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Swine Flu Reaches Island


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Urgent Press Release

Swine Flu Update – Advice to Pregnant Women


Following the death of a pregnant woman with Swine Flu (Influenza A/H1N1) there has been increasing concerns amongst pregnant women on island about the risks of swine flu.


The DHSS would like to provide the following information to help pregnant women and to allay their anxieties:


· The patient from Scotland who died of swine flu had other co-existing medical problems. People with underlying chronic health problems are prone to complications of flu such as pneumonia. There have been some deaths especially in the US due to swine flu in people with chronic health problems.


· The vast majority of patients who developed swine flu have made an uneventful recovery without suffering any complications.


· While it is known that pandemic influenza can be severe in pregnant women and can lead to premature delivery, the chances of this are very low.


· Antivirals: The current consensus of opinion from scientific experts is that if a pregnant woman develops swine flu, she should be treated with antivirals.




Advice to pregnant women – avoiding Swine Flu


· There is no cause for any immediate concern – the likelihood of picking up swine flu is very low.


· If you develop swine flu, the chance of suffering any complication is low.


· Follow general hygiene precautions such as frequent hand washing. If you have a cough or sneeze cover your nose and mouth and dispose of your tissues safely.


· Avoid close contact (defined as 1 metre distance) with anyone with flu symptoms.


· If you have had contact with a case of swine flu, the Public Health Directorate will contact you to provide you with tablets to prevent swine flu.


· If possible you should avoid providing direct care for family/friends who have swine flu and you should seek advice from your GP or Public Health if this is unavoidable.


· Work: The majority of pregnant women can continue to work as normal. Your workplace should have hygiene precautions in place to minimise the risk of transmission of swine flu. If your job involves providing health and personal care your employer should make arrangements for you to avoid working where there are known cases of swine flu. Advice can be obtained from your employer, occupational health service or from Public Health.


Advice to pregnant women – If you develop symptoms


· Please make sure you have a supply of paracetamol to control your fever and a thermometer to check your temperature.


· If you have returned from an affected area (which at present includes the UK) and develop flu symptoms, contact your GP by phone immediately.


· Antiviral drugs are most effective the earlier you take them but DO NOT take them unless advised by a Doctor or Nurse. While there is not much experience with using antiviral drugs in pregnancy, no serious side effects have been reported.


· Breastfeeding: If you are breastfeeding your baby and develop flu, continue to breast feed the baby. The breast milk offers protection to the baby from many infections. Do not stop breast feeding because you have been or are taking medicines for your flu.


· If in doubt seek advice from your GP or Midwife.


For further information contact,

Director of Public Health

Dr P Kishore

Public Health Directorate,

Crookall House, Demesne Road, Douglas, IM1 3QA.

Tel: +44 (0)1624 642688

Fax: +44 (0)1624 642684

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I want to get it in the first wave too. Although maybe not until after the Island Games.


The second wave (expected around Xmas) will be much more serious.



I will be pig sick if i get it at christmas :P

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If someone near to one of these 'common cold' H1/N1 infections gets Tamiflu and fails to make an immune response against H1/N1 and then dies in the winter of a more severe version, then how stupid are the DHSS and government going to look in the face of the inevitable mass of huge and crippling legal actions that would quite justifiably follow... There is no way that they could claim they were acting on good advice or science, because so far, the WHO has demonstrated little of that in its disproportionate response.


We have been threatened with the worry that next Winter will see a peak of a more serious H1/N1. What basis?

Is there evidence that Tamiflu does not interfere with the natural immune response? If there is no good scientific evidence that generation of natural immunity is unimpaired by Tamiflu, then administration of the drug without good evidence of a meritable risk amounts to recklessness!


If the government is spending milllions on stocks of vaccines and drugs without good scientific cause, then they are going to want value for money by looking for excuses to use them. This is EXACTLY what has happened with the huge stocks of Ciprofloxacin stockpiled after the fake Anthrax panic that spread across the globe in the pretextual phase of the Iraq invasion. Subsequently, there has been overuse and increasing resistance to this valuable antibiotic.

There are some sinister forces at play in the pharmaceutical industry trying to create markets where demand does not naturally exist, and this is tantamount to evil as it plays on fear and insecurity for profit. It is economic terrorism.


Think of the recent 'medicalisation' of the following, with the drug 'answers' pumped onto the market: Obesity? Female sexual dysfunction? 'Depression' (read - unhappiness and dissatisfaction)? Imaginary Flu? Terror Germ Epidemics? Juvenile Conduct Disorder? Manufactured conditions originating from marketing ideas in the Pharmaceuticals Industry!


People should be ultra-cautious of this whole current panic, which as a blatant exercise in mass-manipulation through the media! A response should be proportionate to a need.

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We have been threatened with the worry that next Winter will see a peak of a more serious H1/N1. What basis?


Could it be because that is what happened in the Spanish Flu after the Great War, and in the Asian Flu of 1957 (where two of our school died) - there were three waves, the later waves being more serious than the first wave.


As Ans says, best to get it now if you can.


And I heard that those who got the 1957 flu may be immune from this, as apparently no-one over 60 has contracted the new version. Anyone know the facts on this?

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And I heard that those who got the 1957 flu may be immune from this, as apparently no-one over 60 has contracted the new version. Anyone know the facts on this?



I don’t know about that but it does appear that children and young adults are the most susceptible to it. Early figures showed that two thirds of cases were under 18 years old with a median of 15 years. Most hospitals aren’t geared up to deal with large numbers of children and it will be quite a challenge for them if lots of youngsters get sick.


I seem to recall the government saying that they won’t shut the schools if it spreads but I would expect that decision to be reversed. Latest evidence is that you can significantly slow the spread of the virus by shutting down these types of closed communities. The knock on effect will be that quite a number of people will be removed from the workplace to care for their kids, regardless of whether or not they have the virus.

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Baxter pharmaceduticals has stated that it will have a vaccination ready for delivery to WHO for H1N1 by July...this is the same company that carried live avian flu in their vaccinations that it was shipping out acroos the world...good luck taking their latest, but then again as the resident genius Slim has pointed out vaccines are safe and you should trust the professionals....what a toby!!


Oh, and apparently Brazil doctors/analysts have found a new strain of H1N1 from a patient they examined and took samples from.

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Baxter pharmaceduticals has stated that it will have a vaccination ready for delivery to WHO for H1N1 by July...this is the same company that carried live avian flu in their vaccinations that it was shipping out acroos the world...good luck taking their latest, but then again as the resident genius Slim has pointed out vaccines are safe and you should trust the professionals....what a toby!!


Bawden, you're in a very dim minority if you don't agree with vaccination, so why don't you keep your stupid head down?


Have you ever made a mistake at work? Any mistake, no matter how small? Did that mistake mean that all your work for the rest of your life is worthless and tainted?

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Baxter pharmaceduticals has stated that it will have a vaccination ready for delivery to WHO for H1N1 by July...this is the same company that carried live avian flu in their vaccinations that it was shipping out acroos the world...good luck taking their latest, but then again as the resident genius Slim has pointed out vaccines are safe and you should trust the professionals....what a toby!!


Bawden, you're in a very dim minority if you don't agree with vaccination, so why don't you keep your stupid head down?


Have you ever made a mistake at work? Any mistake, no matter how small? Did that mistake mean that all your work for the rest of your life is worthless and tainted?



Well I could take your advice and keep my stupid head down but then who would give the alternate view to your incessent ramblings, we don't yet live in a totallitarian state so adhering to the dictates of one aspect to a particular subject would seem foolish given the amount of information at our disposal.

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Well I could take your advice and keep my stupid head down but then who would give the alternate view to your incessent ramblings, we don't yet live in a totallitarian state so adhering to the dictates of one aspect to a particular subject would seem foolish given the amount of information at our disposal.


Amount of information? Why don't you provide some, your silence was deafening when challenged. I'm not suggesting a totalitarian state, but some people definitely need some guidance.

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Well I could take your advice and keep my stupid head down but then who would give the alternate view to your incessent ramblings, we don't yet live in a totallitarian state so adhering to the dictates of one aspect to a particular subject would seem foolish given the amount of information at our disposal.


Amount of information? Why don't you provide some, your silence was deafening when challenged. I'm not suggesting a totalitarian state, but some people definitely need some guidance.



I could provide you with information but seeing as I'm not your little bitch and you have not provided me with any backing up your viewpoint, I won't...besides if someone like me with a stupid head and part of a dim minority can find it I'm sure someone akin to Albert Einstein like yourself should find it a piece of piss with a few strokes of your keyboard...massah!


Sheep need guidance and blind people.


I do get entertained by your futile attempts at discrediting what I say because so far you have yet to provide anything with substance merely a one dimensional personal opinion....I could have easily matched your accusations of being an irresponsible parent because you allowed your children to be vaccinated.....remember...Hitler said it was right to kill Jews and many who didn't agree carried out his wishes...the most dangerous people in the world are the obedient and compliant!!

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Proof that immunisation works? I don't need to look hard, when's the last time you heard of a child die of whooping cough? How about the rise in measles since the reduction in mmr vaccines:




As to proof that vaccination is safe, which vaccination? Which are unsafe in your opinion? What else don't you allow near your child? Do they have any plastic toys? Do you put your baby in the car? Where do you draw the line at risk?

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I hate wilful ignorance and the distortion of evidence and its replacement with prejudice and anecdote.


It looks like Matt Bawden is such a person.


Here we go again, I'm sure we'll have a diatribe that the WHO is in the pocket of evil drug companies and the CDC actively promotes the poisoning of people.


If people can read the following links they'll find objective, fact based information attempting to provide people with an understanding that though the risks of vaccination are not zero the risks are far outweighed by the advantages of maintaining vacination levels sufficient to ensure a "herd protection" within a populaton.





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