&d for products that nine times out of ten never reach the market and final sales, even huge ones like tamiflu are only part of the picture. I guess if you read their accounts, which are available, you'd have a better idea, but the short of it is, it's bloody complex and flogging a load of one thing won't necessarily make all their shareholders stinking rich.

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Oh really? Why has that happened, I would have assumed the reverse would be true.


No idea, it's a huge company and I've no clue how they're currently valued. The real world is a complex thing, it's not like the movies. There's no dimly lit board room full of old men in black suits plotting to release a flu virus to boost their companies share price.


Never implied there was, Matt Bawden did. In asking about share prices I just thought that there might be a linkage between sales of Tamiflu and the shares prices. But I don't have an in-depth understanding of how the stockmarket works.



Nether did I, never wrote anything about dimly lits rooms with old men, there you go again slim simplifying what I say and making what you say seem complex, articulate and infinitely more intelligent...you really are a piece of work.

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I'll be sure to ask your chemist brother what to do if I ever get cancer then.



Feel free to do so I'll forward your number to him if you like.........why attck what I choose to do for me and mine, when I couldn't give a flying f**k what the rest of the human population choose to do, I don't care, I only care for the choices I make.


See an oncologist, take the advice, do what he/she says or don't....I couldn't care less. I also accept that what you would choose to do is entirely your right and you are free to consult whoever you wish, just as I am.


Some of you people really are awful, you attack a person's right to choose for themselves regardless if you think they are wrong even though they believe the choices they make are right for them.....terrible attitude.

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