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"bizarre" Decision Could Cost 100 Jobs


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I thought some of the postings on here were a bit unfair. Do any of you know how many manx workers Dandara employ that support the construction onsite ie Architects, Engineers, Project Managers, Site Managers, Accountants, Clerks, Secretaries, Van Drivers etc. They have a massive overhead based on the Island that is supported by the construction of new homes on the Island. Stop some of their Developments from proceeding and you will find that a lot of these jobs will be cut. THESE ARE REAL JOBS SUPPORTING REAL LOCAL FAMILIES.

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I thought some of the postings on here were a bit unfair. Do any of you know how many manx workers Dandara employ that support the construction onsite ie Architects, Engineers, Project Managers, Site Managers, Accountants, Clerks, Secretaries, Van Drivers etc. They have a massive overhead based on the Island that is supported by the construction of new homes on the Island. Stop some of their Developments from proceeding and you will find that a lot of these jobs will be cut. THESE ARE REAL JOBS SUPPORTING REAL LOCAL FAMILIES.


They also have the most permits

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They have a massive overhead based on the Island that is supported by the construction of new homes on the Island. Stop some of their Developments from proceeding and you will find that a lot of these jobs will be cut. THESE ARE REAL JOBS SUPPORTING REAL LOCAL FAMILIES.


If I had the idea of putting a moon factory on Douglas Head that would employ 10,000 people making moons for the next ten years, and the government told me I couldn't because they wanted Douglas Head to be moon free - then would it be the government's fault that those 10,000 jobs were lost?


There is either a need to build buildings or there isn't. If Dandara have promised people jobs because they might get planning permission on a certain site, then that is their fault.


What's probably peed them off more than anything is that they haven't got their own way for a change.

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I am sorry but isnt a free market supply and demand ?


I have no problems with these builders in fact i take my hat off to them they have plugged a gap in the market and done well out of it, but what i do find crazy that houses and flats are being built and nobody is buying them surely that has a knock on effect for all the homeowners.


Nevermind the people they employ and from what i hear there is more from the UK than from here, what about the thousands of people who will have negative equity in there homes i think that is the main problem.


Dandara and its companies can build elsewhere and then comeback when the market is bouyant again instead of flooding the market.


I was told that every house sold the next door is profit so work that out on a large estate that is a 100% return on youre money no wonder they are building more.


Good luck Mr Dandara i just wish i was him lol

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Sir Dick the site in question isnt a green field but an old derelict garage. Shouldnt the Island be encouraging Developments such as these where old buildings are transformed. This surely will enhance the appearance of our Island and doesnt impact on the countryside.


Crumlin again you are talking about on site workers not their overhead infrastructure and dont forget their suppliers who in the majority are Local Companies who rely on their buisness.


Dandara are not a Company that normally make any comments on planning matters and for this reason alone I would sit up and take note of what they are saying. A massive demise of this Company on the Island would have serious repercussions for the Islands Construction Industry.

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I don't always agree with his viewpoints, but I think BOM speaks some sense on this one.


Whilst I agree that Heritage / Dandara do bring many of their workforce to the Island, they still use the local Labour force to a fair degree. As Billy says, not just for the 'ground' staff either, think of the professionals involved and the training they commit to, using local providers. Not just Black and White.


And Negative Equity. Again, you can't just blame the Property Developer. The Estate Agents should carry the can just as much for the 'inflated' property market, and yet only recently have we started to hear them warn off pricing your property too high. Why? Because they aren't selling as quickly as before and (shock horror) they are actually having to work to sell properties.


And it's not quite as simple as....Building lots of properties causes Negative Equity.


Personally, Heritage flooding the market with unsold £300,000 apartments won't cause negative equity in my property band, and I should imagine, neither will it for many, many others.

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We self built and saved a bit


i would love to self build over here but it just doesn't seem to be feasible?? where are there lots for sale? at home in canada, a 'sub-division' is cleared, lots are sold and then you go ahead and build your house. i would much rather build my own house - my father is an architect, carpenter and is project manager for innovative(environmentally friendly) housing. i would much rather build a project with him then to go into one of dandara's cardboard houses.


is it really feasible over here to self build??

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There have been rumours for months about plans to completely redevelop that area. There's talk of a cinema, shops, making it pedestrian only.


If all this is true, then the gov may well already have plans for that area, and may well have decided that they don't want a load of flats there.


Are they supposed to go back on these plans just because Dandara have promised a load of people work on the wrong assumption that they'd get planning permission?

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Dandara are not a Company that normally make any comments on planning matters


I agree, but as they've pretty much got their own way over the past decade they've never really needed to speak out. Its only recently with the government saying no, Dandara are throwing their toys out the pram.


The government must have their reasons to refuse the application.

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The Government planned to redevelope the harbour about five years ago, and North quay was to be a pedestrian zone with shops, offices, pubs and a marina. They have already spent a lot of momey in this area and Dandara is not the only developer to be turned down at planning.

Billy is right in saying its not a green field site, it was not ten years ago and thats when they should of built homes there, instead of on green field sites.

Douglas Corpy have green field sites but have not used them, they have done the right thing redevelope old sites, Pulrose, Lord street flats, Westmorland road/Tynwald street all well done.

The Island is awash with appartments, most empty and owned by investers from off Island, the same people who if they wished could offload them at a loss with no care for the Island or its people. Ask anyone from Jersey what impact these developers had on its Island.

As someone else has said many have bought small homes and appartments at say 160/180k and if the Developer has a stock pile of similar houses he too could offload at a greatly reduced price and leave the Island and its families with negative equity.



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So far in this thread, the potential for negative equity has been blamed on the Developers, the Government, estate agents and the people people who buy to let.


I'd like to be the first here to also blame the mortgage lenders and the consumers.


Actually I don't blame anyone really. It's called the housing market. Nobody is independent - and absolutely everyone has an agenda.


I don't like the Dandara style (sic) - but I certainly don't believe that Government and local government should use the planning process in an attempt to fiddle with house prices.


EDIT: However I don't believe that there should be any further significant housing built in Ramsey whilst the s4it & sanitary products still gets pumped into the bay. Perhaps the potential developers could be encouraged to fund a temporary solution until Ramsey is connected to the fabulous thingy. That would be a proper reason for rejecting a planning application.

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This is the solution to a lot of property problems








this is the tip of the iceberg self build is more and more worthwhile.


of course you have to employ LOCAL BUILDERS to build the thing but thats better than giving £100.000 profit to a developer


i personally think if you spent £100.000 on a self build you would have a palace

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