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Nether did I, never wrote anything about dimly lits rooms with old men, there you go again slim simplifying what I say and making what you say seem complex, articulate and infinitely more intelligent...you really are a piece of work.


It takes a certain special talent to be able to actually make our Slim appear complex and articulate.


You appear to have it, you crackpot loony.

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Check out the WHO statics on many of the vaccinations and illnesses they treat and you'll find published medical reports detailing the statistics....many of the illnesses vaccinations were created to treat were almost eleiminated decades before the creation of said vaccinations, there is no evidence to support that vaccinations actually work, and how the hell am I putting your children at risk if you have had them vaccinated seeing as you believe they work, herd mentally, that in it's self is a joke, check out published papers about outbreaks in the UK in the mid part of last century and see how Birmingham dealt with it and you will see that herd mentality was the cause of many more deaths than there should have been.


Matt, I'm not a immunologist. I'm not a public health expert. I'm not a doctor. I do trust my GP and the other medical experts who advice for vaccination, I have to. An overwealming number of expert agree that I should get my children vaccinated, so I do so, because I'm not qualified to disagree with them.


There is a huge body of evidence to support the effectiveness of vaccinations. We've seen the results of a failure to reach the required level of herd vaccinations with the recent mmr scare, eg:



Lots of parents avoided the mmr vaccine for reasons that turned out to be utterly bogus, and now lots of kids are getting measles. Vaccination works, it's important, but it's vital that everyone gets vaccinated, or irresponsible parents like you are putting is all at risk. That's my opinion, it's not personal, but I think you're irresponsible if you decide to give your children no vaccinations at all.


I didn't say herd mentality. Vaccinations work through herd immunity, stopping the spread of disease from person to person through high levels of immunity through the whole population. No vaccine is 100% effective, and some people can't be vaccinated, so the people who refuse vaccination are putting everyone at risk by reducing the the herd immunity which is exactly what's happening, as predicted, following the reduction of MMR vaccinations.


I have no problem with you disagreeing with my opinions but you'll find better communication if you omit the personal attacks especially when it refers to my parenting, after all I could take a guess and assume you are one of those lovely parents who allowed a doctor to stick a needle in your child to administer vitamin K almost as soon as it entered the world rather than oral administration.


For a start off:




horrible, vile, insulting pitiful excuse of a human being


These are personal insults, and totally out of proportion to me suggesting you were acting irresponsibly as a parent. If you can't handle your opinion about vaccinations being commented on, why make them on a public forum? The names you called me don't bother me in the slightest though, carry on if it makes you feel better.


Yes, all my babies had vit k. So?


In the US they are trying to push forward a vaccination which supposedly combats 100 illnesses, do you think that's ok? Administration of vaccines directly into the bloodstream seems absolutely ridiculous to me considering most viruses are contracted via the nose or mouth and through our respiratory system.


No idea what you're on about here. Your immune system isn't in your nose matey.


The 5 in 1 vacc. still has harmful chemicals and that is fact if you read the data sheet for that particular vaccine, and we have checked every data sheet for every vaccine offered and checked with my brother who is a chemist, educated at King's college, and you take it from a GP...I have known many GP's some of which were pissed up most of the time, some GP's were good, I have also been clinically dead for 8 minutes whilst being anaesthetised, misdiagnosed, failed surgery due to incompetence, infected during surgery, so you may forgive me if I have a mistrust of the medicall profession. I believe that a good diet for my child and the fact he is breastfed will see him right. Do you remember in the 70's and 80's when dentists removed teeth at will because they were paid for every extraction.....and you will accept what you are told, fine that is your right to do so without criticism....shame you can't return that courtesy.


Your brother is a chemist? What does that mean? What does he do?


And are you actually saying I should question everything the medical profession tells me, but accept everything you're saying without question?


My wife, by the way is a veterinary nurse as I have previously stated so your intake of what you have read seems to be in error, just to be pedantic.


Ah right, I missed that, I just remembered she was a nurse. Yes, I remember it now, you said some rubbish about pit bulls not being dangerous despite having generations of breeding to make them highly aggressive.


I may well be a crackpot as someone else here has stated but time will tell..and then we shall see who the crackpots are.....I must either be in the online presence of oracles, soothsayers, psycics and any other future predictors to be judged so well....I am indeed humbled to amongst such greatness.


Let me ask you this Matt, if you went to one hundred doctors, and nine of them told you you had to undertake a relatively safe medical procedure or you'd be dead in a week, and one told you that the procedure would kill you, what would you do?

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Ans: "Our Slim"? Come here and gimme a hug you big yeti!


Nether did I, never wrote anything about dimly lits rooms with old men, there you go again slim simplifying what I say and making what you say seem complex, articulate and infinitely more intelligent...you really are a piece of work.




On a personal level as stated before I think that this is a planned pandemic orchestrated by the pharmecutical industry to increase thier share values


Why don't you explain how you think this happened then, and why it hasn't worked?



Some of you people really are awful, you attack a person's right to choose for themselves regardless if you think they are wrong even though they believe the choices they make are right for them.....terrible attitude.


No, people are questioning your choices you've made for your kids, that you chose to share on an internet forum.

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Administration of vaccines directly into the bloodstream seems absolutely ridiculous to me considering most viruses are contracted via the nose or mouth and through our respiratory system.


What???? Erm...well viruses enter the body through those orifices. But I would assume that to ensure that the right quantity of vaccine is administered it is done by going straight to the bloodstream. This would seem to me to be common sense. Though in any case, what difference would it made how it is administered?


What I don't understand is your rather extreme and uncommon dislike of vaccines. It is as if you are sure they are bad. Are you really sure? If so, I would not mind reading into these sources myself if you know of any online links and don't mind taking the time to mention them.


But it does stand against what I have heard to be the truth. Tuberculosis and meningitis vaccines do offer protection. As do the hepatitis vaccines. In terms of the former, why take the small but serious risk with your child's health? Just curious.

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Let me ask you this Matt, if you went to one hundred doctors, and nine of them told you you had to undertake a relatively safe medical procedure or you'd be dead in a week, and one told you that the procedure would kill you, what would you do?


Did the other 90 abstain or something?

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The 5 in 1 vacc. still has harmful chemicals and that is fact if you read the data sheet for that particular vaccine, and we have checked every data sheet for every vaccine offered and checked with my brother who is a chemist, educated at King's college, and you take it from a GP...I have known many GP's some of which were pissed up most of the time, some GP's were good, I have also been clinically dead for 8 minutes whilst being anaesthetised, misdiagnosed, failed surgery due to incompetence, infected during surgery, so you may forgive me if I have a mistrust of the medicall profession. I believe that a good diet for my child and the fact he is breastfed will see him right. Do you remember in the 70's and 80's when dentists removed teeth at will because they were paid for every extraction.....and you will accept what you are told, fine that is your right to do so without criticism....shame you can't return that courtesy.


Awesome paragraph. :lol:

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Why no mention of it on MR news this lunch time?


I don't think it's due to ideas being fed into the media. It's the media itself which creates and drives the incessant hyping behind these scare stories - Sky and the BBC have to fill 24hours of news time a day so they will hammer any current issue intothe ground, bringing in endless 'experts' to fill time and add fuel to the fire. Add to that that most of the reporters they have reporting these (sometimes very technical) stories seem to lack the basic education to understand the issues involved and are all vying with each other to produce the most sensationalist,scaremongering reports to boost their profiles (it certainly worked for Robert Peston).


Remember the old journalistic maxim "First simplify, then exaggerate".


See the paradox, damned if you don't, damned if you do...

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Check out the WHO statics on many of the vaccinations and illnesses they treat and you'll find published medical reports detailing the statistics....many of the illnesses vaccinations were created to treat were almost eleiminated decades before the creation of said vaccinations, there is no evidence to support that vaccinations actually work, and how the hell am I putting your children at risk if you have had them vaccinated seeing as you believe they work, herd mentally, that in it's self is a joke, check out published papers about outbreaks in the UK in the mid part of last century and see how Birmingham dealt with it and you will see that herd mentality was the cause of many more deaths than there should have been.


Matt, I'm not a immunologist. I'm not a public health expert. I'm not a doctor. I do trust my GP and the other medical experts who advice for vaccination, I have to. An overwealming number of expert agree that I should get my children vaccinated, so I do so, because I'm not qualified to disagree with them.


If a joiner told you that you needed a new staircase because there was a split in the wood would you buy a new staircase if you weren't qualified to disagree with him?


There is a huge body of evidence to support the effectiveness of vaccinations. We've seen the results of a failure to reach the required level of herd vaccinations with the recent mmr scare, eg:



There is also a huge body of evidence to discredit the effectiveness of vaccinations.


Lots of parents avoided the mmr vaccine for reasons that turned out to be utterly bogus, and now lots of kids are getting measles. Vaccination works, it's important, but it's vital that everyone gets vaccinated, or irresponsible parents like you are putting is all at risk. That's my opinion, it's not personal, but I think you're irresponsible if you decide to give your children no vaccinations at all.


I accept that there was no real evidence to support claims that the mmr vaccine caused autism, personally that didn't influence our decision to not vaccinate.


I didn't say herd mentality. Vaccinations work through herd immunity, stopping the spread of disease from person to person through high levels of immunity through the whole population. No vaccine is 100% effective, and some people can't be vaccinated, so the people who refuse vaccination are putting everyone at risk by reducing the the herd immunity which is exactly what's happening, as predicted, following the reduction of MMR vaccinations.


My apologies for quoting you as saying herd mentality, I stand corrected. If those who are vaccinated and believe that they are very effective should have no problem with people not being vaccinated because they are safe having already built up an immunty to the virus, so what's the issue??


I have no problem with you disagreeing with my opinions but you'll find better communication if you omit the personal attacks especially when it refers to my parenting, after all I could take a guess and assume you are one of those lovely parents who allowed a doctor to stick a needle in your child to administer vitamin K almost as soon as it entered the world rather than oral administration.


For a start off:




horrible, vile, insulting pitiful excuse of a human being


Retalitory insults...I took the bad parenting very much to heart, I love my son with all my heart and consider myself to be a good father, I took two months (unpaid, before anyone kicks off with the old chestnut of overpaid, spoilt government workers) off work when he was born so I could be as recognisable to him as his mum and to support my wife, I don't work overtime and I don't drink....I could go but would only bore you :D


These are personal insults, and totally out of proportion to me suggesting you were acting irresponsibly as a parent. If you can't handle your opinion about vaccinations being commented on, why make them on a public forum? The names you called me don't bother me in the slightest though, carry on if it makes you feel better.


I won't carry on, and the comment in the first place about nonvaccination was merely in conjunction with the swine flu issue, I actually regret stating it as it was my own personal business, little did I know something like that would be so controversial.


Yes, all my babies had vit k. So?


A needle in a newborn rather than by oral administration, given a choice would you personally prefer to have a large needle stuck in you causing you pain and distress on your first day in the world or have a liquid spooned into your mouth 3 times over 21 days?


In the US they are trying to push forward a vaccination which supposedly combats 100 illnesses, do you think that's ok? Administration of vaccines directly into the bloodstream seems absolutely ridiculous to me considering most viruses are contracted via the nose or mouth and through our respiratory system.


No idea what you're on about here. Your immune system isn't in your nose matey.


So viruses can't be taken in to the human body through your nostrils then, I think you'll find the vast majority will disagree with you on that one.


The 5 in 1 vacc. still has harmful chemicals and that is fact if you read the data sheet for that particular vaccine, and we have checked every data sheet for every vaccine offered and checked with my brother who is a chemist, educated at King's college, and you take it from a GP...I have known many GP's some of which were pissed up most of the time, some GP's were good, I have also been clinically dead for 8 minutes whilst being anaesthetised, misdiagnosed, failed surgery due to incompetence, infected during surgery, so you may forgive me if I have a mistrust of the medicall profession. I believe that a good diet for my child and the fact he is breastfed will see him right. Do you remember in the 70's and 80's when dentists removed teeth at will because they were paid for every extraction.....and you will accept what you are told, fine that is your right to do so without criticism....shame you can't return that courtesy.


Your brother is a chemist? What does that mean? What does he do?


It means that when I read through the various datasheets I can ring him up and ask him what chemicals do to people and if they are safe on their own or as a compound when mixed with other chemicals from the datasheet assciated with that particular vaccination as I don't possess that knowledge....I honestly didn't think I'd have to explain that one, I thought it was obvious, oviously not.


And are you actually saying I should question everything the medical profession tells me, but accept everything you're saying without question?


My wife, by the way is a veterinary nurse as I have previously stated so your intake of what you have read seems to be in error, just to be pedantic.


Ah right, I missed that, I just remembered she was a nurse. Yes, I remember it now, you said some rubbish about pit bulls not being dangerous despite having generations of breeding to make them highly aggressive.


Never said anything of the sort, I stated that aggression is not solely down to breed.


I may well be a crackpot as someone else here has stated but time will tell..and then we shall see who the crackpots are.....I must either be in the online presence of oracles, soothsayers, psycics and any other future predictors to be judged so well....I am indeed humbled to amongst such greatness.


Let me ask you this Matt, if you went to one hundred doctors, and nine of them told you you had to undertake a relatively safe medical procedure or you'd be dead in a week, and one told you that the procedure would kill you, what would you do?



I would take the advice of the 99 doctors of course as it was a relatively safe procedure......as opposed to vaccinations being relatively unsafe, due to the fact there is practically as much evidence for and against vaccinations if you bother your arse looking. we spent 8 months, reading published medical journals and papers, trawling the internet, talking to medically qualified people and reading books, we tried to attain as much info for and against as we practically could so that a fair balance could be established then we made a decision, we took this long and made this much effort because we believed this matter to be extremely important......I really don't think that could be classed as irresponsible parenting, I wonder how much time and effort on information gathering you spent on vaccinations before making your decision.


I wonder Slim, if you're the kind of person that would spend 20 grand on a car that you would use for an hour a day getting you from A to B that people could see you in and merely a few hundred quid on a bed which you would use for eight hours a day to make love, recharge your body and dream, but nobody would be able to see you in????

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I wonder Slim, if you're the kind of person that would spend 20 grand on a car that you would use for an hour a day getting you from A to B that people could see you in and merely a few hundred quid on a bed which you would use for eight hours a day to make love, recharge your body and dream, but nobody would be able to see you in????


You're brain is broken. Get to bed.

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I would take the advice of the 99 doctors of course as it was a relatively safe procedure......as opposed to vaccinations being relatively unsafe, due to the fact there is practically as much evidence for and against vaccinations if you bother your arse looking. we spent 8 months, reading published medical journals and papers, trawling the internet, talking to medically qualified people and reading books, we tried to attain as much info for and against as we practically could so that a fair balance could be established then we made a decision, we took this long and made this much effort because we believed this matter to be extremely important......I really don't think that could be classed as irresponsible parenting, I wonder how much time and effort on information gathering you spent on vaccinations before making your decision.


Great, let's see some of this evidence. Show me the links that say the current 5 in 1 vaccination is unsafe, cheers. There's a ton of evidence in favour of vaccines, it's very simple to test for their effectiveness, particularly the 5 in 1.


What medically qualified people advised you against a whooping cough vaccination?


As for me, I agonised about the mmr vacination in particular as one of our kids were due a booster right in the height of the Wakefield nonsense, and spent an awful lot of time researching and asking professionals about it. In the end it boiled down to the fact that you have to trust the people who are qualified to make the call.


As to your distrust of medicine and science, answer me this: Have you ever made a mistake at work? If so, does that make all of your work a mistake?


I wonder Slim, if you're the kind of person that would spend 20 grand on a car that you would use for an hour a day getting you from A to B that people could see you in and merely a few hundred quid on a bed which you would use for eight hours a day to make love, recharge your body and dream, but nobody would be able to see you in????


Where on earth does this come from? I really don't spend much money on cars or beds to be honest. What kind of person does that make me?

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