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Coke Zero Banned In Venezuela


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I dont know about venezuela, but the diet cokes and zero stuff should be banned worldwide! The yanks developed aspartame as a neurological weapon of war, then decided...hmmm this tastes sweet, lets poison multitudes of people with it and sell it in cheap drinks sold to the young and vulnerable ....sorry for the rant but it has given me severe migraines too, before I knew what the stuff was . :angry:


I think saccharin is the best bet if you are going to use sweeteners.

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I dont know about venezuela, but the diet cokes and zero stuff should be banned worldwide! The yanks developed aspartame as a neurological weapon of war, then decided...hmmm this tastes sweet, lets poison multitudes of people with it and sell it in cheap drinks sold to the young and vulnerable ....sorry for the rant but it has given me severe migraines too, before I knew what the stuff was . :angry:


I think saccharin is the best bet if you are going to use sweeteners.


To be honest saccharine can be just as bad, I tend to avoid all artificial sweeteners as I tend to have reactions to all of them.


What's wrong with using good old fashioned natural tried and tested sugar?

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To be honest saccharine can be just as bad, I tend to avoid all artificial sweeteners as I tend to have reactions to all of them.


What's wrong with using good old fashioned natural tried and tested sugar?


Rots your teeth and makes you fat.

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ive never understood people drinking any kind of diet drink tbh, i have read very many things saying that the ingredients can cause all kinds of health issues, and other studies that say they are fine. I personally wouldnt take the chance, plus I think they taste horrid, if you are worried about calories water rocks, it has none hehe. I worry about the processing involved with anything that takes things out, have you seen programmes about what they do to make things 'lower fat', some foods/recipes "need" fat for teh texture we are used to, so therefore they put all kinds of crap in, and do all kinds of weird chemically things to remove fat or sugar or caffeine or any other thing people are worried about, as I say just dont eat/drink things that contain the element oyu are worried about is my opinion... try to eat and drink things that have as little tampering/processing as possible has to be better for you and your digestion imho xxx[/quote.



It makes shopping take sooo much longer now reading labels and trying to find products with as few ingredients as possible. Eating or drinking extreme ammounts of anything is going to hurt you somehow. Moderation and a little knowledge are the key. I'm sure the likes of huge supermarket chains would have empty shelves if they took away all the products which were dodgy to eat or made using processes which are unethical. yummmm!

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It makes shopping take sooo much longer now reading labels and trying to find products with as few ingredients as possible. Eating or drinking extreme ammounts of anything is going to hurt you somehow. Moderation and a little knowledge are the key. I'm sure the likes of huge supermarket chains would have empty shelves if they took away all the products which were dodgy to eat or made using processes which are unethical. yummmm!


But you have so many things to consider. Low fat, low processing, low GI, low salt, low carbon footprint, fairtrade, and not buying stuff from multi-million pound business supermarkets.

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