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Coke Zero Banned In Venezuela


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Coca Cola said at the launch it aimed to increase its market share for low calorie drinks by 200%.


Venezuela's anti-capitalist government took the decision to block the product at a time of increased scrutiny of businesses.


There's your answer.


Although, I've heard of doctors saying to avoid it if you're prone to heart palpatations.

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There is a few studies that link aspartame to all sorts of nasty symptoms, all I know is it gives me serious migraines, makes me feel sick and tastes like shit, I can even smell the stuff in most sugar free drinks. Meaning I can't eat chewing gum or drink most cordials or anything diet.

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Coca Cola said at the launch it aimed to increase its market share for low calorie drinks by 200%.


Venezuela's anti-capitalist government took the decision to block the product at a time of increased scrutiny of businesses.


There's your answer.


Although, I've heard of doctors saying to avoid it if you're prone to heart palpatations.


I think I am being really thick, in respect of your quote I don't understand the point you just made. Are you saying it has nothing to do with health risks at all?

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There is a few studies that link aspartame to all sorts of nasty symptoms, all I know is it gives me serious migraines, makes me feel sick and tastes like shit, I can even smell the stuff in most sugar free drinks. Meaning I can't eat chewing gum or drink most cordials or anything diet.


Asparatame is nasty. I really don't understand it how people can use Canderel and drink Diet Coke - but Coke Zero isn't so bad.


I did look on the internet and apparently Coke Zero in South American (Venezuela is of course not mentioned) contains Sodium Cyclamate. That apparently makes you goolies shrivel up.

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I had a chat with Hugo Chavez last night and we just talked about football and stuff, he didn't tell me his exact reasons.


However, I did read the article you linked to, and by adding that to the end of the article the writer is implying that it may be a political decision. It's not saying it has nothing at all to do with health risks.

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I did look on the internet and apparently Coke Zero in South American (Venezuela is of course not mentioned) contains Sodium Cyclamate. That apparently makes you goolies shrivel up.


That reason alone makes me want to give my remaining 4 cans away to someone else.

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I dont know about venezuela, but the diet cokes and zero stuff should be banned worldwide! The yanks developed aspartame as a neurological weapon of war, then decided...hmmm this tastes sweet, lets poison multitudes of people with it and sell it in cheap drinks sold to the young and vulnerable ....sorry for the rant but it has given me severe migraines too, before I knew what the stuff was . :angry:

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ive never understood people drinking any kind of diet drink tbh, i have read very many things saying that the ingredients can cause all kinds of health issues, and other studies that say they are fine. I personally wouldnt take the chance, plus I think they taste horrid, if you are worried about calories water rocks, it has none hehe. I worry about the processing involved with anything that takes things out, have you seen programmes about what they do to make things 'lower fat', some foods/recipes "need" fat for teh texture we are used to, so therefore they put all kinds of crap in, and do all kinds of weird chemically things to remove fat or sugar or caffeine or any other thing people are worried about, as I say just dont eat/drink things that contain the element oyu are worried about is my opinion... try to eat and drink things that have as little tampering/processing as possible has to be better for you and your digestion imho xxx

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